
Reborn as a kryptonian

Reborn as a kryptonian. Being born with absolute power comes at a price. Watch as verlin velrin tries to be a hero like Superman, but ultimately distances himself further and further away from humanity ........................................................................................ Update Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Picture is not mine. If the owner wants me to take it down. Let me know.

TheFundraiser · Fantasia
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56 Chs

The Assault

Seeing that Rachel wasn't going to answer any more questions, Verlin didn't bother asking and went to his room to get the polar bear blood for research. The research he was doing actually didn't take too long. He had underestimated his capabilities. The tasks he thought would take days were shortened to minutes. With his microscopic vision, he could lock down on the differences in genetic samples while spotting similarities.

He returned to the lab with the polar bear samples. Verlin looked around the room and realized most things in there were useless. He didn't need the microscope because he had his microscopic vision, His brain was faster than any computer the planet had to offer. The only thing with some remote use were the elements on the periodic table. Maybe he really didn't need a lab. A table would have worked the same.

Verlin shook his head and opened the conrtainers holding the blood, He used his microscopic vision and noticed the differences. The rampaging polar bear genes seemed more unstable than the other polar bear. He quickly noticed the genes of the polar bear had been tempered with. Someone must have tried altering its DNA. If the polar bear went on any longer, it would lead to gene degradation, causing his genes and body to collapse. Whoever tempered with the polar bear genes were trying to force an unnatural gene mutation, and it was a failed expirement.

Verlin closed the containers and pushed them aside. He wasn't gonna try to track down who caused it, mainly because gene mutation of this scale would always end in failure, and even if they succeeded, the lifespan would be shortened to a couple of days. Verlin was about to leave the lab when he heard something heading towards the house at about 700km/h. He used his X ray vision and looked up through the house and saw an airplane falling down.

It was still about 4 km in the air, but it would land in less than 21 seconds, Verlin could see the passengers on the plane crying, the pilots trying to regain control of the aircraft to no avail. There was no sign of hijacking, but it would be too much of a coincidence for the plane to crash right above his head. Verlin thought about all this in less than a millisecond, walked through the front door of the house, and flew up to the plane and caught it. He let it fall another kilometer before holding it place, although his force field can wrap around the whole plane, it can't yet precisely wrap every individual inside it. So he has to slowly cancel out the force it built up while falling.

Verlin looked around and found the airport where the airplane was supposed to land about 20 km into City A. He flew there and dropped the airplane, and flew back at the mansion. All this happened in about 20 seconds. When Verlin arrived at the house, Rachel was already outside.

She looked at him and said, " What happened? "

Verlin had a slight frown on his face and said, "I don't know, how about you tell me?"

Seeing that Verlin wasn't happy, she said, " I really don't know. I just got out here."

Verlin took a second to analyze the situation. Only the military of the West Federation should know of his existence. But there was no reason for the West Federation to attack him. Not only would it do no harm to him, but it would also put Rachel in danger. Although the reasoning made no sense, there is no way this was an accident. The timing was too good. They must have known he was in the house. Only they would know where he was because of the phone.

Verlin stared down at Rachel on the ground and said, " An airplane almost crashed on the house."

Rachel looked up at the sky and said, "You're joking, right?"

" I'm not. Your satellite keeping watch should have caught it on camera."

As soon as Verlin finished talking, Rachel got a call from someone. Rachel picked up the call, and on the other end was General Smith. Normally, Verlin wouldn't eavesdrop, but he didn't care much right now. At first, General Smith just asked if she was alright. After a dozen seconds of back and forth between them, he asked her to come back to the headquarters and also to bring Verlin along.

Rachel looked at Verlin, and before she could say anything, he said, "Let's go."

Verlin grabbed Rachel and carried her princess style and flew towards the headquarters, and arrived in less than 20 seconds. Verlin could hear Rachel's heartbeat rise, but she kept a straight face and said, " Follow me."

After going through some twist, they entered a dimly lit room filled with tens of people on a computer desk. Even after Verlin and Rachel entered, no one turned their heads. They seemed to focused on their work. The headed towards the front of the room and standing there was General Smith. He turned towards Rachel and Verlin and said, " Greetings Verlin, although I would have liked to chat with you at much better circumstances. It seems that would have to wait for another time."

Seeing Verlin nodding his head, he turned towards the large screen and said, " The airplane that departed from City Z late a night yesterday and was set to land in City A this evening, but when it arrived in the proximity of City A, it's trajectory was changed."

The large screen showed the plane changing course and heading towards the outskirts of City A. General Smith continued and said, " This change seemed to have been done remotely, meaning whoever did this took control of the aircraft and pointed it towards your direction. The main problem we are facing right now is that from what we know, this type of technology should have been discovered recently as we do not have this capability ourselves. Although we are still trying to locate the people who did this, chances are we won't be able to find them."

Verlin tried to listen to General Smith's heartbeat for any trace of anxiousness, but his heartbeat was calm and steady. Verlin took into account that General Smith was still a leader of the army, so he would have trained to be able to lie without so much as an accelerated heartbeat. Verlin shook his head. If he had awakened his electromagnetic spectrum vision, things would have been much easier. He would have been able to trace the source directly.

Seeing Verlin shaking his head, General Smith continued and said, " Although we haven't been able to locate the source of the misdirection, I would like to thank you for saving the lives of not only the passengers on that flight but also Rachel."

"No problem, just tell me how exactly they were able to know my location."

"That we do not know as well, but if we're were to take a guess, it would be because of the phone we gave you." General Smith pulled out a new phone and continued, " This phone has all the data transfered from your old phone into it, but with no tracker or any additional devices. Just a regular phone."

Verlin took the phone and said, "Much appreciated. Also, you might want to check the security on your data. If these people attacked me, they must know about my identity. "

General Smith went silent for a second and said, "We shall keep that in mind, but I do hope that this incident doesn't sour our friendship."

Verlin raised an eyebrow. Although they weren't enemies, he wouldn't go as far as saying they were friends. Verlin shook his head and said, " Dont worry, it's not that big of a deal. No one got hurt." He looked at Rachel and said, " You gonna go back home now?"

Rachel shook her head and said, " I'll stay here a little longer. You can head back without me."

Verlin wasted little time. He left the base and flew into the sky and into space. It was already almost nighttime, so he decided to relax above the planet. He entered space a few hundred kilometers above the planet and let the planet capture him in orbit. He didn't fall towards the planet but rotated around it at a relatively slow speed of mach 30.