

"I'll ignore your nonsense threat. Tell whoever's in charge, to quickly decide. If you guarantee my independence and freedom, I'll fight for you!"

Marsha spoke directly, locking gazes with the Japanese woman before her.

The still young black-haired Diana returned an intense stare, holding it for a moment as she thought about it seriously. Then she sighed and averted her gaze and half-turned away.

"You're no fun you know..." She muttered, sulking slightly, then turned to her team members in the back of the van. Two were up front while James and Inazuma Kazuki, the front-line muscle of the squad, were with them in the bumpy back of the vehicle.

"James! Update the boss on the girl's answer. I don't even know why such a big-wig is involved and why they want to drag us small fry into it! Tell the bugger to talk to her himself!"

Then she looked at Marsha and said, "Grab a seat. It'll be about 30 minutes before you get your answer." Then she stalked away and sat in one of the seats along the sides of the military trailer van, ignoring Marsha.

Marsha shrugged and sat opposite her while James typed away furiously on his phone.

* * * * *

Along the journey, Diana, James and Kazuki did not talk to her, so Marsha just sat still and listened to whatever they discussed.

It seemed that devils had appeared at nearly 3 dozen locations. Unfortunately, those spots had not fared so well as the police station. The casualty count was staggering, and despite the special forces best efforts, there were still 4 devils which managed to evolve and escape.

Also, she gleaned that there a few ranks of special forces teams; Diana's team was a of the lowest rank, a relatively new team. Except for Diana herself, the rest had been on the force for less than 1 year.

Oh, and she found out that the pervert molester's name was Rindo Yuri.

'Yuri huh... A fitting name...' Marsha thought.

The last member of their team was melee combatant Reiji Jin who wielded an especially large tachi. The size looked useful for facing the exceptionally large devils.

After about 30 minutes of continuous driving, the vehicle began to slow down and made a gradual turn. It stopped for awhile while the engine was left running, which Marsha guessed was probably a security checkpoint.

Not long after, the military van moved again but much slower, making multiple turns before finally stopping.

"We've arrived. Let's go. I'll introduce you to the boss... And I hope to never see you again!" Diana said as she rose to open the door and disembark along with James and Kazuki.

Marsha followed them down and found herself in a sprawling military compound. As it was already late in the night, there was not much activity. Though presumably there were many support staff hard at work and agents on the field due to the devil outbreak.

The stern-looking Diana gathered her team quickly and dismissed them to get some rest; they saluted her and headed off.

Except for Yuri who confidently sashayed over to Marsha's side, causing the golden-haired girl no small amount of consternation and fidgeting.

'Damn, what's wrong with me...! Getting this worked up over some bimbo? Come on, man! Toughen up!' Marsha spoke to herself and tried to get her heart to stop pounding so hard as the hot leather-clad woman stopped in front of her.

Against her will, Marsha found herself staring at the woman's exposed cleavage - it looked like she had purposely lowered the zip almost to her navel from how much of her smooth and firm globes could be seen!

Then Yuri leaned over slowly, revealing the darker, extended parts of her breasts that the squirming girl had been aching to see!

'P-pink...' Marsha's eyes were glued to the sight, entranced and held like a rabbit before a snake's gaze.

"Do you... Want a taste...?" Her vision was covered as the woman did not wait for a reply and covered her lips with a pair of melting hot, luscious and juicy lips.

"Ah....!" A high-pitched and cute moan left her lips involuntarily, before she was silenced by a greedy tongue darting past her lips, filling up her small mouth with endlessly wetness and sweetness!

'Ah... I can't... I can't take it any more...' Marsha held on tightly to the woman's waist and then found her hands subconsciously snaking upwards towards the opening in Yuri's leather jump-suit. Then she found her mountainous objectives and stroked them passionately, moaning in pleasure at the soft but firm sensations in her hands.

The older woman clearly appreciated her touch too as she groaned and purred deeply in response, before her tongue renewed its attack on her mouth, causing Marsha to squeal in shock and delight!

"AHEM! Could you two ladies get a room...? And Yuri, could you stop corrupting my potential cadets before they even step foot in the academy?" A low and strict sounding male voice interrupted their enjoyment, snapping the two out of their shared moment. He spoke with authority and concisely, like one who had a position of power.

They turned mid-kiss and saw a 2.2 metre tall man standing beside Diana who had her arms folded and was glaring daggers at them. The man wore regular office clothes, but looked rugged and dashing due to his muscular frame and piercing red eyes. He had shoulder-length black hair that was turning slightly grey, nevertheless he was still very handsome for his age.

Right now he was glowering at the two young ladies with undisguised aggression and anger - almost as if he were an upset father!

Yuri slowly withdrew her tongue, giving one last thrust and wiggle to make Marsha remember her while Marsha reluctantly took one last squeeze and caress before her hands dropped to her side. Then the more mature woman looked down with eyes full of desire at Marsha as she zipped up her front, then mouthed the words, "Later okay? Call me" before smiling suggestively and giving her a smouldering look. Then she turned to leave, waving at both Marsha and the man as she walked off.

"Ahem, now that I have your attention, I am Kirin Flamewolf, officer in charge of the special forces." The man spoke while fixing his gaze on Marsha's eyes, as if he were a roaming wolf about the strike down a deer in its sights.

The man then examined the golden-haired girl in the white dress that had previously been white. By now it was covered in splotches of blood both green and red, as well as grey and brown dust, dirt and grime. Her face was entirely flushed and her cheeks red as she panted from the breath-taking battle of tongues just a moment ago. She was incredibly beautiful, with milky white skin that had just the right amount of blush and colour and enchanting eyes that threatened to swallow up his soul!

If someone told Kirin that she was a visiting princess, he would have immediately bowed and called her, "Your Highness", that was how regal and beautiful she looked!

At the same time, Marsha's eyes flashed slightly as she began to feel frustrated at her "play-time" being interrupted. She needed to get Yuri's number from Diana later... As well get a phone to call her with!

But for now, time to get to business with this man who dared butt his nose in where he shouldn't have! How dare he order his team to kidnap her and forcefully bring her here, Masaru, the proud Hero King, would never take such treatment lying down!

"So should I be calling you sir? Don't mind if I just call you Kirin - I haven't joined you guys yet anyway. So what's the deal? Are you scouting me for your special forces? Why? Give me a good reason to join you guys, or the deal is off!" Marsha spoke spunkily and without the usual decorum needed, as she was quite pissed with the man. Who asked him to not let her finish when she was just about to get to the good part with Yuri?!?

The wolf-like man's eyes widened slightly, and Marsha was sure that he was about to explode in anger, so she began channeling her fully-recovered mana in anticipation of a fight.

But then Kirin began to smile instead, but his smiled slowly turned sentimental and sad. He continued to gaze at her silently for a good 10 seconds, making Marsha feel uncomfortable.

"W-what, what are you looking at?! Never seen a gorgeous hot chick before?"

'Ugh, never imagined I would ever say that... But I can't deny that I *AM* hot.' Marsha blushed a little as she said that.

But the man only responded by sighing deeply, a long and heavy sigh that seemed that gave off the feeling of the weight of many years and many a great burden on his shoulders. Perhaps even many fallen companions and loved ones...?

This time his eyelids were slightly drooping as he gazed at her with a sad, melancholic look, as if missing a dearly departed friend. Then he spoke.

"Young girl... You truly have your father's spirit and fire in you! When I look at you, it's as if I can see senpai all over again... How... How the times have passed..." He looked like he were about to cry, giving Marsha the creeps - this was a muscular alpha male literally oozing masculinity, and he looked like he needed a shoulder to cry on? Totally gross!

But his words piqued her interest - she needed to find out who she was - who the original owner of this body was!

"You know my father...? Don't think that will make it any easier on you to recruit me! I am my own person, and I have my demands!" She returned his stare with a firm and serious gaze, not backing down from her position of negotiation.

When he heard those words, his eyes changed slightly, making Marsha nervous.

He looked... Angry and like he was about to bite someone, causing the girl to tense up and prepare herself.

Then the man spoke, spitting out the words as he explained himself.

"Of course... Of course I knew your father! But I understand that you might not remember me... Old uncle Kirin, heh..." He smiled a smile that had no hint of friendliness, but instead one that looked like he were about to rip his enemy's head off.

Then he continued with words that blew Marsha and Masaru's mind.

"Your father was my mentor, the man and demon who I admired the most, who believed in me when no one else would... He raised me up, taught me everything I knew, and when it was time for me to build my own life, he respected that and even gave me his blessing!" The man looked up at the full moon and spoke grandly, heart full of emotions and overflowing with love and respect for the man who gave him everything he had!

"No one could ever face his flashing fists and heaven-breaking strikes! He was the perfect Demon God, invincible and unparalleled!" His eyes were glowing with admiration, slightly wet from the memories that seemed to bring him joy as well as pain.

Then he turned bitter, and he frowned so deeply that only the red of his eyes could still be seen.

"...On the day he fell, I knew that something was wrong. There was no way he could have been defeated so easily, not after he had grown in strength by leaps and bounds over the years of the war! It was impossible! The humans could not have defeated him..."

Then the wolfman demon clenched his fists so tightly that Marsha could hear the sounds of his knuckles cracking and could imagine just how great his grip strength was to make such horrifying sounds!

"He must have been betrayed."

"Yes! The whole country may deny it and try to conceal the truth! And the military, the government or even all the world of demonkind may curse and persecute me, but I, Kirin Flamewolf, swear that it is the truth and nothing but the truth! A truth that, no matter how they try to deny, must be made known to the world!"

He was literally howling as he spoke, but still kept his voice to low, growling whisper, voice trembling with rage, anger, sadness, passion... A kaleidoscope of emotions.

Marsha stood stunned, heart filled with dread as the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. She could already predict the next words that were going to come out from the mighty demon's mouth.

He lowered his gaze slowly and met her eyes with gentleness, compassion and... Love. As if he were looking at his own daughter, or the daughter of his mentor who he swore to protect.

"Marisa du Westeria... Your father... He died last year, and on the same day, before the news was even out, you were judged insane and locked up in the highest security mental asylum, your powers sealed by the most potent curses and drugs."

Then he said, "Yes. Marisa du Westeria. Your father was betrayed by our own brethren of the demon race... And slain by the hands of the vile humans...!" His voice rose in crescendo, shaking Marsha's/ Masaru's/ Marisa's consciousness, making her stare in disbelief and shake her head in denial.

Then he slowly and worshipfully kneeled before the girl, before taking her hand, closing his eyes in devotion and kissing her hand like a chivalrous knight before his Queen.

"You are his only daughter, the daughter of the greatest Demon God to have walked the Earth..."

"Demon God Glados Frei du Westeria."

...A twist...

Thank you to JammC, basketty, SS1995V2, Dragonlord89, Inelia and Flamekirinwolf for the votes! I'm so happy to be rank 788 this week! Wow! Top 1,000!

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