
Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons

Overlord_Bloodfall · Ficção Científica
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397 Chs

War in the Plague Garden Final Part: Victory

(General POV)

Location the Plague Garden of Nurgle, Far from the Battlefield

As the foul rain conjured by Nurgle refused to cease, the three brothers are being utterly soak by the carrion monsoon.

Both Khorne and Laharl stared down at their defeated, and armless brother Nurgle laying on the soaked, disgusting grounds, with half his face destroyed and unconscious meaning that the second chapter of the Great Game has ended, and ended in the victory of Blood & Carnage.

Laharl turned to Khorne, and said, "Brother, we've won and will decide later who has done the most contribution to this war, settling our bet...but first we have to return to our forces. Also we need to take Nurgle, to his children so they can treat him, and surrender." Khorne just grunted as a response...and then said, "This is going to be annoying, carrying his bloated carcass, back..."

Laharl let out an exasperated, long sigh, his serpents trying to comfort their dark master as he looked down at Nurgle and said, "I'll take the head, you take the legs..."

Khorne too gave a exasperated sigh, as he watched his brother fly next to Nurgle head reaching down with all his limbs, so Khorne bended down and grabbed Nurgle by bloated, legs.

Once both had a strong grip around the Rot Lord's unconscious body, they used all their strength to lift the bloated daemonic God, that is their younger brother.

Location the Plague Garden of Nurgle/ Battlefield-Khorne and Laharl Forces vs Nurgle Forces

The Daemon Queens, were slaughtering everything against them with their respected daemonic legions standing and fighting beside them.

Plus, with their Elder Daemons Skarbrand and Beelzabub in the mix the forced of the Plague God were being utterly crushed by the combined might of the forces of the Carnage and Blood Gods.

As Valkia in her true form, stomped and killed a great unclean one under her brass armored boot, she twisted and grinded her boot causing wet and sickening crushing, and splatting sounds.

Valkia had a twisted, satisfied expression on her pale white face, she never tires of the thrill of battle, and slaughtering countless enemies in the name of her beloved husband Khorne, as her fiery glance turned to her fellow lesser goddesses/daemon queens Scalpel, Ruu, and Ragna destroying and killing everyone of Nurgle's children alongside the spawns of the Dark One.

She admits that in the beginning she thought of her sisters-in-law as weak whores that only serve to sastify the lust of the Dark One, but as they fought side by side, the Gorequeen saw their might, power, brutality, and ruthlessness along with their devotion, loyalty, admiration, and...love to the Dark Harbinger.

That's has earned Valkia's respect, and truth be told she would love to face them...all seven, and probably more in battle someday, as she smile at the thought of prospect of facing off against all the Daemon Queens, a huge swarm of Plague Drones flew at the Gorequeen.

As the plaguebearers mounted on rot flies flew at their target, seeking to take down the Blood Goddess, as the leading plaguebearer swung his plaguesword, forward and roared with a swarm of hundreds of Plague Drones following closely behind.

But in truth, they were no more than meer nuisances for the Gorequeen as she channeled her Godly, daemonic power through her body manipulating the fury of Hellfire, she opened her mouth a spew a great stream of hellfire burning all the annoying nats to ash.

Once the Gorequeen's victims were completely obliterated, she ceased channeling her power and focused on her other victims fighting all around her feet.

Valkia once again saw her Elder Daemon, Skarbrand claim another great unclean one skull another glorious offering to Khorne, making the blood-crazed wife of the Lord of Skulls smile but not just that but Scyla Anfingrimm a legendary champion from her previous world was also killing everything in the giant red daemonic spawn's path, said spawn was banging his chest with his right fist while grasping at a limp, dead bilepiper in his other hand.

Her daughters the blood valkyries were fighting alongside her sister-in-law Ragna, taking on a large swarm of plague toads and nurglings, while the Hound of Khorne, Karanak with what remained of his pack were tearing through everything, by setting all their prey on fire while Karanak was devouring everyone without any issue.

This and more was happening all around the battlefield when, they felt three familiar divine presences were coming to their location, this confused the nurglish daemons not understanding why their Grandfather would bring the two other Dark Gods back to the battle, but both Blood and Carnage Forces knew exactly what that meant...Khorne and Laharl have won, and are coming to show said victory...

Valkia then commanded her forces to stop fighting and surround the spawns of Nurgle, making sure they can't interfere with what was about to occur.

Ragna, and Scalpel thinking the same as Valkia order their forces to follow the Gorequeen and the Blood Legion's lead.

Not a moment after, both khornate and laharlish daemons started to incircle the plague daemons, trapping them all in the center of the battlefield when the Plague Legion was about to retaliate against them, Valkia she stabbed her spear, Slaupnir into the ground channeling her power through the spear causing a ring of intense hellfire to burst from the ground.

This hellfire ring, entrapped the plague daemons, the intense heat and power of Valkia's flame making impossible for them to cross through it as the Gorequeen stood back up and removed Slaupnir from Nurgle's vile earth she focused her power to maintain the fires and keep the puny children of the Decaying God trapped with her legion along with her brother's (Laharl) legion.

The forces of Nurgle, yelled at them demanding to be released, calling the legions of Khorne and Laharl cowards this didn't affect the Carnage Legion at all with the wives of the Dark One each saying their own comments of the matter.

Ragna said, "The weak barks, of cornered dogs isn't fun to hear from weakling that don't know when they lost. Ha!" Ragna then started laugh mockingly at the nurglish daemons, Scalpel spoke next, "There's no use or logic in struggling. Accept the inevitable, you've have been defeated." once she finished saying that some bio-crafters came next to her showing their collected samples of the flora around the Garden, and huge vials of collected plague daemon blood, Scalpel inspected the samples and said, "Excellent. Soon I'll research these pathogens and create serums to counter act Nurgle's "gifts" hearing this enraged the plague daemons further, yelling at the Daemon Nurse "How dare you, desecrate the Grandfather's gifts?" or "You aren't worthy, of touching the creation of Papa Nurgle." and so on.

Scalpel ignored them, and took out her vox-recorder to record several possibilities on where to take her research, Ragna hearing Scalpel's blunt, and crude statements against the plague daemons only made her laugh harden, as she went next to her patting her shoulder, and complimenting her comments, Scalpel looked at her sister, Ragna confused on what she was saying when was she funny, all she stated was the truth.

While this exchange happened Ruu, was whinning about being hungry as a couple of void wraiths magically floated a huge pile of foul, smelling gore and remains of fallen nurglish daemons.

Once the pile was to her liking of amount she bounce happily as she went to eat, and watched the plague daemons still yell, insult, and taunt their force which only serve to make the slime queen laugh.

Ruu then said her piece, "This is so funny!!! It's like watching, some cornered mice squeek, and try to be menacing!!! Nothing, beat dinner and a show." while Valkia could barely stomach seeing Ruu eat away at the vile remains of Nurgle spawns, she agreed with some of her statement they were like mice, and it was amusing to watch them struggle and try to threaten them, the clear winners of this war.

She sensed the growing anger of her minions except for Skarbrand who was ignoring the cries of the weak and was sharpening his axes, she stomped her giant foot "lightly" and told her daemons to not fall for the taunting of the weak and vanquished, less they wish to face her wrath.

As they guarded the prisoners and waited for their respected Dark God to arrive, it was clear that the war has ended even with the Plague Legion refusal to accept their defeat.

After a while, loud, echoing, and approaching stomping could heard and felt all around the former battleground.

Not a moment after, coming from the depths of the Garden came Khorne and Laharl carrying an unconscious, armless Nurgle the plague daemons upon seeing the state of their beloved Grandfather was in yelled out his name, and demanded the Carnage and Blood Gods to release him.

Ignoring the pleads, threats, and yelling coming from the Nurgle daemons, both the Dark One and the Blood God carried Nurgle next to the hellfire ring and laying Nurgle gently upon the green ground.

Khorne walked over to his wife, placing his hand on Valkia's face, caressing her right cheek gently and affectionately complimenting her power, leadership skills, and fury making the Gorequeen blush as she rested her head into his chest to hide her flustering face but she heard her sisters-in-law chuckled at her, making Valkia grumble and get annoyed.

At the same time Laharl went to his wives, Ragna, Ruu, and Scalpel as his serpents lower themselves to their level allowing them to climb unto the three serpent heads, taking them up so they can climb unto the Dark One's shoulders and they started to cuddle next to his face.

Once their little reunion/celebration was complete they turned their attention towards the nurglish daemons, as Khorne told Valkia to stop feeding the flames and allowed the plague legion to rush towards Nurgle, surrounding their downed dark father, trying to threaten them away from Nurgle but this only serve to amused the Dark One and the others.

Laharl decided to address the plague daemons and tell them, "Children of Nurgle. Your God has been defeated by me and Khorne, less you want him to perish, I suggest you treat his wounds. To help him..." Laharl stretched out his right arm and commanded Aillia to offer Nurgle 7K souls to give Nurgle some his strength back, and regain his consciousness.

Aillia cheerfully responded, (Sure. Don't worry, with this amount Nurgle will only wake up, and stop bleeding...much.) this made Laharl chuckle a bit as just like before with Khorne 7-thousand souls flew out the Arch-Daemon body and flew towards Nurgle entering the downed Plague God.

In a few moments as Nurgle devoured the souls offered to him, and after a few moments he opened his only remaining eye.

Gasping and weezing for air, as the Lord of Decay started to have a bad coughing attack still in large amount of pain especially his head and arms, he sensed his children around him cheering for his "well" being, Nurgle, he was quite surprised to be alive, he had expected his older brothers to have killed him while he was down instead not only did they spare him, but his lovely Garden and children.

Regardless on how Nurgle felt he knew he have lost, and was still at the mercy of Laharl and Khorne so he had to ask, "Why? Why...did...you spare...me?" this question, made both the Blood God and the Dark One laugh a bit as Khorne responded, "Why would we kill our blood-kin? Regardless of us being rival, seeking the throne of the Immaterium and more, we're still brothers Nurgle." Laharl continued Khorne's speech, "Nurgle, the only reason we've attack you, was to protect our realm...and beat some respect into you. So I ask one last time. Do you, surrender?"

Nurgle looked around at the aftermath of the battle, and his weakened and beaten forces he knew that with his wounds and the amount of decimated force he stood no chance of winning.

He knew that he has lost, so he grumbled out that he does surrender hoping this would secure the safety of his precious Garden and children, what he heard next both shocked and relieved the Lord of Decay, with Laharl being the first to order his daemons to prepare to return to the Nethervoid, and Khorne did same with his forces as they returning to the Blood Lands.

With his realm and legion secured the Plaguefather, let out a deep sigh and felt as his daemons started to grab onto his body in hopes to take him away to safety, but it was clear that at least his brothers...weren't completely bad, but still once he heals his strength, and restores himself completely he'll challenge them again...