
Reborn in Versatile Mage With the Fire of Amaterasu

Reborn into the world of a full-time mage, beginning with Amaterasu's blessing. Per chapter will be between 2000 and 3000 words. There is no system! This is a Fanfic that only focuses on the world of Versatile Mage. Mo Fan and Tom Curi (the protagonist of the FF), will have a good relationship, but will not interact much with each other. Tom Curi, the protagonist of this article, knows the world of versatile mage, so he will try to follow the plot at first, but sometimes the plot can change quite a bit due to his intervention. In short, the general trend remains unchanged and the small trend can be changed. The pairings are going to be voted on, if you want to give ideas, you are more than welcome to share them. Smallharem!

Shadow7Blue · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

9: Mu Family Banquet

After Tom Curi finished his Amaterasu disguise he went to the reception of the hotel where he was staying with many strange looks from the people since no one had seen him enter and he was unrecognizable.

"Excuse me sir is there something I can help you with?" the receptionist asked respectfully despite not knowing who the person in front of her was.

"Yes, tell the driver to bring my car," said Amaterasu.

"This excuse me..., Sir you are?" asked a little embarrassed the receptionist.

Without answering her, Amaterasu took out his hunter ID and instantly the receptionist opened her eyes wide, you could see on her face that she was very surprised, this is because the instant she saw the ID she realized who she was talking to now.

"I'll let the coachman know right away, Sir. Amaterasu, forgive me for not recognizing you" said the receptionist embarrassed for not recognizing the most important tenant of the hotel, while also trying to disguise her obvious scan of Amaterasu's current profile.

Inwardly the receptionist said to herself "He's kind of cute."

"That's understandable, don't worry and if you'll excuse me I'll be waiting outside for my transportation to arrive" saying that Amaterasu left, he couldn't blame the poor girl for not recognizing him, after all, before his Amaterasu persona was short, hunched over, wearing a robe that covered his entire body along with a straw hat and a balaclava. While now he wore a very elegant black suit, he wore no mask, and if it were not for the glasses on his face you could see his whole profile.

Soon after he left the Hotel, a nice black car was waiting for him, this one was very similar to the Mercedes EQS and it was powered by magic lightning stones, so it was electric. This was the car that Amaterasu had decided to rent, it was one of the most expensive cars that could be found in Bo City.

After getting into the car, he arrived at the Mu family residence in a short time.

He got out of the car with his new appearance and went straight to Mu's Manor, at the entrance of the big iron gate of Mu's Manor two guards of the family were receiving the invitations, without thinking much, Amaterasu gave his invitation and entered without paying attention to the fact that the guard who received his invitation looked completely surprised, and finally when he came out of his stupor, he left the entrance quickly as if he had something urgent to do.

As Amaterasu entered the residence, he was surprised by how elegant everything was, you could see at a glance that the head of the Mu family had put a lot of effort into tonight's banquet celebration.

Most of the people at the banquet were not recognizable to Amaterasu, just as he was starting to get a little nervous about the awkward situation of not knowing anyone he saw some somewhat familiar figures and these were the same members of the city law enforcement team he met a few days ago when he helped them with the magic monster and there was also Caitang who was wearing a sexy black cheongsam that he was sure to wear to match it, after all, she had asked him what he was going to wear and Amaterasu had no problem telling her.

When Amaterasu was about to approach to say hello, he could see the guard at the entrance approaching Caitang in a hurry and saying something in her ear, automatically Caitang seemed very excited and looked around the room looking for something, after a while their eyes met and she was first surprised when she saw him, but it was not long before she nodded happily and gave him a smile that only made her look better in that black dress and after a while, he could see how her delicate and beautiful legs were rushing to where Amaterasu was.

Before he could even greet Caitang, she grabbed him by the right arm and hugged him as if they were a couple pressing her arm in the middle of his chest, "I was waiting for you, Sir. Amaterasu, I thought you might not come, we have some of the best chefs in the city of Bo and they are guaranteed to satisfy your tastes, by the way, I like your new Look."

"Thank you Miss Caitang, I thought it was time to make myself known a little more, you know, to avoid certain unpleasant problems regarding the Black Vatican. I must also say that that dress looks wonderful on you" Amaterasu answered politely.

It was no lie, a banquet celebrated by an important family such as the Mu family was, was a good moment for everyone to recognize his new look and save him trouble by showing himself as Amaterasu in the future.

Caitang blushed a little but quickly replied "I see, I can understand your reasons and I'm glad you like the way I look."

Caitang was very surprised by Amaterasu's appearance, no one had ever seen what master Amaterasu looked like under the robe and hat he wore, so it was quite a surprise to her that he had decided to show himself for the first time at his Mu family's banquet and from what she could see, he was much younger than she expected, just by his physique and face it was obvious that he was no older than 25 years and considering that he was considered a high-level mage only 5 years ago, that could only mean that he was less than 20 years old when he became a 1 star Master Hunter and high-level mage, which was unheard of in all of China, he was a genius, no, Sir. Amaterasu was a monster, such a powerful and impressive person must be part of some extremely important family, but at first glance, he could not recognize him as a member of any known family in China.

"Maybe he is a foreigner," thought Caitang as he took Amaterasu to greet the Banquet guests, she soon saw his captain entering the hall, so she decided to go and greet him together with Amaterasu.

"Captain, Xu Da Huang, you are finally here, come in quickly, let me formally introduce you to Sir. Amaterasu" said Guo Caitang standing in the doorway as she greeted his captain cheerfully while holding tightly onto Amaterasu's arm and proudly introducing him.

"Oh, Caitang, I must say how impressive today's banquet is, and Sir. Amaterasu it is a pleasure to see you again, I thank you again as the captain of the Bo City hunter detachment for your help the other days," the captain said formally, but you could tell he was very excited to be in front of Amaterasu.

"As I said at the time, I was just passing by, it was no problem to help, and it's also good to see you again, maybe you can introduce me to your group since I couldn't find out their names before?"

"Sure sure, Caitang let's go with the rest of the group so we can introduce them to Sir. Amaterasu"

The three of them moved just from the door to the hall where there was a small group of people.

"Captain, Caitang, it's good to see you," said Xiao Ke one of the members of the group of hunters, who was also wearing a beautiful navy blue dress, which clung nicely to her well-outlined curves.

"Hahaha, we have to thank you Caitang, if it wasn't for you, we hunters from the small town of Bo would never have the opportunity to visit the houses of rich people like the Mu family" Fei Shi another member said happily while patting his stomach satisfied with the food served at the banquet.

"By the way Caitang, who is your companion?" asked Li Wenjie, the man in his mouth was Amaterasu who was glued to Caitang, it was logical that he did not recognize him, after all, he looked nothing like the man who had helped them a few days ago, now he was taller, muscular, young and above all, you could see his face, something he did not show before.

When Guo Caitang heard his companion Li Wenjie's question, pride shone in his eyes and he airily replied while puffing out his chest, "Well, let me introduce Sir. Amaterasu."

"What????!" the whole group was surprised all at once, he looked nothing like the shadowy man they had seen a few days ago.

"Good morning, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself properly the other days, I had other business to attend to, you can call me Amaterasu from now on."

"This...., it's a pleasure to meet you, sir, I'm Li Wen Jie, a wind mage" a handsome long-haired boy introduced himself.

"H-hello, I'm Xiao Ke, a water element mage," said a weak-looking woman from her voice.

"Hey awesome, now I can brag to other hunters that Mr. Amaterasu and I share the same look," said a happy chubby guy while pointing at their bald heads as if it was quite an accomplishment, making the whole group put their hand to their face at their teammate's awkward comment.

"Ahem TosTos" interrupted the captain to the member of his group, not to make Sir. Amaterasu for his inappropriate comment, he really had to teach him ways to treat important people later.

"Oh, sorry I got sidetracked, my name is Fei Shi, I am an earth mage, it is an honor to meet again Sir. Amaterasu" said the chubby bald man, smiling.

"Thank you all, if you have any problems or questions in the future, Caitang already has my contact so you can turn to her to contact me," said Amaterasu without paying much attention to Fei Shi's comment about their bald heads to the great relief of the whole group, well, after all, he wasn't really bald, so he couldn't care less about that matter.

"I thank you for your availability and consideration, Sir. Amaterasu, if anything comes up we will take it into consideration, now Caitang, I think Sir. Amaterasu should go introduce himself to other important figures at the banquet don't you think?" thanked the captain and recommended to his vice-captain to introduce Amaterasu to the other guests

"Oh, yes, right, you are right captain, so Sir. Amaterasu what do you think?" asked an embarrassed Caitang who was lost in her comfort next to Amaterasu.

It so happened that Guo Caitang was lost in Amatereasu's muscular arm that she was currently hugging happily.

"Sure, it wouldn't be right if I didn't introduce myself, after all, I doubt others can recognize me, see you later then" Amaterasu agreed and together with Caitang walked away from the group.

After introducing himself and conversing with several of the banquet guests for a while, Amaterasu encountered a tall, muscular man who did not have that air of elegance that most of the guests let on, Tom Curi had a slight idea of who this person might be at first glance but decided to first introduce himself and strike up a conversation to make sure.

"Good sir, sorry to interrupt you at your meal, I'm hunter Amaterasu from the Imperial Capital, I think I recognize you from somewhere, I don't know if I'm wrong."

"Mmmmm Amaterasu?... Right, Amaterasu, long time man, to think you were so young, if I had known at the time it would have saved me a lot of trouble with so many formalities, I must say your previous hunter outfit doesn't suit you at all man" the man who was eating in the banquet hall recognized him after a few moments of thinking about the name and then stared at Amaterasu next to his new appearance not at all comparable to his previous one that was so grim to everyone.

"Hahahahah as would be expected of you Zhangkong, that mouth is still just as rude as ever, are you here just to eat and drink?" laughed Amaterasu at the behavior of his old acquaintance.

"Tos, what are you talking about man!!!, I am now commander of the army in Bo city, the ultimate military authority around here, it is a formality for me to show up for these high-class gatherings" replied Zhankong as he continued to eat.

"I imagine it is of utmost importance your presence hahaha, but look what a surprise, army commander, to think back then you were just a captain still, you haven't done badly."

"Well, I have to thank you a bit for that man, fortunately, after the completion of the extermination mission that time I was promoted directly, otherwise, I wouldn't know how long I would have to wait. Now putting that aside, I didn't think you and Miss Caitang would be so attached' he thanked and then pointed at Caitang who had left him to go find the head of the Mu family and inform him that he had arrived.

"Nothing like that, you seem to feel stunned at me just because of what I represent as Amaterasu, now changing the subject, as the commander in chief of the city, you must be very aware of what is going on right?" asked Amaterasu, he intended to help a little in the Bo City situation without intervening directly, so that way the magic association could not bother him.

"Mmmm so that's why you are around these parts, we still don't have many answers for what is happening and those who know are not interested in talking, they think it is not necessary to inform us of such things, idiots, a little power and they already think they are a big deal, tell me, did you find out anything interesting?"

Zhangkong looked quite angry when mentioning the superiors who did not agree to give him information.

"Well actually I know a thing or two, but it should be treated with extreme care, you know the kind of problems I have with the magic association and they recently sent Tang Yue to find out my intentions around these parts."

"With that being the case, tell me, man, I will be as careful as possible with the information you give me."

"For starters, it seems that the Black Vatican have their eyes on Bo City, and I suspect they already have several involved within the city, if I were you, I would take special care in Yu Ang and Mu He, pay attention to their movements, I suspect they are from the Black Holy See!" Amaterasu told Zhan Kong what he knew without giving too many details.

"Your man is very well informed! How do you know this, as for Yu Ang I can keep an eye on him, but when it comes to Mu He, it's hard to say, he's not easy to keep an eye on, it would be really troublesome if he was from the Black Vatican, I have no power over him and without solid evidence, Mu He can't be touched!"

"Well I have my ways, you could say it's confidential..." said Amaterasu.

"You...!, ufff, okay, I understand, tell me what else you know" sighed Zhangkong and ended up accepting what little information he could have, after all, he knew Amaterasu and any information he could give him was better than nothing.

Zhangkong knew that the demons of Bo City have been more active lately and from the information that Amaterasu was giving him, it seemed that all this had to do with the Black Holy See.

Amaterasu on his side knew that the Black Vatican must have already started preparations for the future canon events, and felt the need to do something, no matter how small, so he decided to inform Zhankong of some things he knew without giving too many details, previously Bo City was taken by surprise by the Black Holy See, now he hoped that at least they will be more prepared with their small intervention in the events.

"I also suspect that the Black Vatican may be experimenting with the monsters and even controlling them for some future plan in Bo City, I would recommend being extremely careful of the demons lose around the city, and pay attention to all avenues by which the monsters could enter Bo City, be it the old military outposts, the mountains or even the sewers because the monsters that are outside the city can enter Bo City through some open channel, it is extremely dangerous, you can make the hunters pay attention to the sewers of Bo City and clean the monsters in them to avoid accidents, according to my observation, they may be plotting something on a large scale, so be careful commander in chief" explained Amaterasu.