
a introduction

(Mc Pov)

Can't believe that I arrive on time. I thought that I will be early enough to see Dam Soo Cheon fighting the underling of the Chaos Demon. It seems that I underestimate the distance to get here. Hmmm, it's quite interesting to see them this up close. They can't even sense me when I am just in front of them... And I never thought that Hye Ryung can be this sexy... Even though she is older than me...I still have standards even though I am not so stable myself. Oh, this tremendous qi, hahaha! Finally, you are here Chaos Demon... Let's see if this [Origin Purgatory Demonic Art] can save you from me...

(General Pov)

Dam Soo Cheon can be seen talking with Jin Mu Won on the balcony, and suddenly the Chaos Demon arrives while searching for the Descendant of The White Witch. The Elite Tiger Guards can be seen trying to keep the Chaos Demon away but they get taken out by just a single move from him.

Dam Soo Cheon instantly arrives to confront the Chaos Demon. The Dark Wolves surround Jin Mu Won and the others. And among all the chaos that happens, a young man can be seen sitting on the top of Infinite Shadow Pavilion to see the secret art of The Northern Heavenly Sect.

'Well, this is quite a bummer. I can't read the language and the screen doesn't activate for me to master this technique. It means that I just need to see Jin Mu Won perform it first. Sigh..., it is what it is... Then let's see if they are already done playing around, I need a badass entrance...'

thought Song before disappeared.

Meanwhile, Hye Ryung manages to retreat with Dam Soo Cheon and the others. Eun Ha Seol sacrifices himself so Jin Mu Won can escape.

After that, Jin Mu Won arrives to save Eun Ha Seol, The Chaos Demon is irritated by the strange martial art that Jin Mu Won uses. He attacks Jin Mu Won viciously while Jin Mu Won dodge each strike.

After a series of dodging, the Chaos Demon unleashes [Chaos Rain of Destruction] to decimate Jin Mu Won. But Jin Mu Won counterattacked with [Wave of Desolation].

After he defended the attack, Jin Mu Won launched forward to attack Chaos Demon.

In fear of getting sliced in half, Chaos Demon decided to take it seriously and counter it with a blast that seriously injured Jin Mu Won. Even after stopping the attack, he still suffers a sword injury.

The Chaos Demon feels strange that his [Undying Flames of Chaos] can't heal his wounds. He approaches Jin Mu Won to kill him once and for all. Eun Ha Seol tries to save Jin Mu Won but failed. Suddenly, Chaos Demon was attacked by a big blast launched by 'The Witch of White Night'. Sa Ryung, the guard that always protects Eun Ha Seol reassured her that their master will be fine.

Sa Ryung looks toward Jin Mu Won and blames him for what happened to Eun Ha Seol. He wants to kill Jin Mu Won but is stopped by Eun Ha Seol. 'If you wanted to kill him, just do it...' a voice suddenly sounded in his head. He tries to find the source of it but failed. ' Do it, let the rage flow in you. Kill him, he is the reason, young miss is hurt. Kill him...' the voice is still whispering in his mind. His mind is full of hate and before he can be consumed by it, The White Witch stopped it with her qi.

" Sigh... you are no fun White Witch." a voice resounded at the top of a destroyed building.

" I thought that [Silver Light of the Ice Crystal] would kill all emotion but at least you valued your servant's life," Song reveals himself to the others with a grin on his face.

' A young man! To think that he can use [The Voice of Deeper Rage] at such a young age is disturbing.' thought the White Witch.

' Huh, just a brat. But why can't I sense him before? Why do I feel uneasy, who the hell is this kid?' thought the Chaos Demon.

" I thought that I can make a grand entrance but I can't find the chance. Well, it is what it is, now let's see what level I am on right now, shall we?" Song said before instantly appearing in front of the Chaos Demon.

Song unleashes [Wrath of The Rage Demon] a palm strike with immense demonic qi that completely obliterates the Chaos Demon.

The sheer power of the attack also blows away everyone except the White Witch that defends it with her qi.

She feels disbelief, a young man using demonic martial art with that much power without losing sanity is new to him. This thing makes her wonder who is this kid's real identity.

The aftermath of the attack causes a huge crater. After the smoke dissipates, the Chaos Demon still utilizes his [Undying Flames of Chaos] to repair a hole on his upper torso.

Song's attack causes him to feel a little ounce of fear in his heart. He doesn't know if he can survive the next strike. Suddenly he grins, ' It's been a long time since someone make me feel like this. A fight I cannot win, what a joke! I am The Demon of Chaos! Losing to a brat is not a way for me to go!' thought Chaos Demon. He stands up and looks at Song.

Song sees the hole on Chaos Demon gradually healing up. ' Hmm, interesting... Looks like he getting serious... ' he thought before Chaos Demon charged toward him with a blinding speed. Also at the same time, behind him, The White Witch attacked him with [Moonlight Rotation]. '' Sorry kid, I cannot let you grow more because you might be a threat to us in the future..." said the White Witch with an apathetic face.

"Looks like I can have some fun hahaha!" said Song before unleashing his attack to counter both of them. [Welkin Lightning, Demonic Rings]

a technique that creates a huge hurricane that blocks both Chaos Demon and White Witch's strike. After that, he blasts both of them with [Welkin Lightning, Berserker Lightning] a huge qi blast that destroyed the entire area. The power unleashed by Song makes The Northern Heavenly Sect look unrecognizable with much of it being devastated.

The White Witch survives the attack with a hint of blood dripping from his mouth. The Chaos Demon has been buried under the eradicated landscape. Jin Mu Won manages to bring himself up to run before the shockwave land and Sa Ryung protects Eun Ha Seol. Under a huge rock, Warrior Seo, the only survivor of the mercenary group cowers behind it and struggles to not let a single noise escape from his mouth.

Under the light of the moon, one man looks at the sky with a devilish grin. His eyes changed from looking normal to demonic. The clothes that he was wearing have been destroyed and demonic scripture all over his body starts to glow.

Jin Mu Won and the others witness this scene with awe and fear. The White Witch suddenly remembers the rumor sound the southern land. 'A monster who survives a demonic ritual and completes the Crazy Monk Of Blood Lake trials. Even though he is young, he is already in Transcendence Realm. The Heir Of The Clan Of Demons.'

"The Indifferent Demon, Song Ryong!" mutters the White Witch.


That's all from me today and what do you think about the action. The technique that Song Ryong use is from Webtoon Gosu. Go check it out because it is also one of the best murim manhwa that I ever see. Okay that's all and you can tell me what do you thinks in the comment.🤗

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