
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

Birth of the kage no akuma

(This is going to be my first major ninja battle that includes an army so tell me on what I can improve on)


"Fox." Came the voice of dog

"Yes captain?" I asked

"You know every great ninja who became legendary became so known and legendary because of their prowess on the battlefield." He spoke

"Yes." I answered while anticipating his next words.

"Than it's time for your legend to be born. But first how far along are you with that jutsu." He asked

"Not even close I have to change the formula to fit me the most I can do is go five to ten feet once before passing out." I said defectively.

Patting my shoulder he spoke "than use your mothers gifts and go all out no holding back and no hiding who you are. Remember what you wanted to be konohas kage no akuma. Speed your legend and strike fear into your enemies like your father and mother did." As he finished my eyes turned blood red while benihime appeared in my hand while four bubbly red chakra tails and nine shadowy grey chains floated out of my shadow and were covered in kurami's chakra. They weren't only sharp and able to cut right threw a man but they were also corrosive so even smaller wounds would kill.

Seeing this weasel spoke up "don't forget my gift the best way to gain proficiency with the sharingan is through experience in use with it." As he finished I nodded and raised my headband revealing my three tomoe sharingan.

Feeling the four tails jinchuuriki get closer I waited till he was in my range of 30 yards before sending my chains at him. As soon as they did the four tails chakra he was flooding his system with dissipated as I used the chains to bring him closer. "Seal him!" I exclaimed as I brought him close. Body flickering next to the jinchuuriki crow slapped a five elements seal on him. "What should we do with him?" I asked

"Hmm go deal with the others I'll watch over him lion put him in a wooden prison." The hokage ordered.

Missing lion did some hand seals as wood flew out of the ground and wrapped around the four tails jinchuuriki. Looking at the hateful look the red haired man was giving us I decided to not take any chances and slapped on more chakra suppressing and paralyzing seals.

Looking at the army in front of us I noticed the genin looked terrified while the chunin and jonin looked nervous. Seeing their five tailed jinchuuriki being launched into their ranks from the tree line but not seeing who or what did it. Smiling I asked "may I?"

Looking over at me dog spoke "show them the way to hell but see that woman with short black hair and black eyes. Wearing a red outfit and a iwa jonin vest." At my nod he finished "that's the tsuchikage's granddaughter. Leave her alive and mostly unharmed."

Nodding I jumped down from the trees. Letting the enemy's get a full view of my four tailed chakra mode and my nine long and shadowy chains wrapped in corrosive chakra. My slitted blood red eye glowed with bloodlust and my sharingan spun within the eyeholes in my fox mask. Deciding to embrace my new copy cat kakashi Jr. title I copied a scene I watched in the anime.

Slowly walking at first I watched as the enemy shinobi started their charge my smile only got wider as I let out the full force on my bloodlust that was boosted by kurami and benihime, which made some of the genin slip and fall while some others stoped and froze. The chunin grit their teeth and endured while the jonin lost their smug countenance. My smile turning bloodthirsty I started to speed up as they got closer. Slowly turning into a full on sprint I was as fast as an elite jonin with the four tails of chakra kurami was supplying me with. Seeing the one woman I wasn't allowed to kill in the front leading the charge while the five tails sat at the back and gathered chakra I thought 'might as well get her out of the way first.' Before making one of my chains loose it's lethality and wrap around her before launching her towards the others. My other chains tore into the first group of jonin most evaded the strikes but a few couldn't and were either torn into pieces or screamed in horror as their limbs melted and fell off due to the corrosive chakra. Seeing this the blood red glow in my slitted eye only got brighter as I charged into the group of shinobi. Giving my chains the order to kill anyone coming from behind me I pulled my benihime out in front of me. Using my sensor abilities I focused on the chakra signature of the five tails and get as his chakra output skyrocketed. Narrowing my eyes I did a few hand signs before looking up and spewing water out towards the sky. Than using a wind jutsu I made the water particles spread out before using the mist jutsu. Using the mist as cover I cut threw chunin and genin heating their screams and pleas for mercy but not caring as I tried to reach the five tails. As I was getting close a exited the mist and saw the five tails snap his head up and look right at me before

"Too late kid." I heard his voice as a wave of five tails chakra blasted out of him sending me flying. Regaining my footing as the chakra wave sent me back into the middle of the enemy ranks. It also made my mist disappear, revealing the 40 jonin, 140 chunin and 170 genin left. Seeing this the others finally decided to join me as they joined the battlefield. Meeting up with dog we both stared at the gigantic horse dolphin thing in front of us while it's five tails waved around carving deep caverns into the earth behind it.

"Hmm we could deal with it after we deal with the army but I want to make this quick and show these iwa nin that they never stood a chance they lost moral when you cut them down but seeing the five tails boosted it back up. Show them that they don't have a chance and crush their moral." Dog spoke in a hardened tone.

Nodding i bit my finger before mentally asking 'you ready to show the world your power again my love.'

'Hahaha let us show these mongrels their place.' She spoke with a cackle and smug tone

'I never should of let you watch fate.' I thought as I did a hand sign and slamming my hands on the ground. Dog already left the area and joined in the fight behind me as a huge cloud of smoke appeared towering over the five tails.

Letting out an ear piercing roar. All of the iwa nin looked towards the smoke cloud with horror ad they watch nine reddish orange tails flew out of the cloud dispelling it and revealing the gigantic form of the kyuubi in full display. She looked down at the five tails and spoke in a booming voice. "HELLO SISTER." Before charging at the five tails.

Seeing this the five tails widened her eyes but before it could say anything it was as if someone else took control as she charged back at us. Clashing it was obvious who would win kurami the nine tails could fight and defeat all her siblings at once. The lone five tails didn't stand a chance. Easily overpowering and toppling the five tails kurami spoke "SORRY SISTER BUT THIS FIGHT IS MINE!" Before piecing her with all nine tails and making her form shrink till the only thing left was a bleeding Han. Looking back towards the battle between the iwa bin and my team I saw that most of the iwa nin have given up. That didn't stop my team from killing them mercilessly though. 'see you at home dear.' Kurami spoke to me in my mind before launching me towards the enemy and dispelling herself.

Landing on the head of a genin and exploding it like a watermelon I chase after chunin and jonin who were trying to escape.

Following two chunin I heard them speaking "big bro the demons coming go faster." The girl spoke in a frantic tone

"You think I don't know that he already killed father and mother I won't let him end our family line." The other spoke as he looked at the sister.

Mentally sighing I thought 'these fuckers are the ones who ambushed us and yet I always feel like the bad guy and killing off an entire family line fuck.' As I got closer. 'At least I'll make it quick.' I thought as I sped up. Watching as the boy looked my way before giving an apologetic look to his sister I thought 'he's going to sacrifice himself.' Before getting ready for any suicidal forbidden jutsu. Unfortunately that wasn't what happened.

"Don't worry niomi I'll tell the people back in the village of your brave sacrifice." He spoke as he tripped his sister. As she widened her eyes and looked at her brother in despair, disbelief, and betrayal.

"Big brother." Was all she got out before face planting into the ground and rolling. Her bother injected himself with some weird glowing purple substance as he gained black markings and foul chakra flew out of him as he sped up faster than me and disappeared into the ground.

Reaching his sister the now named niomi I saw her motionless as her face was blank looking at the place her brother was. She kept mumbling "why, why, why, why." Over and over again in a chant as her tone gained venom and her eyes hardened.

Seeing this I was about to put the little girl down but before I did I saw her skin turning a different color. As her skin turned black like obsidian I thought 'I've never read about a bloodline that allows the skin to turn into obsidian before. The only bloodlines iwa has are lava release, explosion release, iron release, and mud release.' Looking at the girl I decided to leave her alive for research. Wrapping my chains around her she started to struggle and I noticed with some surprise that she gained the strength of a stronger jonin. Placing chakra surprising seals on her i felt her skin and it was solid like obsidian. I saw as her skin started to turn back to normal. Putting a few more paralysis seals on her I handed her to a clone and left to deal with the other runaway chunin and genin.

Looking around I found a genin holding their own arm while staring at it. They tried to attach it back on but it wouldn't as their attempts got more frantic. Seeing me he tried harder and started to back up and crawl away. "Back away leave us alone Jenny stay behind me." After not getting a response he looked behind him and froze. Laying behind him was a girl on her stomach with a puddle of blood beneath her. "Jenny answer me. Jenny!" His voice sounded desperate as he dropped his severed arm and crawled his way to her. Shaking her she stated to come to "Jenny hey wake up we got to go! The demon is here!" He yelled out as he helped the girl up.

His only response was the girl mumbling something as she screamed in pain and clutched her stomach. Looking at it I saw her stomach was being corroded by some of kurami's chakra. 'Must of hit her with a chain earlier if she's still alive she must of been a strong shinobi.' I thought as I got closer.

Seeing her wounds the boy laid her down and started to drag her as she desperately tried to keep her organs inside. Looking at this pitiful scene my eyes lost their bloodlust and gained a tired look as I let out a sigh. "Come on Jenny hold on I'll get you to a medic." The boys tone became excited as if he really thought that he and his girl would make it.

Seeing this I thought 'Is this the world I'm training mito to grow up in is this going to be her fate. What if it was mito who was bleeding while izuna and setsuna frantically tried to get her out of there and to a medic.' As my thoughts ran and my hands started to shake a little, the scene of two iwa genin was replaced with the scene of mito, setsuna, and izuna.

'Calm down dear we both know what it will take for this bloodshed to end it will take you getting strong like hashirama or madara to make the world fear your anger and wrath. Remember your fighting so that won't be mito bleeding out on the floor. Your fighting for her smile and safety. Your training her so that she won't ever be the one getting hurt the stronger she is the safer she is.' As kurami's sweet and gentle tone came into my head I felt her chakra trying to comfort me as it wrapped around me like kurami was hugging me.

The scene of a bleeding Mito disappearing I saw the two iwa genin and steeled my self. Throwing a kunai it planted itself inbetween the girls eyes as her screaming and whimpers stopped and she went limp. Feeling niomi go limp the boy tuned and saw a kunai in the middle of her head. Widening his eyes he scooped her into his arms and started mumbling "no, no, no, no." Over and over again. Walking up my eyes regained their fire as I brought up benihime.

"Don't worry you'll be joining her." I spoke as I brought my katana down.
