
the start of a tribe

As the day ended I went to sleep having had moved in to the new cave I rested in my bed made from leafs my blanket just the fur of the black wolf.

In the morning I checked own Nova only to notice that she looked like she could go into labor at any moment.

As I prepared a place for the new baby goblins he moved some leafs and pellet of rabbits underneath the wolfs pussy to place the new goblin on.

As time passed soon Nova began going into labor I help as the kids came out one at a time eventually adding up to five.

After the successful birth of the babys I gave Nova a hefty portion of the rabbit I cought in the morning felling exhausted she eat the food to regain her energy.

As she ate I took a good look at the children and noticed some differences three of the kids took after me having the body of a baby goblin the differences being there little white hair own there heads and there fingernail were replaced by sharp claws like there mother's.

Although one of them I noticed was a female a rarity I decided to protect the girl more then the other. Although the biggest surprise was not not the female goblin but the fact that the other two babies unlike the first three took more after there mother looking like puppies.

They had green fur and blue eyes they were trying to get used to there legs while the goblin baby laid there and cried understanding there need for food I moved the baby's and there makeshift bed near there moms nipples so they can drink the milk.

When I moved them the quickly latched own and began to drink with them distracted I opened my system hoping to find a way to grow them up so I can have a least a basic level tribe.

Opening the system i told me to increase the growth rate of the baby's I'll have to level them up usually I would have to wait until they were add least kids for that but because of the system I could share my experience point with them so I could gather experience with they stay here.

I came to the decision that I would gather experience while they stay with there mother and level them up to kids and try to level myself up.

I have not leveled up sense my arrivel manly because I focused on building a foundation instead of fighting the creatures of the forest

So this gave me the opportunity to level up and level everyone else up to.

Checking my level I see that I'm level 5 and need 100 more exp to get level 6 I also checked the quest tab that I stupidly neglected.

Quest: meditate and feel the soundings magic in the air: reward gain the class goblin mage.

Quest: raid a human village of there treasure and women: reward the villains swords. A all black blade with a red hilet the blade puts fear in the hearts of those who see it. It's ability to take the souls of those it slays making the blade stronger the more souls it traps in itself.

With these quest to do I decided to do the first quest first magic will be useful in the future against knights and stronger monster

But then I must go and hunt the animals of the forest for xp for myself and the goblins

im beginning to run out of ideas for the story if anyone has any ideas for the future

Yeet_Tercreators' thoughts
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