

Everything shook the ground split apart, and then everything went black. waking up, I look around and find myself in an office sitting in front of a pretty lady who was way out of my league.

"Hello, sorry to tell you this, but you have died."


"Is that all? the people before you wouldn't stop carrying on and demanding things."

'Well, if I'm dead, what's the point of complaining about it now.'

"well good that's going to speed things along. I wish the others were like this. anyway, you died, and your solar system was destroyed from the fight between 2 gods, and now the lifeforms from your solar system are getting the chance to go to another world as compensation, but only to one of the worlds controlled by the God who destroyed your world but don't worry they are currently in court for destroying your solar system and by the time that that's done you will probably be long dead."

'Okay, so do I get to choose which world I'll go to or something or just sent to it immediately.'

"You do get choices as part of the compensation. now just follow this screen and make your choices. than you'll be on your way."

'ok' as she was done talking, an option screen appeared in front of me.

calculating points -

remaining life span 64 years 112 days (1 day = 1 point)

23,472 points gained


primary school (complete), high school (complete), university (complete), employed (complete), underprivileged (complete), virgin (complete), organ donor (complete) (achievement = 250 points)

1,750 points gained

luck value throughout life (above average)

477 points gained

total life value

how fulfilled and experienced your life was.

23 points gained

point total 25,722

choose world -

1.zeffo -

magic, ki, underdeveloped

2.water 7 -

cultivation, underdeveloped, 91% water

3. …..

14.random - gain 1,000 points

'ill choose random'

1,000 points gained

world chosen - triton (can't be changed)

magic, underdeveloped, multiracial, system

triton - the entire world is run by the system set up by the ruling gods out of laziness. over 2,000 sentient races but only 9 in power. 4 times the size of Earth 83% is land mass. middle ages compared to earth, currently no scientific technology. magic underdeveloped people over rely on the system.

choose race -

1.human - 0 points

2.elf - 100 points

3.dwarf - 80 points

4. Dragon - 100,000 points

5.magic beast(1952 options)

6. ….

63.custiom (choose % race)

64.random - gain 3,000 points

'ill choose random'

3,000 points gained

race - half vampire chosen (can't be changed)

50% vampire, 25% human, 25% dragon

choose gender -




4.random - gain 300 points

'ill choose futa'

futa chosen

choose background -

1.reincarnation (start life as a newborn normally in this world)

2. Possession (take control over a dying body and gain that persons history and memory's)

3.appear (appear near chosen species settlement at chosen age)

4.random - gain 2,500 points

'ill choose reincarnation'

reincarnation chosen

choose talent -

1.magic - 1,000 points

2.martial arts - 1,000 points


'I choose magic, martial arts, enhanced memory, and adaptable.

talents chosen 3,500 points removed

26,222 points remaining

choose affinity -

1.fire - 250 points

2.water - 250 points

3.earth - 250 points

4. Wind - 250 points

5.light - 500 points

6. Darkness - 500 points

7.lightning - 500 points

8.spirit - 800 points

9.null - 250 points

10.space - 5,000 points

11.time - 5,000 points

12.all affinity - 13,000 points

13.random - 50 points (only one, will know after all are chosen)

'ill choose all affinity'

affinity chosen 13,000 points removed

13,222 points remaining

chose skills -

skills are divided between 5 ranks basic, intermediate, advanced, transcendent, and divine. each rank limits how strong a skill can be though you can rank up each skill but the level will reset. the max level for each skill is 10 and to rank up a skill comes at great cost.

1.weapons mastery (basic) - 500 points

2.magic mastery (basic) - 500 points

3.item box (basic) - 300 points

4.appraisal (basic) - 100 points


'ill choose weapons mastery, magic mastery, appraisal, library, mana manipulation, map, search, negative status resistance, curse magic, lovers bond and illusion magic'

skills chosen 5,700 points removed

7,522 points remaining

choose starter pack -

1.yes - 1,000 points

2.no - 0 points


starter pack chosen 1,000 points removed

6,522 points remaining

choose knowledge -

1.world guide (basic) - 500 points

2. Magic guide (basic) - 500 points

3. Alchemy guide (basic) - 1,000 points


798.none - 0 points

'world guide (basic), magic guide (basic), dungeon guide (basic), magical beast guide (basic), plant guide (basic), and science and technology guide (basic)

knowledge chosen 2,550 points removed

3,972 points remaining

choose class -

each person can pick a starting class from the system when it awakens at age 10. each person gets 10 random classes that they can pick from, though talents, race and ancestry will affect starting class options. each class lets you learn skills associated with that job faster than without that class. classes max level is 100, but you can change classes before that through a blessing, a job change token or other more difficult means.

1. Swordsman - 100 points

2.farmer - 50 points

3.miner - 50 points

4.slave - 0 points


63,953,546.random - gain 100 points


class chosen 100 points gained

point total 4,072

choose items -

(must use remaining points, points will not be carried over to next life)

1.space ring (basic) - 1,000 points

2.space bag (basic) - 800 points

3.world tree seed - 100,000 points

4.soul bound weapon - 10,000 points


500,000.stat potion random (basic) - 1 point

'space magic grimoire (basic), skill upgrade token (basic) x 2 and stat potion random (basic) x 72

items chosen 4,072 points removed

all options have been completed. memory's will be restored when the system is activated. goodbye, user, and good luck.

the screen disappeared. 'What did it wish me good luck for'

"Well, just think about it. Almost 32,650,000 living beings have chosen triton as their new home, almost all with strong skills, magic talent, or incredible new knowledge that the natives of triton have never heard about or seen before. plus those who have a connection with a god or even just a transcendent will know about you all. plus children die everyday who's to say you'll last long enough to grow up."

"any way its time for you to go as well. Goodbye."

with that, I fell into a deep sleep.

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