
Reborn In The Multiverse With A Unlimited Upgrade System


Aritra_99 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs


" Let me show you why you should not have arrived on this planet." I said and was about to move before the voice of the system stopped me

< It is recommended that host transports himself and the targets elsewhere before going all out. This planet will not be able to withstand host's full power>

'Alright. Thanks for the warning.'

Crouching down on the spot where I was standing I moved. It was so fast that the onlookers could not even see my movements. Same goes for the Otsutsukis. Seeing me apparently disappear they went on guard but it proved futile. 

Arriving in front of Urashiki I kicked him straight in his stomach with full force. He spat out large amounts of blood before shooting out like a cannon. Lifting my hand at his direction I used the space energy to create a rift in space connecting to the ice dimension of Kaguya. Seeing their subordinate being kicked around like trash Momoshiki and Isshiki got angry. Turning on their byakugan they locked it on me in the hopes of seeing my movements. 

After sending Urashiki through the rift I closed it. Although Otsutsukis are strong the chances of him coming out of that attack unharmed is less than zero. it will take a few minutes for him to repair his injuries. Enough for me to send the rest of the party to him. At this point my back was facing the three. Sensing two byakugans locking on me I slightly turned my head and looked at them from the corner of my left eye.

" You think your lowly dojutsu can help you to see my movements?" I asked with mirth in my voice.

Gritting their teeth they were going to reply but I did not let them. Vanishing from their sight again to the astonishment of the two who thought that I cannot escape their vision, I appeared behind Momoshiki and Kinshiki who were standing side by side. Using Chidori I plunged my hands through both of their chests at the same time. 

" W-what!!" Kinshiki sputtered out blood. Momoshiki too was injured and his mouth filled with his blood and mind with disbelief. From his childhood he was taught that Otsutsukis were invincible Gods, but today a lowly human has not only misbehaved with them but he was able to plunge his hand through his chest. Although not fatal for him it would require some time to heal.

Meanwhile I created two portals connecting to the Ice Dimension under theeir feet and dropped them in it before closing it. " And now the Bitch remains." I said taunting Isshiki.

Fuming with anger and seeing that his people were effortlessly defeated and disposed off he was going to retreat like the previous time. but before he could move he heard a voice next to his ear

"Did I give you the permission to move ? INSECT"

Turning his head he meet the sight of Lucifer with Blood red Rinnesharingan in both his eyes. Widening his eyes he was met with a Punch to his face before he could move away. When he woke up from the shock of the attack he saw the rest of the otsutsukis he brought with him laying on an ice covered mountain trying to repair the injuries they suffered. Looking up he saw a blue portal forming in the air. Lucifer walked in through the portal and closed it behind him.

" Now that we are not on the elemental Nations, we can finally start the real battle. I dearly hope that the top level Otsutsukis are not as weak as you because if they are then it would not be fun to slaughter them." I taunted. " Now then, remember this, The people of The elemental Nations are watching us. Even though you bunch are pathetically weak I expect you to go all out." Changing my tone to a deep and filled with malice I said my next word," Because if you don't I will slaughter you like the pigs you are."


I was going to intervene in this war to collect all the tailed beast and complete the eternal tsukiomye. But fighting Lucifer would be a problem. A huge one. He is powerful, a lot more than he was when he killed me. So facing him alone would be a problem. But I have the rinnegan with me this time. Also this edo tensei body will not perish easily. 

He was making his preparations but could not get in contact with black zetsu anymore. Little did he know that the black Goo was trapped and sealed away by Kaguya when it went to convince her that she was being manipulated by Lucifer.

Kaguya POV

"Yes that Black Goo tried to convince me to kill lucifer. So I sealed it away. Lucifer had warned me of it beforehand and suspected it to be the consciousness of the ten tails which tried to corrupt my clone. Got what it deserved. When it came to me I trapped it using truth seeking orbs and sealed it using some very powerful seals created by lucifer himself. Actually all the commanders were given these seals to seal black zetsu if they spotted him.


Before I could move to the battle field and start my mission A screen appeared in front of me again." Not this again." Seeing the battle field with my eyes i could see that the jinchurikis have been captured and the kages have been killed. Their bodies left in a pile. More than half of the Shinobi army had been killed according to my estimates.

But all of this was small compared to the four white beings hovering in the sky. Listening to the conversation I could understand who they were." Otsitsukis"

I who know of Kaguya Otsutsuki was perplexed by the appearance of more of her clan members." Weren't they supposed to be dead with kaguya the last of them?? What the hell, is going on? I need to know the entire story.

Seeing Lucifer take on the four beings and dealing with them in seconds a chill went down my spine. I, Madara Uchiha am no coward, but this man makes me fearful. Observing the battle I heard them speak after being transported to another dimension perhaps? One filled with Ice and Snow.

The Real Battle begin NOW.


My taunt had the desired effect as all of them were now very angry. They looked looked at each other and nodded. All their injuries had been healed and they were ready for battle. 4v1. Interesting. 

General POV

Momoshiki sneered, his golden Rinnegan glinting. "Do you think you can stand against the power of the Otsutsuki, mere mortal?"

Lucifer's expression remained impassive. "I am no mortal. I am the end of your reign."

With a roar, Kinshiki charged forward, his immense ax swinging with enough force to cleave mountains. Lucifer raised his hand, the Time Stone glowing as he froze Kinshiki mid-swing. He then flicked his wrist, sending Kinshiki hurtling back through the air as if he weighed nothing.

Isshiki's eyes narrowed. "You possess the power of the gods. But that will not save you."

He shrunk himself down to a microscopic size, reappearing behind Lucifer in an instant. But Lucifer was ready. The Mind Stone pulsed, and Isshiki found himself paralyzed, trapped within the confines of his own consciousness.

"Go, my shadows," Lucifer commanded. The spectral forms of King Ghidorah, Godzilla, Mothra, and Rodan surged forward, their roars shaking the very fabric of the dimension.

Godzilla's atomic breath seared through the air, aiming at Urashiki, who barely managed to dodge. He retaliated with his fishing rod weapon, casting it towards Godzilla. The beast roared in anger, its tail whipping around to knock Urashiki off his feet.

Mothra soared above, her luminous wings casting a blinding light. She descended upon Momoshiki, who countered with a barrage of chakra orbs. Mothra's scales deflected the orbs, and she unleashed a shower of energy beams in return, forcing Momoshiki on the defensive.

Rodan and King Ghidorah tag-teamed Kinshiki, their combined might overwhelming his defenses. King Ghidorah's three heads spewed gravity beams while Rodan's sonic booms shattered the ground beneath Kinshiki's feet.

Seeing his shadows engage the Otsutsuki, Lucifer raised his hands. "Now, feel the true extent of my power."

He summoned the elements, blending them into a devastating onslaught. Firestorms roared, ice shards glittered like deadly diamonds, and bolts of lightning cracked through the air. Each strike was infused with Particle Style and Nuclear Release, turning every element into a cataclysmic force.

Momoshiki, realizing the danger, absorbed the elemental attacks with his Rinnegan. "Your efforts are futile!" he declared, redirecting the energy back at Lucifer.

But Lucifer was prepared. The Space Stone activated, and he opened a portal, redirecting the energy into the void. "Your tricks are meaningless against me," he said coldly.

Urashiki, sensing the tide of battle turning, used his time-jumping ability to try and outmaneuver Lucifer. He darted through different points in time, attempting to strike from the past, present, and future simultaneously.

Lucifer's eyes glowed with the Tenseigan. "Time itself bends to my will," he intoned, and with a mere thought, he synchronized all timelines, trapping Urashiki in a temporal loop.

"Impossible!" Urashiki screamed, experiencing the same moments over and over. Stopping the loop he appeared before a disoriented Urashiki and punched him once with the full power of the power stone. As Lucifer expected the durable body of the Otsutsuki burst open like a balloon with only his head remaining. Grabbing his head and looking at the rinnegan in the eye socket lucifer stored it with in his inventory, " I can use it later" 

"BASTARD" Kinshiki, battered and bloodied, roared defiantly. He charged once more, but this time Lucifer summoned the full might of King Ghidorah. The three-headed dragon wrapped around Kinshiki, its crushing grip draining the life from the Otsutsuki. With a final roar, King Ghidorah tore Kinshiki apart, his essence dissipating into the void.

Momoshiki, now alone, fused with the remnants of Kinshiki, transforming into a monstrous deity of destruction. He unleashed a storm of chakra, aiming to annihilate everything in his path.

Lucifer responded by combining the power of the Space and Mind Stones, warping reality to create a shield that absorbed the attack. He then manipulated the space around Momoshiki, trapping him in a cube of impenetrable force.

"You cannot contain me!" Momoshiki roared, but his fury was met with Lucifer's unyielding gaze.

With a gesture, Lucifer summoned the shadows of his titans. Godzilla's atomic breath, Mothra's energy beams, Rodan's sonic booms, and King Ghidorah's gravity beams converged on the cube, shattering it and incinerating Momoshiki in a blinding explosion.

The scarred body of Momoshiki shot out of the dust storm like a bullet and fell on the ground. Landing near it Lucifer took out his sword and beheaded the Otsutsuki. 

Storing the severed head containing a pair of high quality byakugan and a single golden rinnegan and the two hands with yellow rinnegan Lucifer set the remaining body on fire to incenerate him.

"Well that was pitiful. But what more can I expect from a cockroach."

Isshiki, now the last of his kind, raged with unbritled fury. His Byakugan activated, and he summoned massive black cubes to crush Lucifer. But Lucifer countered with the Space Stone, warping the cubes back at Isshiki.

"You will not prevail!" Isshiki screamed, his body enlarging to monstrous proportions. He attacked with all his might, but Lucifer, with the combined might of the Infinity Stones, deflected each blow with ease.

Finally, Lucifer raised his hand, and the Tenseigan flared. "Your end is now."

A beam of pure, concentrated energy shot from Lucifer's hand, piercing through Isshiki. The Otsutsuki's body convulsed as the energy blasted him from within. But the Otsutsuki proved his resilience as it failed to kill him. 

" I like your eye. the ability is enviable" Lucifer said, taunting Isshiki

" You want my eye. Let's see if you can get it?"

" I have killed all of your comrade. You are the last who remains. What gives you the confidence that you can even escape from this world without me allowing you to do so?"

" I am not the same as those weaklings." Isshiki chuckled and took out something from his robe.

" A chakra fruit?" Lucifer said

" A fully formed Chakra fruit." Isshiki said with a smirk and bit down on it.

Lucifer waited for the man to finish his transformation." Although i wanted to go all out your friends could not handle my strength. I hope by giving you time to evolve you will provide me some entertainment before you inevitably die."

" Bastard" Isshiki shouted before he completed his transformation. All the previous wounds on his body were cured with his skin regaining a whiter tone. His aura changed dramatically as his chakra reserves exploded an tripled. His forehead split apart to reveal a rinnesharingan embedded in it. 

" Now that's more like it" Lucifer said smiling. 

The battlefield fell silent. The air, once charged with the fury of battle, was now still. " Return to my shadows " Lucifer said and the shadows of the titans obeyed.

Activating his conqueror's Haki the air trembled with the presence of Lucifer. Locking on to Isshiki Lucifer was pleased when Isshiki showed the signs of being affected. Disappearing from his spot he appeared behind Isshiki and punched him. Isshiki with his increased battle awareness sensed the punch and turned his body to deflect the attack and launched an attack of his own.

Grabbing the leg Isshiki used to kick Lucifer, he kicked the other leg of Isshiki at the knee and used the same leg to kick Isshiki in his face. Isshiki although getting a powerup could not react to the speed at which he was hit. Getting hit in the face he flew away some distance before stabilising himself and extending his hand. Using his right eye he attacked Lucifer with large cubes intending to crush him.

Lucifer seeing the cubes above him smirked. Instead of dodging the attack he quirked his fist backwards and unleashed a powerful punch utilizing the full power of the power stone. A huge blast took place the five cubes that were descending on him were turned to dust.

This scene came as a shock to Isshiki as he knew that if one of those punches land on him then he will not be able to survive. Using the Rinnesharingan that he acquired he created a elemental maelstrom before throwing it towards Lucifer. Seeing the oncoming attack Lucifer grabbed his sword and swung it." Full Counter". The maelstrom that was coming towards him was now travelling towards Isshiki with Five times its original speed and power. Isshiki still new to the rinnegan did not absorb it but dodged it. And this is what Lucifer capitalised on. 

Appearing beside Isshiki Lucifer Kicked him in the stomach. Isshiki's body bent in a U shape and was about to fly away but Lucifer grabbed Isshiki by his head and kneed him in his face. Not letting go he continued with a punch to his face followed by Lucifer gouging out Isshiki's rinnegan.

" Since you don't know how to use it, I will take this from you." Saying this he threw Isshiki in the air and did a spinning heel kick that connected to Isshiki's jaws. Shooting out like a bullet Isshiki was embedded in the nearby mountain with his jaw broken and an empty hole on his forehead. Dropping on the ground Isshiki coughed up a lot of blood. His life force was slowly dwindling but he could not guess why. Looking at Lucifer he shouted," What have you done?"

Smirking Lucifer said," I simply plucked out your rinnegan. Did you not see that?"

" I am not asking about that. Your attacks were physical, why is my life fore draining so quickly?"

" Oh! you mean that. I see. That is very simple. Every time I touched you or hit you i used my celestial energy to chip away your soul. Currently your soul has been fragmented into eight pieces. Your chakra and Life force is trying to heal you but it is futile. I told you before the battle started. You death is inevitable."

Isshiki was horror struck hearing this. He never imagined that this man could even damage his soul. If the Physical body of an otsutsuki perishes they can still live on through their souls and the karma mark. But if the soul is gone then that's it. The end. And this thought frightened the proud Isshiki. 

Using his chakra he tried to form a portal to escape but just as the portal was about to stabalize it broke and disappeared. Lucifer had used his space manipulation to lock the space preventing anyone from leaving or arriving. " You don't understand , do you? You cannot leave. The only way for this to end is your death."

Screaming in Frustration Isshiki charged towards Lucifer. " Time to end this." Lucifer commented.

Taking out his sword he vanished and appeared above the charging Isshiki and did a spinning motion with his sword, effectively cleaving Isshiki in half from the middle. Standing up Lucifer plucked out the right eye of Isshiki and stored it in his inventory.

" Finally the pests have been dealt with." He said breathing out a sigh. 

Turning towards the air where he knew the broadcast was being played from he said," Well then people. I hope you enjoyed this wonderful display. These are the creatures you will face in the future. And that is why it is important to be united and grow stronger. There were four this time next time it will be four hundred. I need the entire world to be ready to face them. I will end this broadcast here."

Saying this all the screens disappeared but one remained, one in Mountains Graveyard.

Looking Directly at Madara Lucifer spoke, " I know you are alive Madara. I know you have the Rinnegan. I will give you One Piece of advice. Come meet me in the main battlefield and I will tell you how you were manipulated. Don't and this time I will not let you escape using Izanagi. That is all. You have one hour."


"I am FUCKED."