

In the dark room, the eyes of Harry Potter glow a bright purple with pulsing energy swimming around.

Looking closely, the purple glow of the eyes covers the whole iris with a single black hole indicating the pupil. Revolving around the pupil was an inverted magatama, slowly turning in the eye for a bit, until it stabilised, and the glow dimmed down slightly.


Looking around the room, with perfect clarity in the dark, I picked up a mirror from the side table.

Bringing it up to my face, I inspected the changes in my eyes.

"Damn. This looks awesome. The purple hue looks like it came from the Byakugan, while the pattern remained of Sharingan. Lets see what these eyes can do." I rub my hands together in excitement and channel more mana to my eyes.

Instantly, the scene in front of me changes. No longer was I looking at the world like I used to.

Now, my eyes could easily see almost 360 degrees around me, and with the help of the Sharingan, the world had colour and perfect clarity.

If I focused hard enough, the world would slow down just slightly, and every detail a meter around me would be reflected in my mind.

However, just as I was about to try and extend the range of the field of view, I felt tired and felt a headache coming in.

Quickly disabling the eyes, my vision returns to normal.

"Crap, this thing sucks so much mana. Just having it on for 2 minutes drained about 25% of my reserves. I even wasted about 75% of the mana due to poor control. Even the range is so small.

I have to find a way to increase my mana reserves and control." I set a goal for myself and check around to see if anyone saw anything.

"Phew. All clear." I sigh and lie back down, pulling my blanket over myself, and going to sleep.


The next morning, I wake up early, earlier than usual and throw on some comfortable clothes.

Putting my shoes on, I walk out of the Gryffindor dorms and head towards the Black Lake.

Checking the time with a quick Tempus charm, I stretch my body and loosen up my joints.

Using my occlumency enhanced brain, I recall a playlist from my past life and start playing it in my mind.

"here we go." With that, I start off at a slow pace and maintain a steady stride as I jog along side the shore of the black lake.

Early in the morning, the air was fresh and the chill from the autumn wind felt wonderful on my face.

As I jogged, my core kept on pulling in mana from the air, and the tree sucked it up almost instantly. If I absorbed 100 units of mana from the air, the tree would suck up about 75 units, leaving me with a meagre 25 units to store in my core.

However, it wasn't too bad. Ever since I had the ritual done to fix my core, the rate at which I absorbed mana had increased exponentially. Previously, the day I arrived at Hogwarts, I was only absorbing around 10-15 units per hour but now, the rate had increased to around 50-60 units per hour.

Jogging at a constant pace, I felt my breath getting harder and my heart rate increasing, but I noticed something after 20 minutes of jogging.

When I thought about it, my body's strength and stamina should not have changed even after the ritual, just the muscles and tendons, along with my bones had been fixed.

But I was still able to maintain the same pace of jogging for 20 minutes straight. "This seems weird." I exclaim as I try to understand the situation.

Looking at my body closely and taking a feel for all my muscles and my mana, I discovered something.

"Interesting. The pure mana absorbed by my body is constantly nourishing and very slowly healing my body. My bodily functions have been boosted far higher than that of a normal 11-year-old. Each revolution the blood in my body makes around the body, the exchange of nutrients and waste products is perfect. No wonder I don't feel so tired."

With this realisation, I increase my speed a bit, putting a bit of strain on my body, causing a few muscle fibres to rip and be stretched to their limits.

Another 15 minutes go by, and I finally start feeling the burn in my muscles.

"My body can't keep up anymore." I mutter through huffs and puffs of breath and slow down to a stop.

Walking to a tree by the lake, I sit down and take a breather.




A thunderous chant disturbs the tranquillity of the morning and causes the early morning birds to fly away.

"What's going on?" I curiously look around and what enters my sight I something I will never forget.

A horde of students, all dressed in blue sweatshirts and trackpants with red and gold jerseys over top, marched together, chanting loudly to boost their morale.

Standing up and following the horde, I see a young man in his fifth year leading the group and shouting the loudest, followed by a pair of red headed twins and a number of other students, both male and females.

"So that's the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Must be early morning practice." Realisation dawns on me as I recognise the fore most characters.

Oliver Wood, the captain and the Weasley Twins.

Quietly turning around, I head to a small clearing isolated by a formation of rocks and trees and look around.

"This place will do nicely. No one around to disturb me. Relatively quiet. And the ground's pretty flat."

I inspect the surroundings while still hearing the loud chant of the Gryffindor team in the distance and take a stance.

"OoOF. Phew" with a deep inhalation and a slow exhale, my eyes turn sharp as I practice the main fighting styles of the two of the most powerful clans in Konoha.

Inceptor Fist and the Gentle Fist.




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