
Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons

Overlord_Bloodfall · Ficção Científica
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397 Chs

War in the Plague Garden Part 9: Rising Wrath

(General POV)

Location the Plague Garden of Nurgle/ Battlefield-Khorne and Laharl Forces vs Nurgle Forces

All the daemons not occupied with battle were looking at the brutal battle between the Plague and Carnage Gods, and it was clear that the Carnage God was much powerful than Papa Nurgle, especially when he did the impossible basically throwing the giant Decaying God over his shoulder and smashing him against the infected earth.

Then as a squad of nurglings, overrun and killed a couple of remnants bloodletters and some knightmares, a Great Unclean One enjoying the nurglings overwhelming the blood brutes and the crazy carnage daemons he took command of the Nurgle's army, named Botchulaz, he was trying to turn the tide and lead as good as brother Rotigus Rainmaker, but with the added forces of the Dark One, the advantage they once held against the Blood Legion was completely lost.

Especially with the addition of the new enemy the flesh horrors, alongside their Daemon Queen, Scalpel as well as the elder daemons Skarbrand and Beelzabub were crushing their forces unaffected by any of the Grandfather's gifts.

Not even his fellow greater daemons could match these powerful daemonic entities making Botchulaz grumble as he struck his doombell, against the ground he was about to command his forces to regroup and prepare to counterattack when he saw his dark father, pinned down by the Dark One who was desperately trying to stab his claws into the Plaguefather, he yelled alerting all his kin that stopped fighting the blood and carnage daemons, to see what made Botchulaz yell.

Like the Great Unclean One, did before they too scream and were shocked at what their seeing their beloved Grandfather, in mortal danger forgetting the battle to rush and save their Dark God.

Valkia saw this while she too was really worried of injured of her own Dark God and beloved husband, Khorne who was resting next to a Plague Tree, she needed to take command and lead their combined forces against the Rot Lord's army, while she is extremely grateful for her brother-in-law, Laharl for saving her beloved she was still worried, banging her spear against her daemonshield gaining everyones attention she yelled, "LEGION OF BLOOD!!!! DON'T LET THESE SICK, ROTTING COWARDS ESCAPE!!!! CLAIM THEIR LIVES, SPILL THEIR BLOOD, AND TAKE THEIR SKULLS IN THE NAME OF KHORNE!!!!!!" all the khornate force roared in excitement, exclaiming their battle cry, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!!!!"

Ragna heard this and saw Valkia kick her cloven feet, hard against the green mud blasting off to the air and take flight, as the remaining Blood legion followed her sister-in-law in chasing the disorganized, and hysterical plague daemons.

Ragna laughed finding the sight very funny, as she threw a wide kick at a lone plaguebearer, snapping and spinning his cyclopian head in a total 180, then Ruu jumped beside her, followed by the gore stained nurse of their sister Scalpel, all three Carnage Goddesses/Daemon Queens watched Valkia and the Khorne forces rush off.

Ruu smiled as she spoke, "Ohhhhhh. Check out, Valkia. She's mad...der. Must be because Khorne, got his butt kicked right, Ragna?" before Ragna could respond she chuckled and Scalpel said something that shut both of them up, "Wouldn't we done the same, if it was Laharl laying on the tree instead of Khorne?"

Immediately Ragna stopped laughing and Ruu lost her childish persona and smile, as the Rampage Goddess only sighed, dragging her hand through her white hair, and shaking her head as she said, "Shit...Scalpel, you really know how to drop a bomb on things you know? Well better help our sister-in-law, don't you girls think?" nodding confirmation to her questions, Ragna then commanded the Carnage Legion, to help the Khorne forces and corner as the three queens lead the assault.

The struggle between the two brothers was intensifying, as Botchulaz was stomping his way to the Grandfather, as fast his giant, massive bloated sick body van do.

All around the Greater Daemon, was the still massive plague legion, despite the horrible losses they've suffered in this war their still capable of fighting and infecting everything and one in Papa Nurgle's name.

Such is the devotion, loyalty, and love that all the spawns of Nurgle, share and feel for their dark patron, so desperate were they to reach Nurgle completely forsaking the battle to tend to their God, they failed to notice that the Carnage Legion, and the remnants of Khorne were in-circuling them, blocking their way to the downed Plague God.

Valkia and her legion at the front with Ragna, Ruu, Beelzabub and their legion from behind the Gorequeen, screeched pointing her spear forward signaling her forces to attack, while Ragna grin yelling at her daemonic legion to attack, with Scalpel in a collected manner commanded her flesh horrors creations to slaughter all the disgusting vermin before her.

Botchulaz was cornered, and the enemy was approaching from all side, he scream soo loud in frustration that some vile and puss erupted from his mouth, temporarily choking and gagging the Great Unclean One.

He smashed his giant green, rusted and moldy bell onto the ground, yelling at the Gorequeen in anger as she was flying in front of his forces, "Valkia!!! You dare opposed, the inevitable cycle!!? Khorne bed must be warm, a perfect coffin for you both, once I kill you, oh mighty Gorequeen we'll spread rot and decay across that cherish realm of you week, pathetic, brute of a Dark God." Botchulaz was clearly goating and taunting the Blood Daemon Queen, into a blinding rage no knowing what he has ignited within the Gorequeen.

Her expression was unreadable, as her wings flapped in occassion, but her daemons knew that their queen was furious, last time someone has insulted her love and devotion to Lord Khorne, more than a 1000 daemons fell to her blade with little effort, that was day she took the throne next to their dark master and began the reign of the Furious Queen of Blood.

Ragna, Ruu, and Scalpel while at the other end of the battle they clearly heard what the fool, death clamoring Greate Daemon of Plague just yelled at their sister-in-law.

They three shuke their heads and commanded their forces to back up, for there is about to be bloodbath happening in front of them, Ruu skipt over to one of her bigger daemon slimes, jump onto it and stretching her slime made arms picked up some "snacks" from the remnants of the dead and rotting bodies of the nurglish daemons.

Ragna saw as Ruu put a long pink bloated intestine of a Great Unclean One, in her mouth and started munching away with such a happy and contemp expression, Ragna started to gag and felt she was about to puke, when Scalpel stretched out her bandage wrapped right arm in front of her, with a pill bottle saying, "Need some sister?" Ragna quickly snatched the offered bottle and took some pills, making her stomach better almost instantly.

Sighing she returned the bottle and thanked Scalpel, as her sister only nodded to her and also took a couple of pills, shocking Ragna as Scalpel spoke, "I know what you about, say and ask sister. ""Scalpel you're a bloody nurse, with sick inclinations with body modifications, mutilations, and experimentation how can this make you nauseous?"" My answer sister. Look around..." this immediately made Ragna speechless, and unbeknownst to her this little victory made the Daemon Nurse, smirk.

Ruu, still eating guts and decaying daemon flesh was chuckling at the banter between her sisters, as show was about to begin.

Valkia unleashed her divine rage literally, causing her eyes, hair, and even wings to burst into intense hellfire.

Giving her the appearance of angry sun Goddess, about to administer divine punishment, that same rage she was unleashing was felt by all the remaining khornate daemons, absorbing it feeling revitalizing...stronger...more savage...more brutal, and craving more blood, as Valkia roared thrusting her spear Slaupnir forward that empower Khorne forces rushed in to kill everything.

Ragna was getting pumped watching the blood daemons get their second wind, sorta speak ad their fighting in a even more savage manner, spilling gallons of black tainted daemon blood of the plague daemons.

Ruu spoke in a happy and overexcited voice, "What are waiting for? We already let Valkia have her berserk moment, it's time for us to join in on the fun! Right, Ragna...Scalpel?"

Both daemon queens turned to their sister Ruu, with a childish smiling, gore covered face masking them close their eyes, lower their heads, sigh and shake said heads with smiles edged to their faces.

They agreed as Ruu put the yellow eyeball of plaguebearer in her mouth, started to chew gleefully as she jumped down from her daemon slime, and joined her sisters as they finally gave the command to attack, making all laharlish daemons happy and excited as they followed closely behind their dark ladies.

While all that was happening in the ground level, Nurgle just escaped his brother's grasp by summoning/spewing a massive swarm of flies and mites at Laharl, forcing the Dark One to disengage, the Rot Lord tried to attack his brother with his Worldblighter but the serpent limbs didn't allow him anywhere near bitting at him and does not allowing him any means to attack at his brother.

Seeing the only option was to attack the Dark Harbinger was from range, Nurgle did so by forming and shooting a huge plague ball at his brother whilst he was distracted by his flies.

Nurgle smiled with glee believing he finally was about to deal mayor damage at his brother, only to be disappointed that even while basically blinded Laharl still managed to block his attack by using his wings as a shield!!!

Nurgle growled and screamed, tightening the grip of his vile cleaver and stomped his way towards his brother not caring about anything other than cutting down his older brother.

As Nurgle was clouded by rage and frustration he never suspected that while Laharl was guarding himself, he was also preparing his next attack against him.

Behind his wings Laharl was charging a [Chaos Strike] through his Claw of Hades, as it surge with multiple colored warp-lightning and quickly grew stronger as the Dark One waited for his brother to get much closer and have no way to block or prepare for the incoming blow.

Nurgle stomped his way over to Laharl as fast as his bloated legs and body could muster, once he was close enough to bring down his full strength with his cleaver, drawing back his sick, bloated and burned arm back to deliver a powerful cross slash/chop upon his older brother, the Dark One quickly spread all six of wings pushing away all the flies and mites, along with shortly covering Nurgle's line of sight.

Laharl with his left arm completely drawn back, and his clawed-power gauntlet bursting with intense chaotic power, he swung right at his brother's face.

A huge explosion of power resonated across the battlefield, as the Dark One's punch blasted Nurgle's head with dark, ruinous energy not only cracking the skull underneath the Rot Lord's head, but also burn away the left side of Nurgle's face, ripping off flesh and muscle as the Grandfather's left eye was destroyed completely and his left and forehead horns were broken by the impact.

Slime, puss, and black blood spew out Nurgle's mouth as the full brunt of the blow was surging through his head, Nurgle he felt every ounce of pain going through his body as cracking, and snapping sound of his skull breaking were spreading around the area.

As Laharl focused more power and force through his clawed gauntlet equipped fist, the more give did Nurgle's body getting blasted with the full force of his Chaos Strike.

Nurgle's body started slack and once again lift up from the ground and the punch launched him away with such force that Nurgle though impossible.

Nurgle was blasted away, he flew across the open battlefield being sent through several trees and other putrid flora in the way of the bloated, Plague God's path everything that Nurgle crashed with broke, as he was blasted cleanly out the battlefield and into a deeper part of the Garden.

Everyone aside Valkia, Ragna, Ruu, and Beelzabub were shocked at what they've just witnessed.

Aside from throwing the Plague God, Nurgle the Dark One managed to also launch said new Chaos God through the Garden, at first the Nurgle daemons were speechless but then were a mix of emotions divided between worry for their Grandfather or rage against the invaders for these atrocities against the beautiful Garden and their Dark God.

As Laharl lowered his left arm and returned his energy to normal, he sensed the surge of negative emotions flooding the area.

Making the God of Darkness, amused as he saw his brother's (Khorne) forces under Valkia's command devastating the larger number of enemies from the plague legion, with his own daemons lead by three of his seven wives it was clear which side will come out victorious in the end.

That when he saw a Great Unclean One, bulldoze through a squad of bloodcrushers allowing a amount of plague daemons to push pass all their forces, and aim straight for Khorne still wounded, blind, and resting on the tree he place him beside.

This sight annoyed the Dark One, as he roared threateningly while his eights serpents hissed, thou his wings suffered some damage from Nurgle's previous attack they still strong and able spreading them wide with his Ragnarok ready he soared to his brother's defense again.

Botchulaz driven by anger and vengeance from what he just saw happened to his dark patron broke through the enemy smashing his doombell onto the riding daemons (bloodcrushers) the Greater Daemon of Nurgle knew that they needed an big impact to win this war, as all tides were to their enemies favor at the moment.

But then he saw that the Blood God was alone and hurt, so he lead a force of more than a hundred daemons to slay the wounded God causing their enemy to lose all hope, strength, and morale to keep fighting them it was by the Grandfather's loving will that they managed to get passed the enemy, and now he was leading the victory charge against the brutes of blood.

Just when they were about to reach the wounded Blood God, a powerful guitar of wind pushed them all down, then a wet, warm sensation was felt by Botchulaz and his advancing forces, the great unclean one got up from the muk and scum, turning back to see almost half of his kin were butchered...by the Carnage God.

What happened is that with Laharl's unbelievable stats, he appeared right behind the nurglish daemons that thought it be a good idea to attack his brother, Khorne whilst his down.

In one swing of his daemonic, colossal sword Ragnarok he didn't just cut but obliterated over 500 plague daemons, leaving behind gore, mutilation, and death.

Floating over the Great Unclean One and the other plague daemons that by pure luck managed to leave his reach, his lower tentacles and four lower serpents, serpentine, swayed, and wiggled all around iratically, demonstrating the clear anger, animosity, and bloodlust that the Dark One was feeling at the moment.

His thirteen eyes blaring down at the cowardly plague daemons below him, before the Dark One could speak he senses someone fast approaching.

Turning some of his eyes he caught sight on the being approaching him, it was Valkia clearly ballistic she must of realized that her husband was in mortal danger, and left the battle to fly toward them.

Laharl though it was adorable, and something he respects as him being the God of Love, he admires all forms of true love, especially when he played match maker between Khorne and Valkia.

While it still stung, he divided his wings slightly allowing Valkia to fly easily between them and soar straight at her husband side, quickly she returned to her Godly size and kneeled next to Khorne, placing her brass gauntlet covered hands on the Blood God's chest and helmed face.

She immediately asked her beloved if he was in hurt by the vile spawns of the Rot Lord, Khorne still blinded and in pain, grunted with clear strain in his voice.

He reached out and caressed his wife face, saying to her, "Don't not threat. My, dear Gorequeen nothing can stop the God of War. All I need is blood, battle, slaughter,...and you and I'll shall be restored." Khorne's, confession made Valkia actually blush and became slightly flustered, if not for Laharl respecting their love and bound he would have said something instead he contacted Aillia in his mind, immediately she responded with her cheery but at the same time trying to sound serious, (Yes, my Lord. What is it that you need, Aillia to do?) Laharl did his best not to laugh, at the tone Aillia was trying to present.

Composing himself internally, Laharl order Aillia to use 88,888,888 souls and give them all to Khorne, saying this she gasped and in a hyped, desperate sounding voice she said, (Are you sure, my Lord!!? Souls are precious, and fuel to you Gods, are really sure, you want Khorne to have that much power?) thevDark One he responded mentally, "Yes. I already won this bet with 2600+ kills, and I need Khorne to be at full strength, dealing with these nuisances, while I handle Nurgle. Which will insure my total victory, in these wagers we have."

Understanding her lord, Aillia did as Laharl commanded as 88M+ souls emerged from the Dark One's body and surged into Khorne.

As that happens, Laharl swiped his sword in the air, shaking off all the gore it was bathed in just a moment ago, he directed his rage and killing intent upon the last remaining daemons that tried to stupidly attack a Chaos God, in front of two others, one of them being the wife of said wounded God.

Laharl then spoke in multiple daemonic, deep voice speaking in complete sync with each other, "Little worm... You dare try and strike my brother, to attack a God of War? Thinking there weren't going to be...some retribution?" not responding to his question, cause they were completely overwhelmed with fear, making the Dark One irated as he quickly grabbed the greater daemon, wrapping one of his tentacles tightly around the green filth.

With a clearl demonstration of anger, all the Dark One's serpents focused their gaze on the struggling greater daemon, (Botchulaz) and he spoke louder, "WELL?!! CHILD OF NURGLE, ANSWER ME!!!!!," Botchulaz was utterly terrified of the Dark One, which completely amused him, as he thought that the Great Unclean One should be more worried about the other dark deities, standing beside him...also seems that he may have inattentionly caused his brother to ascend into another tier of godhood...