
Reborn as devil

dragon9286 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


somewhere in a void

'finally after 50,000 years i can leave this

place. it's shocking even now that i died

and reborn as the first and highest ranking

angel with six wings. i don't remember who i was and memories about myself and people related to me are vague but memories of other things are quite clear.'

'when i opened my eyes i was infront of a

person who called himself god and he

created a world and i was the first angel he created. my work was to supervise other

angels in heaven. my life was wonderful in heaven.'

'everything was alright until god created a

world named aurora. one thing i remember from my previous self was i had a dream

of being an inventor but my studies were

average and poor talent regardless i was

a question bank to the ones who taught

me. my happy life suddenly filled with

questions and i asked god some questions like

why did you create the world?

who created you ?....etc and i was

trying to analyse and understand the world.

But i only asked barely five questions.

i can also clearly see that he too can't break

many rules and i discussed with some fellow angels whether they have any ideas

about it. later i started to research and fully understand and compare them with things

in my previous life. some things are similar

but many things qre different as fantasy beings like elves, dragons etc were created by god. I am observing and develop some new things by myself.'

'everything changed when eden and some angels rebelled and questioned god. they were quickly defeated but i too was captured and was convicted as manipulator

and instigator of rebellion and imprisoned here in void. these shackles of heaven after thousands of years weakened and

now i can finally escape from here.'

kingdom of light

capital : city of dawn

'its convenient that i can again use my

magic. I have to know what happened in these thousands of years .the humans have developed with magic quite quickly than i

thought,there are even libraries. good now

task is quite simple. The library is bigger than any other libraries i had seen in my

previous life.'

'just looking at these books i can say many

gods are born now. but i need to now from the starting. As i am an angel ican easily blend in any society with magic and things which can be called miracles etc. let's go to the librarian for suggestion'

"excuse me can you recommend books

which are about the creation of world and angel's."

the librarian looked at me and said

"The chronicles of aurora ,you can find it in

section B 2A. i think it is more than enough

and it is accepted everywhere in the world."

"thank you"

section B 2A

'wow the whole rack is filled with the same book.let's see what it has'

'the first chapter information is simple and

has little information.let's see what's in second chapter'



'what the hell! I am a devil now?

Hello readers i think the first chapter may be somewhat boring but i think it is necessary for story development Hope

i can atleast complete this book.