
Reborn as the Replacement(hiatus)

Theo suddenly woke up in the hospital. This wasn't his hospital? What was he doing here!? ----------------------------------- Theodore Matthews realized that he got back his past memories after an accident. He used to be a very sick patient that could barely lead a normal life! Suddenly feeling very grateful, Theo decided to lead a good and productive life. Suddenly, one day, his cousin refused to go on a blind date and ran away from home! But the other person's mother wanted him to fill in the place instead! What will Theo do?

Dragonbreath246 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 3

Theo sat nervously at the table and sipped on his water as he waited for Cedric to arrive. He had tried to find some info about Cedric yesterday but he didn't really know how to feel. There was both good and bad information on the internet, but then again, could everything on the internet be trusted?

He couldn't even find a good picture of him to know what he looked like.

But he heard that Cedric wasn't very good-looking.

Theo sighed, looking down at his glass, well, at least he looked good.

He wore a light shirt that showed off his collar bones, dark brown well-fitted pants, and a beige coat with a brown scarf since it was cold out. He had his own dark brown leather hand-crafted side bag which he made himself with matching shoes. The entire outfit exuded modern, yet comfortable luxury. The only thing extravagant would be the delicate gold and diamond stud earrings that glistened in the sun highlighting his pale complexion.

Everything was delicate and well put together. He had specially done his hair and sprayed his favorite perfume. This was, in a way, their first meeting after all, and he had to make the best first impression he possibly could.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and a man walked in.


That was the only thing that ran through Theo's head.

Cedric Anderson was a tall alpha with wide shoulders and a slim yet strong-looking waist, he had dark hair, impeccably styled, and beautifully dark and deep eyes.

"Hello," Cedric said shaking his hand," I'm Cedric Anderson, you must be Theodore Mathews."

"Yes," Theo said," But everyone calls me Theo... please sit! Please sit!"

Theo sat and called a waiter. What do businessmen like to drink... his brother and dad lived on coffee... but that's not food... What is he thinking about? Cedric can order it himself.

But... what should he get? He's only ever been on coffee dates!

"Would you like me to order for you?" Cedric asked as Theo looked through the menu.

"Oh! Yes, please," Theo said," I've never been to this restaurant."

As the waiter took the order, Theo's mind started to catch up with the situation.

Wow! Cedric was really handsome! He doesn't seem to be like the rumors! Ah, he knew it, those old douches and those pesky kids had nothing better to do with their lives. They could have at least made it believable...

This is the alpha that is rude, omega-hating, and cold?

Theo stopped his thoughts, no, looks don't deny any of that, he's just known the guy for 2 minutes.

Wait, this was the guy that wasn't good-looking???? Then what was good-looking?


Cedric observed the omega in front of him. There were a lot of thoughts going through Theodore, no, Theo's head.

But he was mildly flattered.

That's right, Cedric Ashford can read minds. It's been something he was born with, whenever he's near anyone, he could hear the person's thoughts.

He wasn't too surprised when he heard the slight buzz, after all everyone he would ever meet was prone to his mind-reading abilities.

Cedric has seen some people with nasty thoughts, nothing was censored. Even omegas who tried to plot against him, hence why he didn't stop the rumours. He didn't want to deal with any more people drugging, stalking, or trying to get into his bed.

He's met so many people who looked nice but were terrible people.

But the omega in front of him, although he looked extremely put together, seemed to be having a life crisis in his head.

*' If this alpha is considered bad looking, and I consider him handsome... am I weird?'

*'I can't be weird..."

*"...or am I?'

Cedric didn't know what to say... were there rumours that he was ugly? Hmmm... he seemed to remember his half-brother spreading that he was a rude, disgusting monster who overworked people, maybe it evolved...

Theo smiled at him as he met his eyes, Cedric had to admit, he was really beautiful, but at the same time, he had a youthful vibe and he could be considered cute.

"So," Theo said trying to start up some conversation," How do you feel about this whole situation?"

*'I hope he's not mad at my family..'

"Well, I thought it was surprising, but I'm not too surprised," Cedric said.

*'...What does that mean...'

"Oh... I see," Theo said, pretending to understand," Me too! I pretty much just found out yesterday."

"I heard that it was your cousin though," Cedric said.

"Oh... he uhm, had someone he liked and he's against this whole arranged date... situation," Theo lied.

*'He actually ran away from home and isn't answering his phone and I have no idea he was even in the country or where he went or why he's against it... but close enough right?'

Cedric nodded with a look of understanding, we're all A-list actors here, after all, both of them grew up in the same circle.

Cedric took a sip of his water. Well, at least he got to eat lunch with the cute male omega.

"Well, I understand, do you feel the same way?"

"About what?"

"About the whole arranged date situation."

"Hmmm, I was surprised for certain...", Theo paused.

*'But isn't that what old people do...?'

"But not surprised at the same time...."Theo continued.

Cedric nodded," So, you had a similar reaction as me."

"...Yeah!" Theo said.

*'Oh, that's what he meant!'

Cedric gave a small smile, cute.

Theo looked at Cedric and smiled back before taking a sip of water.

*' Wow! He's so handsome! Totally my type! It's a little hard looking at him... it's too dazzling... I'm afraid I'll look like a tomato.'

Cedric's mouth twitched.

*'Just drink your cold water Theo, he's probably not interested. I'm probably the worst blind date he's ever seen.'

Cedric's eyebrows slightly scrunched.

*' He looks like he has a lot of experience... he probably dated a lot of omegas and likes the mature and experienced type. Cheer up, Theo! You can be mature!'

*'...Who am I kidding, I've only ever reached the holding hand and hugging stage with someone... '

*'... one year ago... that's just sad.'

Cedric wanted to laugh, he didn't mind... In fact, he was kind of jealous of that guy, he got to hug this cute omega?

Cedric and Theo talked a bit more before the food came.

Cedric had ordered steak for both of them.

"This is really good!" Theo exclaimed surprised as he ate a slice.

"I'm glad you like it," Cedric responded with a slight smile, he was doing that a lot today, even though he isn't one to smile a lot.

Theo nodded before pretending to focus on his food.

*'I can't take the smiling... my heart's going to explode if he smiles at me one more time!'

Cedric also pretended to be focused on his food, but his mouth was stiff from the restraint and his ears were slightly red.

*'How can this be the guy that's not good-looking? He fits perfectly to my standard! The world is weird... or is it me?'

*'No, I'm a fashion designer, it can't be me... or can it... No, nope, I won many international awards, someone's probably slandering him, that's so sad!'

Cedric tried to ignore the omega who suddenly looked at him in pity.

*'But what if my standards are weird, and people think it's a weird form of art... does that means my work is popular because of that and to only a select few????"

Theo scrunched his eyebrows as he ate the steak.

*"Are the models I hired actually not attractive!? Then what about my assistant? What if she also has weird taste... I hired her cuz her ideas match mine... are we BOTH weird?"

Cedric wasn't sure where Theo was going with this train of thought, but it was entertaining so he didn't stop it.

*'I should stop thinking about this, I'll just take a picture with him or one of the models and ask Mary if she thinks he's attractive. If he's not...'

Cedric slowed down.

*'I should quit the fashion industry and snatch this man!'

Cedric nearly choked on his steak.

"Are you okay Cedric?" Theo asked offering him some water.

"Oh, yes," Cedric replied calmly trying not to smile," Would you like me to order something to drink?"

"Sure!"Theo said readily.

As Cedric called the waiter, Theo continued thinking.

*'He's handsome, thoughtful and considerate, and totally my type, just look at him ordering water! Perfection! If nobody thinks he's good-looking, then isn't it a steal?!'

*'Anyway, I don't want to be that kind of designer that people applaud for but aren't sure if they should. I'm pretty rich anyway, I have a lot of investments, I made those investments on cryptocurrency and I snagged that land where they're going to build the highway near the port and Sunway City 4 years ago and the prices keep rising every day. The colony I invested in is nearly complete, I already have people lining up to rent. Additionally, the university near there is gaining more fame so many people are settling nearby.'

Cedric nodded and smiled at him when he saw Theo steal a glance, all good investments, he's been thinking of doing the same, but this omega was really smart and saw the trend 4 years ago.

*'Ah! The smiling! Why do I feel so warm?'

Cedric tried to order from the waiter with a straight face.

*' His pheromone is really nice too..."

Cedric bid the waiter away, but his ears were still red.

*' It's really nice..."

Theo's mind was quiet for a moment and Cedric turned to him.

*'It's too hot....'




*'....Why does it feel like I'm in heat?'