
Reborn as Hagrid! AU.

Waking up in Azkaban as Hagrid in 1943, facing the terrors of Azkaban, and dealing with his isolation. How will the new Hagrid deal with the wizarding world and what changes will he bring? Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JKR. I own nothing but my OC'S. The picture doesn't belong to me. If you want me to remove it, just leave a comment.

jaliko · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 5

Azkaban is a prison that looks like a triangular monolithic tower. It was created by Ekrizdis, an evil wizard, the darkest to ever exist. He pushed the boundaries of magic to the extreme. Reaching levels that people only dream of touching. Sadly, he never manged to conquer death. Not because he failed, but he simply never tried. He is mostly known for torturing sailors, but his greatest achievement is creating dementors.

After his death, the Ministry of Magic discovered Azkaban, which caused the creation of The Department of Mysterious.

While they told the public about the fortress, they never told them what exists underneath it.

Beneath the fortress, a huge labyrinth exists. While the Ministry removed what it can remove, somethings can never be removed without paying a huge price. And one of those things is a prison for dementors.

You see, while most people believe that dementors are unintelligent, you have to remember that they were created by combining humans and lethifold.

while the creation process made them immortal, it forced them to feed on sadness, and while they can feed on prisoners they can never kill them without an order.

{I didn't fail I'm sure he was dead} Thought a dementor to him self. {I felt his soul break. He should be dead.}

The dementor stood there in silence, attracting the attention of its kind.

"Bartimus, what are you doing? Why are you not patrolling the prison." Said the approaching dementor.

But instead of words, a crackling, wet sound came out.

It's the sound of a death rattle. The kind that you can't survive.

Bartimus slowly faced his companion and said. "Do you think that someone can survive our kiss. And I told you to stop using my mortal name, Zaboren!"

"What!? That's impossible. why do you ask that? And I will use your dementor name when you use mine, Bartimus." Zaboren said.

"I lost control, and kissed a young prisoner..

"What!?" Zaboren questioned. "Are you an idiot? You can't say that outloud! What if someone hears you? Do you want to spend the next 100 years in prison!?

"I know, but he didn't die. I've been living in fear since I did it. However, when I checked on him, he was alive. I felt his soul break, Zaboren, yet he lives. Furthermore, I felt a presence that can kill us from his cell. What if he's impervious to death? That means we'll have as many emotions as we want." Bartimus' voice gargled in restlessness.

"Did you tell anyone else?" Asked Zaboren.

"No. I didn't.

"That good, keep it that way. "Zaboren advised Bartimus. "Now, you talked about a presence that can kill us. What is it? And how many times have you felt it.

"I have no idea, but it feels sickening. Like a patronus but more disgusting. Moreover, I felt that if I approach it, I will die. I felt it three times, but the third time it disappeared immediately. The other two times it lasted longer.

"Then, we will wait for a weak. If we don't feel any more presence, we'll risk it. Don't tell anyone because if he dies, I'm blaming you, and for the last time use my dementor name." Zaboren threatened.

Hagrid woke up with a start. Remembering what happened yesterday, he wanted to continue practicing his mind art but hunger prevented him.

He opened the pouch, put his hand inside, and started to think about food. Magically, a big basket appeared in his hand. The basket contained a baguette, Beef Bourguignon, coq au vin, chocolate souffle, and some croissant.

Hagrid looked at the food in amazement. He couldn't wait to start eating, but he noticed a note on the basket. He picked up the note and read it. The note said that the basket will be refilled every four hours. Hagrid discarded the note and started eating with relish. Every bite he took made him feel euphoria. As if he is about to ascend, to heaven.

"God almighty! If there is Ambrosia in this world, then this must be it! " Hagrid said with a blissful look on his face. "Is this food the work of house-elves? If it is, then they should rule the wizarding world."

Looking at his pouch, Hagrid retrieved the book about occlumency and started reading.

The book said, that if you manged to clear your mind, then you are ready for the next step.

Active concealment is the next step. It is divided into two parts, emotion concealment and memory concealment. First, you need to clear your mind. Then, try to feel any emotion without clouding your mind and then change it. For example, you can take sadness then change it to something else, like anger, which is the easiest. If you can transform any emotion from one state to another, without clouding your mind then that means that you have finished this step, and you are ready for the next step.

Hagrid put down the book and started to think about what he just read. If he wants to control his emotions, than he needs to deceive him self.

Perhaps for others, clearing the mind is enough occlumency for a life time, but for Hagrid it's a matter of life and death.

Hagrid sat down and tried to clear his mind again which turned out to be surprisingly easy.

The next step, according to Hagrid's understanding, is to summon an emotion without breaking the clarity of the mind. Which proved to be, extremely difficult. Every time Hagrid tried to summon an emotion his mind will become clouded, breaking it's clarity.

Hagrid understood that he needs to summon an emotion without feeling it's influence. He kept trying until he felt exhausted. He opened his pouch and started to think about potions that replenish energy. three potions appeared Invigoration Draught, Wiggenweld Potion, and Vitamix potion. Hagrid read the labels and decided to drink the invigorating draught.

After he replenished his stamina, he went back to practicing.

As he was practicing again, he finally manged to summon his sadness without affecting his mind. He tried to maintain this state as long as he can. Hoping that it will become easier next time.

After several hours of practicing, Hagrid finally fell asleep.