
Surround the car!

Li Yu eyes cold aeng a flash, no matter who, secretly tracking, must be uneasy good.

It's more likely to be Howie,

We haven't had time to bother them yet. And now you dare follow me?

Li Yu took out the walkie-talkie and slowly asked, "Are they far away from you now?"

"They were careful and followed at a distance, a little distance from us." Uncle's words came from the intercom.

After hearing it, Li Yu thought that if he switched the car and went back to chase them, he would be found by them.

There's even a good chance they'll escape!

But if we keep letting them follow us to the base,

He'll cause trouble around the base just like Chow Sheng did before him.

No! We can't let them follow us to the base! We have to solve this problem before the base!

It must be wiped out. No one can be spared.

Li Yu thought in his heart.

Suddenly, I had an idea.

Take out the radio, said: "The front is the gas station, to turn the corner, your speed slowed down, your car to help me cover, I get off."

After I get off, you and Tianlong keep driving, and when they are between us, you get off and surround them!"

Uncle heard, feel that although this method can eliminate them, but a little dangerous ah.

"What if I hit you? And what if you fall and hurt yourself?" Uncle worried said.

Li Yu said: "The car slowed down a little, your car and our car a little distance, it should be enough time for me to roll to the side of the road."

Although hearing Li Yu say so, they are still a little worried.

After all, in the process of driving, Li Yu jumping will have a certain danger, even if the speed has slowed down a lot!

But Li Yu remained firm in his idea that the trouble had to be solved.

In Li Yu's firm attitude, plus Li Yu said that he would wear the explosion-proof armor he just got, which can play a certain protective role.

Uncle and other people can only give up, thinking about driving a little slower.

So the two cars agreed to follow the plan.

The car slowly drove to the gas station.

The bomb truck slowed down and moved to the left rear of the heavy truck.

Li Yu looked carefully in front of him. The sun was blazing in the sky, the hottest time of the day.

In front, there is no zombie, Li Yu's heart is slightly fixed.

The heavy truck driven by Yang Tianlong also slowly slowed to a lower state, Li Yu opened the door,

Take a deep breath toward the trees next to the national highway,

Like a cheetah jumping out of the car.

Li Yu put her hands on her head and bent her body as much as possible.

Adopt the semi-bending form.

Under the inertia of the car, the toes fall to the ground, and the process of squatting down with the legs will roll forward.

Maximum buffer force.

This method, also known as "falling to the ground", is one of the basic techniques of judo.

Although Li Yu has not studied professionally, but in the years before the rebirth, he did not do less of this action, which was forced to practice in the life and death.

Even though the speed of heavy trucks has slowed down a lot, in order to avoid being noticed by people following them, the speed has not slowed down to much.

This leads to a greater inertia of the jump, which is accompanied by the greater the distance Li Yu rolls forward, the greater the force.

Li Yu, who jumped out of the car, rolled directly to seven or eight meters away, hitting a tree directly.

Li Yu was hit dull pain, a surge of gas from the abdomen up.

Subconsciously wanting to open her mouth, Li Yu bites her lower lip with her teeth. The lip is broken and a sweet taste stimulates the taste buds.

No sound came out at all.

Dizzy, and before he could take a good break, Li Yu bent over and dived directly behind the tree.

Until he lay on his stomach in the bushes, hiding his body completely.

The explosion-proof car of the uncle and others behind him also drove away from the place where Li Yu had just jumped.

All this happened in the flash of fire.

In the bushes, Li Yu found that his top coat was torn, and his fists and arms were bruised and bleeding.

The back is a slight pain, it is estimated that when it just landed, it rolled over from a stone, was knocked, and felt not very good.

Li Yu did not have time to deal with the wound, but carefully examined the gun he was carrying.

Li Yu was relieved to see that there was no problem.

Yang Tianlong quickly closed the door after Li Yu got off the bus.

The uncle who followed the car in the back witnessed the process of Li Yu jumping off the windshield.

What a thrill!

Luckily, it was long enough, or it would have hit.

Uncle and other people looked out of a cold sweat, and the party Li Yu is calm.

Li Yu has done this kind of thing many times before.

Be tough on yourself, be tough on your enemy, and the world will be nicer to you.

Li Yu hidden in the bushes, slowly adjust the breathing, just under the intense exercise, let him breathe a little disordered.

He was staring straight behind him.

Dozens of seconds later, Li Yu saw a black SUV slowly coming.

The stone in Li Yu's heart just fell,

It worked! Li Yu jumped out of the car and did not let the gang see that they were still following the explosion-proof car in front.

The car drove under Li Yu's nose, Li Yu through the bushes,

I could see maybe three or four people sitting in the car.

Picked up the radio, said to Li Tie and others: "The car has passed, now, you can turn around."

Because Yang Tianlong's heavy truck was difficult to turn around, he was not allowed to participate, and he was allowed to stop in front and wait.

Li Tie Wen speech, explosion-proof car to an emergency stop, reverse direction to the back.

At that moment, Li Yu also jumped out of the bush and stood under the tree, raising his gun to the black SUV in front of him

And the people in the black SUV seemed to sense something was wrong, especially when they saw the explosion-proof car turn around and head in their direction.

Suddenly stopped, in a hurry to pull back.

At this time, Li Yu, who was not far away, directly shot at the SUV tire with a submachine gun.

Bang, bang, bang!

Tires were shot, people in the car a panic, they did not expect, there are people behind!

The guy in the black SUV, after switching, tried to drive away quickly.

But Li Yu can follow their wishes, submachine guns directly to the driving position to shoot.

Bang, bang, bang!

Instantly, the driver and another man were killed.

But the man in the passenger seat just ducked his head and dodged a bullet.

The tires are blown, even if you drive the car to leave, you can't run far, you will definitely be chased up by the rear car.

The co-driver saw Li Yu in front of him, as if he was cruel, and instantly held the handlebars to stabilize the car.

The tires were shot out, but the car could still run, and the axle grunt and wobble toward Li Yu.

Li Yu was surprised. Fortunately, he was not standing in the middle of the road just now.

Looking at the SUV rushing in front of him, Li Yu hurriedly hid behind the tree, the street tree, it is estimated that there are more than ten years, a person can not hold his arms.


The car hit the tree and the leaves fell fast.

The headlights were smashed and the front was twisted.

The people in the car are also under the impact, was shaken by all kinds of meat and vegetables, everywhere Venus.

Li Yu quickly came out from behind the tree and pointed his gun at the people in the car.

'Come out! Li Yu shouted, full of anger.

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