
Reborn In The Multiverse With A Unlimited Upgrade System


Aritra_99 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs



It has been a few thousand years that Hagoromo had died. Although his chakra was still present in Limbo Dimension he did not had the power to interfere in every other affairs of the world. The time has flown by quickly. As promised to me Hagoromo did spread my name and influence throughout the SHINOBI world. Many people had started a cult in my name. I was mindly surprised when one day during one of our travels a priest of a temple said to me

" My boy. Would you like to join the holy sect of Lucifer and become his devoted follower"

I was staring at the man like he was crazy and Kaguya beside me started laughing madly at the statement.

The priest who by now I know that is one of my devoted follower did not take Kaguya's laughter very good. He looked quite annoyed and shouted.

" Girl. Do not make fun of Lord Lucifer. He will smight you to dust with his divine powers."

I had to stop the twiching in my eyes and asked the man " Can you tell me more about this Lucifer fellow. I have never heard of him before."

" Gladly my boy. It is said that Lucifer is a very powerful god. He is from the era of the Sage of the six paths and has been given many titles like 'The Strongest God' ,'The bringer of Light' It is also said that he ascended to the position of a god by killing the Previous goddess of this world who turned evil. It is said that if you call him from your heart with the deepest worship he will emerge in front of you".

Both Kaguya and I had our jaws open when we heard all this .' Hagoromo what the fuck have you spread about me ?? I would blast you to death if you weren't already there.'

I looked straight at the man and asked" how many of you are there in your cul- sect?"

" There are thousands who believe in Lucifer but currently there are about 550 sect members. So are you willing to join us and become a devotee of Lucifer. "

"No. I think I am good 👍🏻"

The priest looked crestfallen and tried to continue to bug us even when we were walking away from him

Kaguya " That was entertaining. Lucifer-sama " she said with a smirk on her face.

" Certainly. I did not think that people with start this bullshit here too. "

In all these years apart from growing in strength my relationship with Kaguya has significantly improved. Although we were not lovers by any chance we were as close as friends could be. She did not kept her guard up against me and even smiled towards me when we talked. Although she was determined to grow stronger than me she also did not wanted to leave me after that anymore. It was as if she had rediscovered the meaning of friendship and wanted to protect it at all cost.

A thousand years had passed. History took its natural course. Hagoromo had two sons Indra and Ashura. Ashura was the chosen successor and black zetsu manipulated Indra to betray his family. Although one thing I remember from the past is the day before Hagoromo died. I visited him on his deathbed and had a chat like old friends


I was standing behind the house where Hagoromo was staying. Currently Indra was inside talking with Hagoromo.

'More like threatning Hagoromo to destroy everything that he has created.'

A few seconds later Indra exited the room with a huff. Looking through the door of the room I could see that Hagoromo was lying down on the bed. His life force was steadily declining. At the very best he would make it through the night.

"Enjoying your rest Hagoromo?"


"Don't tell me you have forgotten about me" I said as I walked into the room and came into view.

" Huh! So it's you Lucifer. You have not aged at all in all these years " he said with a smile.

"Well perks of being powerful I guess. You could have also lived on for a few more centuries if you wanted to you know. "

"I know. But my time has come. My role on this earth has already come to an end. My children will carry on where I have left. The bijus are there to protect the world if there is no one to protect it."

" Oh! So you are not just waiting for the child with blue eyes who can name all the bijus are born?"

"Oh! So you know about that to huh. Really. There is nothing hidden from you huh."

"Lucifer can I make a final request to you?"

" Oh. You want something. Very well tell me if it is possible I will try to fulfill it."

" Will you please protect this world" he said with a soft smile on his face.

" Did you forget who I am. I am this world protector. Do not worry I will not let any fool destroy this world or your legacy. You can rest in peace."

Hagoromo just smiled and closed his eyes.


A lot of time has passed since that day. The five great nations were already formed and the bijus were already sealed. The era of Hasirama and Madara was going on in full force. It was a few years back that they formed Konoha and held the five Kage summit. After a few years Madara betrayed the village and became a nuke nin.

Currently I and Kaguya were in the land of fire near the valley of the end. We were waiting for the clash between Madara and Hashirama.

A few weeks went by when we felt a huge chakra coming towards us. Well the target was not us but towards Konoha. From the other side I could see that Hashirama has also felt the chakra and is rushing to intercept it before it reaches Konoha.

"Hmm. Kaguya it looks like a battle will take place here. What do you want to do?"

" Do you want me to fight them?"

" Not at all . I know you can defeat them with one hand tied behind your back. I want to know if you want to fight them"

"Hmm. Although I see no problem in fighting those humans ,the kyubi might recognise me from the otsutsuki clan. And that would be counter productive to your plan. So I will sit this one out. "

"Very well. You can go to one of the islands near mizu and stay there until I come.

" Very well. Don't take too long "


I could see that the battle between Hashirama and Madara has reached it's peak. Madara wrapped in his susano-kyubi was ready to tear into Hashirama . Before Hashirama could activate his sage mode and bring out the big guns I decided to act.

Using a sound based jutsu I amplified my voice so that it reaches both their ears.

" Well well well this is a terrific battle that is going on gentlemen. "

Madara" Who the hell are you coming to interrupt my battle with Hashirama. ??"

Hashirama looking a little concerned asked " No sane person will come to this battlefield feeling the amount of chakra that is being given off. Who are you mister?"

"Glad you asked. My name is Lucifer D. Morningstar and I have come to see if you truly deserve the titles that have been bestowed upon you. "

Madara" What !! How dare you . You think you are strong enough to judge my woth !! I will kill you by myself. Hashirama wait before I finish this bug"

Hashirama was also a little irked by my words but that did not lead him to forget his duties." Madara I will not let you harm innocents to satisfy your anger."

"No need to defend me Hashirama.Madara prepare yourself for my attack." I said.

Madara was furious from this and used the kyubi's hands to hold a chakra manifested sword and swung it at me in full force. Hashirama wanted to intervene but was a step too late.

I did not doge. Nor did I use Kamui. I had cultivated my strength naturally over the past thousand years and wanted to see how strong I had become. Activating my sage mode and Armament Haki I swung my hands towards the oncoming blade. Our attacks mate in a stalemate and it continued to stay like that for a few seconds before the blade of the Susano cracked and broke apart.

Madara stared at the scenen dumbfounded.In all his life as a shinobi he had never encountered a state where his Susano was overpowered by just raw physical strength. He started to doubt that this human was an ordinary shinobi.

Coming out of his thought he saw as the man appeared infront of his Susano and broke through its defence like a knife cutting through butter. Madara was kicked in the chest and he shot out of the Susano like a rocket.

Hashirama was confused. First Madara came to attack the village with the kyubi under his control. Then when they were going to go all out, a man appeared and stopped their battle. He introduced himself as Lucifer and started taunting them.Madara being the impatient man he is gave into his provocation and states to attack the man with his Susano. Although he wanted to save the man he was a bit late to react as the blade has already reached the man. He was shocked when instead of the man being crushed to death, the blade of the Susano cracked and broke. Although he himself can restrict and bind the Susano he was never able to destroy the susanos blade. He was astonished as in the next second the man jumped upto the face of the kyubi and broke through the defence of the Susano like breaking glass and kicked Madara in the chest. Madara was shot back out of his Susano so fast that Hashirama could see nothing but a blur.'Who is this man. Lucifer ??' He felt as if he has heard the name before but could not remember. Suddenly his eyes widened.' I have heard the name Lucifer before. There is a cult that believes in a god called Lucifer. They once came to preach their religion to our clan but were kicked out. This man ,What is his connection to Lucifer ??'

Before he could finish his thought a fist materialised inches from his face . He did not even has the time to put up his guard before ehe was hit in the face and sent flying to where Madara was.

"Do not get distracted during a battle where your opponent is stronger than you " Lucifer said out loud.

Looking towards the kyubi, I saw that Madara's control over it has been severed. ' I need to take him out of the equation' thinking this a devilish smile formed on my face.Looking towards my opponents I saw that both of them were getting up from the ground and preparing for their next attack.

Closing my eyes for a second and focusing I opened my eyes and looked straight at them. Before they could react a huge shadow was cast in the sky. They looked up and to their horror there was a meteorite that was descending upon them. Getting over their shock they quickly gathered their chakra and went into action. Madara turned on his Susano and Hashirama entered sage mode. Quickly forming handsigns he summoned his strongest jutsu Wood Style True Thousand Hands.

In the meantime I went near the kyubi and put a sleeping seal on it. The seal was powerful enough as the kyubi started to doze off and soon closed its eyes in complete sleep.

On the battle field , Madara swung his blade towards the meteor and Hasirama commanded his statue to move. Under the relentless attack of those two the meteor finally broke and was turned to pieces of rocks.

Looking towards me Madara said in an arrogant tone," Although impressive a jutsu of this magnitude is nothing I can't handle."

"Did you just forget that a few moments ago I broke through your impenetrable defence and kicked you out of your shell??. That jutsu was not to kill you. It was a distraction for me to put the kyubi out of the fight. I want to fight you guys ,not the kyubi."

Madara's face turned several colour when he realises that his strongest weapon was now out of commission and he was fooled by a distraction.

Turning towards them I said," Now then let's begin with the basics of being a ninja, Taijutsu. "

Saying this I ran towards them in full speed. Reaching Hashirama it took me a second to climb the statue and begin attacking Hashirama. Even in sage mode Hashirama was struggling to keep pace with me. The punches he threw were strong but not enough to cause any damage. After three minutes of exchanging blows I saw an opportunity and kicked Hashirama in the head with a round house kick. He was sent flying out from his statue towards the lake near us. Looking towards Madara I calmly said," Will you come out on your own or do you want me to break you defence again?"

Looking at me with hatered he said with a sneer," Challenging and Uchiha to Taijutsu. You are truly foolish"

'Well it's decided. I will break this arrogant aashole. '

Deactivating his Susano he rushed towards me. Reaching me he went for a right hand jab to my chin. Ducking below I rotates my body and back kicked him in the stomach. He skidded back and rushed in again. This time he went for my chest. Using my hands to redirect his attack I used his momentum to pull him towards me and kneed him in the stomach. He tried to hit me with the edge of his palm but I was one step ahead as I stopped his hand at his elbow, picked him up by his collar and slammed him in the ground. He laid there for a few seconds groaning in pain. I was going to continue my assault when I sensed another fist near the back of my head. Bending down and punching Madara in the stomach I used my right leg and kicked backwards connecting my kick to Hashirama. Madara was pinned in the ground and Hashirama flew back breaking through three trees.

" Well you guys are quiet poor in Taijutsu. If I was your teacher,I would have failed you both in this lesson.Now then let's start with the second and the last course, ninjutsu." Saying this I jumped in the air and spit 5, 50 meters wide firballs at Hashirama.

Hashirama used his wood style to cover himself in wood to bear the brunt of the attack.The woods were able to stay put to defend Hashirama but the colour changes from brown to black. Madara took this opportunity to get up from his ass and started firing firballs at me

" Attacks of this level does not work on me " I said smirking at Madara. Extending my left hand at him I used the ice release to neutralize the fireballs.

"Ice ?Are you from the Yuki clan ?" Questioned Hashirama.

Turning towards him I extended my right hand towards him. Roots started to come out of my hand towards Hashirama. The roots quickly entangled together to form a big branch moving towards Hashirama.

"What!!!" shouted Hashirama as he used his own wood release to defend himself.

"When you grow to the level where I have reached, combining the elements is nothing more than child's play. Both of you prepare yourself."

Facing towards them I took in a large breath of air and released it directly towards them. This technique was different from the other fir techniques.' Flame release: Blue flames of Neflheim.'

"Blue flames??Madara have you seen anything like this before?"Hashirama.

"No. I have heard that the two tails can spew blue flames but never heard a human can do this." Madara.

Madara used his Susano to cover both himself and Hashirama to defend from this attack. The fireball hit the Susano and although the Susano blocked the fireball it couldnot resist the corrosiveness of the blue flames and the ribcage of the Susano melted down. Deactivating the Susano Madara formed a single handseal and casted a jutsu.' Fire Style Majestic Destroyer Flame.

Narrowing My eyes I looked at the incoming fire I called out " Water style water shock wave". A huge amount of water condensed around me and intercepted the fire putting it out. Sensing Hashirama closing in from behind behind I turned to look at him and said," You have a bad habit of coming from the behind. Does Moto like it?"

Stumbling on his way and falling on his face he quickly stood up and shouted." Hey it's not it. Your back was unguarded and I thought it was a good opportunity to strike."

Casually waving my hands I replied " Whatever helps you sleep at night. "

Closing in on me he threw a punch at my face. Ducking under it I created a Chidori in my right hand and slashed at him. He jumped back a few meters towards Madara and put up guard.

"Didn't I say that this will be a ninjutsu round? Did you forget already. Well it's time to put an end to this. But beware before I end this fight, I will kill one of you. So be on guard."

Tensing on my declaration both of them narrowed their guards and got ready for the fight.

Rushing towards Hashirama I jumped in the air. Creating a Rasengan in my hands I added wind nature chakra to it and a little bit of sage chakra. Going to the apex of the jump I threw out the chakra energy towards Hashirama. Turning towards Madara I used Soru to appear behind Madara and stabbed him with a Kunai I picked up.The Madara in front of me turned into smoke,' Shadow Clone huh!'.

Turning on my observation Haki I spotted Madara on a tree branch towards east. Jumping towards him I spwed air cannons at his direction. He jumped out of the way and tried to cast a genjutsu on me. I showed as if I got hit by the genjutsu and fell on the ground completely immobile. Rushing towards me he took ot his sword and stabbed me.

'Puff' ' Shadow Clone ' Madara thought. He did not have time to react when a sword went from his back through his heart.

'What!! From behind' was his last thought as he lost consciousness.

If you didn't know the future like me you would believe that this is where Madara Uchiha ,the great ninja Shura had fallen and died just like the rest of the world.

Hashirama looked at the scene with wide eyes. His best friend and brother in arms just died. In front of him and he could do nothing about it. Although he wanted to rage and kill the man infront of him he knew that it was inevitable. If the man had not appeared then he would have probably killed Madara by himself. Preparing himself for another fight he was surprised when the man said

"My purpose of coming here has been fulfilled. This battle is over."

"Do you think I will let you go just like that?"

" No I think you will try to stop me. But do question yourself ,Do you have the power to stop me ?"

Hashirama thought it over. The crisis over the village has subsided and he is still alive. Although Madara had died there is nothing he can do about it.

"Very well. Let's end this battle here. "

I turned around and started running towards the island Kaguya went to.

This was a long chapter. I hope you will find it to your liking


Aritra_99creators' thoughts