
Reborn in game of thrones as a dark lord

Justin_Swart · TV
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 6: continues thoughts

( NOT DROPPED Sorry for it taking so long to post I have been busy rearranging my house and got stuff but finally got time to write so again apologies and enjoy.)

(MC pov)

( Hideout)

I was sitting there for a while thinking to myself about what that dream was about and why I could not stop thinking about it.

<Those runes looked a lot like my world runs from the old days when Vikings still attacked and raided.>

<For some reason the more I think about a specific rune it almost feels as if can understand what means.>

I had no idea what was going on but I know it isn't normal that is for sure.

I stood up from my bed and went to my hang rak where the animals are hanging I looked at my collection and thought that this might distract me from my thoughts.

I went to a shelf grabbed a leather bag and placed it on a table on the side with dried blood on it showing that this was not my first time doing this.

I played the leather bag on the table and rolled it out revealing different hunting and cooking tools.

From different types of knives to coppers and even saws with a stone on the side to sharpen them if they start dulling.

⚠️ ( Gore Warning) ⚠️

I grabbed a nice sharp knife walked up to the black-coated wolf and started cutting the skin off.

I started from the leg down words and slowly the skin of the meat and bone making sure not to destroy the skin.

Slowly peeling off the skin until it hits the neck of the wolf then cutting it around and pulling off the skin.

After inspecting the wolf pelt and found only a few small damaged areas as well as some missing parts.

The pelt will still sell for a decent price but not as much due to the pelt being slightly damaged.

I placed the pelt in a creat that's under the table with a few other pets from different animals.

But I was still thinking about those dame runes but for some reason, I picked the image in my head of the one rune on the wall.

I came to a name out of the blue as if I knew what it meant and said it out loud.

"Conjuring..." and I looked up thinking more about it and I couldn't get the name out of my head for some reason.

But I went back to the hanged wolf and took it off the hook placing it on the table.

I garbbed my bone saw and sawed off the head and feet throwing them in a barrel on the side for later use.

And grabbed the meat cleaver hacked off the legs and put them to the side leaving the waist.

I grabbed a very sharp knife and started cutting pieces of the meat I didn't I single piece even those between the bones and rib cage.

Then I placed the meat in a crate underneath and I put the bones on the ground near the wooden cage where the pups were whimpering.

I then did the same with the legs until there was nothing left but s few blood that did not dry off and were between the mussel tissue.

My mind was still on the rune of conjuring for some reason mind kept on giving that name but that was when.

My eyes shot wide open realizing what was going on because I had forgotten about how Would get different gifts.

< That must be the reason because it wasn't a dream but a dame vision from Afrul!>

I screamed in my head and slowly figured out that I was slowly gaining knowledge of the runes that throw magic but at a very slow rate.

"So that is what you want me to do" I whispered to myself and a slow madman grin came to my face at the thought of more power to do as u wish.

But I'll need tools to start working on the room for the altar and I need to learn how to work with stone as well.

Seems like I have to take a trip into town to learn and gather more supplies.

Let's finish skinning all the animals first and then go to town to sell them oh and to get my dagger from the old man.

I took the creature with meat in it and took it to a closed wooden box with a lock on it and placed the creature on the ground.

I unlocked the door to reveal a drying rack with sacks on the side of the wooden case with different spices.

I then started spicing the meat and hanging it up on the drying racks to turn it into jerky.

As I was done I went to the buck and silver-coated wolf and did the same with them but I had too much food and not enough space for them

I took the livers of the silver wilf to the cage and threw them in for the pups to eat while laughing insanely.

Forcing the young pups to eat their mother as if knowing what the pups were eating and going on.

They were whimpering nonstop as tears went down their cheeks.

I then went back took the creates of pellets and a sack of meat and loaded them on the sled to go to town.

I garbed a coin sack on my nightstand next to my bed and left the hideout going to town while thinking of the different runes on the way and slowly gaining knowledge of them.

( until next time bye )