
Chapter 7 : Relief And Plans

[ Playground Konoha ]

Shirou is currently at the playground again. Yesterday's revelation about his condition was quite informative. He was too tired to think about the results so he decided to deal with everything the next day. And here we are.

'Yin imbalance and Narrow Tenketsu. I am finally relieved.' - Shirou.

That's right. His main fears were that since he possessed a copy of a body from another dimension, he would be unable to use chakra. He is also unsure if mana existed. Luckily according to Ishida, Shirou did possess Tenketsu and the potential to use chakra. Tenketsu and pressure points, a Chinese concept that was present in his past life. The Nasuverse being a mirror of earth and also where all legends are true, it should also have the same concepts.

Regarding the Yin imbalance and narrow Tenketsu, they were not that big of an issue. Shirou immediately knew his high yin energy was due to him retaining his past life memories and experiences. As for the low yang energy and narrow Tenketsu, this took a bit longer for him to figure out. It's because this world is still in the Age of Gods. That's right, Narutoverse has transcended beings like the Shinigami, Okutsuki, Sages, Jashin and so on. No one knows what other powers hide in this world. They are not the same as Divine spirits from Nasuverse so there are some big differences between them. Anyways the supernatural powers like natural energy, chakra and also the astral system that governs all of them are still going strong, unlike the modern era in Nasuverse. How does this relate to Shirou's low energy and Tenketsu? It is because people born during the Age of Gods are stronger because of the higher concentration of mana. People born during the Age of Man like Shirou Emiya are weaker as this is a time when mana and the related astral systems were deteriorating.

'Now the only question that remains is the existence of mana. But I have time. Right now I should focus on chakra and od.' - Shirou.

Right now based on his knowledge about the power systems of Narutoverse and Nasuverse, Shirou is starting to suspect that od and chakra are related. He suspects the same for mana and natural energy. He even thinks that Senjutsu chakra is in fact some form of prana. Shirou did not know, but he was close to the truth. The energies were related. The differences are due to the workings of the astral systems of Narutoverse and Nasuverse being different.

'It's decided, I will find a way to unlock my chakra.' - Shirou.

'Ishida-san is out. What other options do I have... meditation is one idea. But will it really work?' - Shirou.

'Wait what if I ask Akira? Yeah, I can ask him how he learned to sense chakra.' - Shirou.

'There is also the library. If I am really lucky then maybe I can find a book that describes how to awaken chakra. I hope I didn't inherit Shirou Emiya's luck. Even if I don't find the book, I can still do research with all the information there. I will need to get permission from Ishida as the library is a bit far away.' - Shirou.

'Then meditation it is, until Akira returns from school.' - Says Shirou as he begins to meditate.

[ An hour later ]

'I don't know if I am making progress. I can only hope doing this longer pays off.' - Shirou.

'Let's go back. Maybe there are some useful books in the orphanage.' - Shirou.

After arriving, he immediately started looking through the available books.

'They are all written in Japanese, good. As an otaku I had forced myself to learn Japanese in my past life.' - Shirou.

'The kids born in this world sure are amazing. Finding a very smart 2-year-old with strength not matching his or her age is not that rare. It should be related to the "Age of Gods" of this world.' - Shirou.

After searching a lot, Shirou started to feel it was pointless. There was nothing about Chakra awakening. A few moments later he found a book, titled "Hashirama Senju the God of Shinobi". It was written by Mito Uzumaki. Since he found nothing else he started reading. He finished reading a part. Based on Mito's description the guy was the epitome of honesty and strength among other things. Knowing the general plot, Shirou's opinion of the guy was mixed. He liked Hashirama for his power, achievements and honest character. But the decisions he made like the distribution of the tail beasts, not so much.

The tailed beasts were intelligent sentient beings. To take away their freedom by sealing them into human beings was not something Shirou could accept. Imagine if someone did that to him simply because he became too powerful to be left alone. He could never accept that. Not only that they became weapons of war used against the very village which decided to give them away. All it took for the war to start was the death of Hashirama and Madara.

'As someone who knows the full story I feel sorry for them, but would I have felt the same way if I was originally living in this world as a weak person ignorant of the plot? I am not sure.' - Shirou.

'Sigh... Konoha with its abundant resources was practically begging for war with the other villages after the death of the top 2.' - Shirou.

'When Konoha was established with a ninja village system consisting of multiple clans, others followed suit forming their own ninja villages. This resulted in wars that were previously scattered and among few clans to escalate to a whole new level. The village government was also a nest for corruption.' - Shirou.

'The very thing Hashirama tried to stop magnified beyond expectations.' - Shirou.

'Did he do the right thing? I don't know. Besides it's not like the warring states era was any better. I guess in both eras some people benefited while others suffered.' - Shirou.

'This is the world I now live in. Despite the immense dangers, it offers me a chance to achieve something I could never do in my previous life, and that is "godlike personal strength".' - Shirou.

Just then Akira arrived. He had returned from the academy.

"Hey Shirou, reading those boring books I see. Oh, it's about the first Hokage. He is so cool. I wish I could be just like him." - Akira.

'With more brains, I hope.' - Shirou.

"Yeah, he is awesome. Hey Akira can I ask you something?" - Shirou.

"Yeah, what is it?" - Akira.

"How did you awaken your chakra?" - Shirou.

"Huh... Is this so that you can awaken yours Shirou?" - Akira.

"No, I already asked Ishida-san and he told me that I should wait. I am just curious about how it's done." - Shirou.

"Oh. Well, the academy teachers passed their chakra through my body. They controlled it to stimulate my Tenketsu. I started feeling my chakra. The teachers then stopped the transfer and asked me to try doing it myself. Since I already knew the feeling, I was able to do it after focussing for some time." - Akira.

"Wow, sounds exciting." - Shirou.

"Yeah, it was. The kids from the ninja clans had already been awakened before joining the school. Lucky bastards." - Akira.

"Yeah, unlike us they have people providing them with support and resources." - Shirou.

"I know and I don't like it one bit. Acting all high and mighty like they were the sage's reincarnation or something. They really got on my nerves. Mark my words Shirou, one day I will show them who the boss is. Oh shit, I forgot homework, see you later." - Akira.

'Of Course, there are arrogant young masters in this world.' - Shirou.

"Bye." - Shirou.

'Back to meditation.' - Shirou.

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