

Time passed, and the other 9 tail beasts were of course shocked upon finding out that me and Chomei were a thing. With how Chomei was as a person, it didn't take long for everyone else to know how good it was which got them feeling interested, so I made a move on them.

Matabi, Kokuo, and Saiken soon got to know of the pleasure known as pleasure, a new feeling to the tail beast that booked them. This displeased the other male tail beasts which were unhappy with me claiming all of the female tail beasts, but since I was the strongest they thought it was right. And it's not like I forced them.

So, they turned to the female Otsutsuki clansman on the moon who were interested... Well, Shukaku didn't care if they were interested or not. Something Gyuki forced him to start caring about.

Before we knew it, years passed. Naruto was dragging out the war below. Already, everyone on his list was killed and the war was nearing its end. 

The hidden leaf stood as the world leader, and Itachi was forced to stand as Hokage after Jiraiya's death... No, it was not called Hokage anymore, instead, the first concept of a city was built, and Itachi was given the title of major.

With this, Itachi had control over every human race, and pretty much had absolute control since those bad eggs were all killed. Itachi was not a war-loving person and was more of a pacifist who opposed war and violence... 

"brother... Are you the traitor?" Sasuke asked softly while standing behind Itachi who was standing on a cliff, looking at the sight of the city below.

"... I am," Itachi said calmly, making Sasuke's body shake. Itachi calmly turned around to look at Sasuke, before taking a deep breath.

"Peace, just how can such a thing be birth? I chose to join Naruto and become the great evil that shall force this world to become one. A greater evil that traps all over evil, while killing off the bad eggs." Itachi said calmly while walking up toward Sasuke

"This is it all over again... I'm not a child, why can't you ever trust me?" Sasuke yelled, many times Naruto seemed to know their next move, to think it was Itachi giving them information 

"... I do trust you. That's why I will leave the hardest task of all into your hands, maintaining this peace." Itachi said softly, making Sasuke realize something

"I will sacrifice myself to kill Naruto, taking both of us out. Leaving the image of the major taking down the evil creator for the sake of peace..." Itachi said softly, but Sasuke stood there while looking at Itachi with tears

"I tell you this now because it's too late, you can't stop me," Itachi said softly, making Sasuke fall to his knees. Itachi sighed before he turned to leave, but just as Itachi was about to go fight Naruto, he froze as Sasuke spoke

"lies... It's the only thing you ever tell me. Why can't you for once look at me and tell me the truth?" Sasuke asked, making Itachi unable to move for some time

"I knew for a long time now, yet I kept quiet, wanting to hear you come to speak to me. I wanted to see if you could ever see me as something more than your little brother you need to keep in some genjutsu." Sasuke said, making Itachi look at the sky for some time

"It's dangerous, the 9 tails fox strength can't be measured," Itachi said softly, but Sasuke was not having it

"I'm one of the strongest people alive, my power would play a huge role in your battle against the tail beast. You want to rush in with Naruto and not me, You were about to leave me in this darkness, laying lies upon lies to the very death." Sasuke said softly

"I can't lose you..." Itachi said softly while turning to look deeply at Sasuke. Itachi lost everything, and most of it was by his own hands. He killed his lover, parents, and many others, or for the sake of avoiding a war... but Sasuke, he couldn't kill. he didn't want to lose his little brother

"I'm sorry... But I just can't. The tail beast needs to die, and to kill them with how much stronger they are would be almost impossible. We know their weakness, and while we would most likely die, we need you to stay back and protect this world." Itachi said softly before he disappeared, leaving Sasuke there...

"You back from the moon?" Naruto asked seeing me and the other tail beast hanging out on Earth, I just shrugged as the moon wasn't as interesting as Earth. In the end, we get bored up there even with the changes happening there. it would be a few more years until it could become the kingdom we wish for it to become.

"Gyuki wanted us to see the world you created," I said softly, to which Naruto nodded for a moment. Naruto looked at the 9 of us tail beast for a moment before asking a question,

"... are you stealing chakra from the people?" Naruto asked softly, stunning me for a moment. my eyebrow tightened for a moment as Naruto shouldn't have known this, This was even more so with the other half inside him, so how could have naruto gotten this information without my knowledge? Naruto only knew I was creating a religion that supported peace, not this

"Indeed, no need to worry. It's soft and gentle, an extremely small amount." I said calmly, making Naruto lower his head slightly. he thought for some time before asking another question,

"Are you trying to recreate the god tree?" Itachi asked once more, which made my eyebrow rise. I was truly shocked, Just how was Naruto getting this information under my nose

"Indeed. You can't be shocked it would be foolish not to. Let's for a moment look at the Otsutsuki clan, They have been running around the universe for hundreds of years, gathering chakra fruit from all over the universe. what I'm doing is gentler, peaceful, and would ensure this peace you created remains. Yes, the way I go about it is dark, but the same can be said about you." I said calmly, making Naruto quiet. Naruto looked at me for some time, but all he saw in my eyes was...

"I... there are other ways to gain power. work with Orochimaru, study bloodlines, work with the tech from those from the village hidden in the cloud, and study the jutsu from the village hidden in the leaf. humans would grow stronger, it's something that is bound to happen." Naruto said softly, to which sighed

"Yet we tail beast don't have that opportunity. unlike humans we can't train to get stronger, we can only take. we already reached our limits, We can keep reaching higher and higher levels of chakra quality, but that would only take longer and longer." I said calmly,

"... this sounds more like personal gains than anything else, your actions might even slow down the progress of everyone else," Naruto said softly, making me quiet for some time. I looked at him for a moment before sighing

"It's not a one side taking all of the effect. how many people have chakra now because of us? we take, yet we also give back. We need them to grow stronger, or else it's not worth it." I said calmly,

"And if they get to power?" Naruto asked, to which I went quiet once more.

"For the sake of our safety, I can only kill or limit their growth," I said calmly, Naruto looked at me deeply before speaking

"So this world can get stronger... just so long you and the others remain at the top? What would happen once the tail beast gets stronger than you?" Naruto asked softly, to which my eyes narrowed. the other 8 tails also looked towards me, as the strongest tail beast they have looked up to me for some time now. even going as far as seeing me as the elder siblings

"Lower lifeforms have no right to step on the same stage as me. As for my siblings, we are all unique. we were all born with unique power, I wasn't born with unique power and in return the most strength. if by chance they do get stronger than me, I will feel displeased, but I'm not a human who would slow down the progress of my people. family stick together." I said calmly, making my siblings smile slightly. indeed, we tail beasts might fight at times, but we are connected on a deeper level.

"... then stop, if family sticks together to try and find another way. please." Naruto said softly, to which I shook my head. Naruto looked at me for a moment in shock, after all, I never said no to him like I just did now.

"Enough talking." Gyuki glared at Naruto before walking forward, I frowned slightly seeing his actions. did he dare to have plans on my son? but before I could say anything, Gyuki turned to look at everyone else

"Does anyone want to support Naruto? If so, this is the time for you all to speak." Gyuki said making me stop to look at everyone. the other 7 tail beasts looked at each other, but none of them had anything to say, as they were on board with this.

"well... I'm on board with it. forgive me," Gyuki said stunning everyone once more. I looked at Gyuki in shock, and Gyuki could only look at me with some guilt.

"I believe humans and tail beasts can live in peace. Sure we had our conflicts... but it was all because of Madara, who was being tricked by Black Zetsu. In a way, Humans were not even the cause of our misfunction... so why hate them over something they, were forced into?" Gyuki asked softly, 

"... when did you betray us?" I asked softly, Gyuki went quiet, unable to say anything. and seeing my rage growing, he turned to look at the other tail beast who waiting for him to say something. but seeing the look in his way, they realize that he betrayed them,

"... we destroyed his life," Gyuki said softly, Out of everyone with whom Gyuki might have the deepest connection with his host, he was willing to even put his life at risk for him. yet in the past few years, his host went from an annoying human who can't rap, to a depressed human without anything.

His host was killer Bee, the brother of A who was on the kill list. Sure he came off as dark and cold-hearted to most people, but that was those who didn't know him. A lover and deeply cares for his family, especially his adoptive brother Killer B. Since the day they became partners, A and B bonded deeply as they completed missions and honed their skills together as the A–B Combo. When B became Gyūki's jinchūriki and A's father died, A became determined to keep his village and B safe, confining his brother's movements to the village even if it went against B's wishes.

A only did what he thought was best for his village, the stronger his village the better his people and family could live. the day Killer B left, it was for Killer B to be a spy. Killer B would have been the only Jinchuriki who would have been willing to stay and fight against the others if not for his wish to protect his village. while other villages used the 9 tails as weapons, A once he became the kage didn't. 

"I'm sorry, I will work hard to make up for my mistake," Gyuki said softly before bowing slightly. Gyuki took a deep breath, and before anyone could react. Gyuki's fist suddenly turned into its tail beast form, and from the elbow, a burst of chakra shot out, pushing at fist forward at such speed that space and time twisted, and his fist explored with flames.


I was sent to fly, shooting straight through countless mountains and straight into outer space. the other tail beast after a moment of shock quickly jumped at Gyuki, but from the sky, Killer B appeared, entering the 8 tail chakra mode where truth-seeking orbs, and quickly the 7 tails flashed to block his attack seeing the 8 tails avatar disappeared...

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