



Name : Jamal Hendricks / no name monster

Level : 16 points available : 303

Species : Akkedis/ human soul

Strength : 115

Increases the ease to lift and damage objects and opponents

Intelligence : 140

Makes resisting mind control, solving complex problems, reading people, learning magic and skills easier

Durability : 100

Resistance of disease, sleep deprivation, injury of body and soul, temperature, starvation

Energy : 168

Increases pool of energy and energy rate

Health : 107

Increases pool of health and healing rate

Stamina : 150

Increases pool of stamina and stamina rate

Luck : 77

Odds play out in your favor

Speed : 165

Increases reaction time, sensory perception, rate of travel, time perception

Agility : 200

Allows for complex movement's

Special ability : adaptation

: forced conscription

Adaptation : ability to adapt to any situation to survive. Dependent on energy levels.

Forced conscription: Anyone you defeat you can force into your party. Can order them unlimited times, but each order takes energy. All previous benefits from 'party leader ' apply.

Slots : 2/6


I wasted no time picking out what I wanted.


Name : Jamal Hendricks / no name monster

Level : 16 points available : 0

Species : Akkedis/ human soul

Strength : 215

Increases the ease to lift and damage objects and opponents

Intelligence : 200

Makes resisting mind control, solving complex problems, reading people, learning magic and skills easier

Durability : 100

Resistance of disease, sleep deprivation, injury of body and soul, temperature, starvation

Energy : 168

Increases pool of energy and energy rate

Health : 107

Increases pool of health and healing rate

Stamina : 150

Increases pool of stamina and stamina rate

Luck : 120

Odds play out in your favor

Speed : 265

Increases reaction time, sensory perception, rate of travel, time perception

Agility : 200

Allows for complex movement's

Special ability : adaptation

: forced conscription

Adaptation : ability to adapt to any situation to survive. Dependent on energy levels.

Forced conscription: Anyone you defeat you can force into your party. Can order them unlimited times, but each order takes energy. All previous benefits from 'party leader ' apply.

Slots : 2/6


I guess I should find out what the new party member's stats are.

What was her name again?


Thanks, Patty.

Open Jurea's status.


Name : Jurea

Level : 57 points available : N/A

Species : human

Strength : 1500

Increases the ease to lift and damage objects and opponents

Intelligence : 67

Makes resisting mind control, solving complex problems, reading people, learning magic and skills easier

Durability : 700

Resistance of disease, sleep deprivation, injury of body and soul, temperature, starvation

Energy : 200

Increases pool of energy and energy rate

Health : 2000

Increases pool of health and healing rate

Stamina : 3000

Increases pool of stamina and stamina rate

Luck : 100

Odds play out in your favor

Speed : 85

Increases reaction time, sensory perception, rate of travel, time perception

Agility : 150

Allows for complex movement's

Special ability : Titan's Fury

Titan's Fury: the longer you stay in battle, the stronger you become. After reaching a full fight meter health will start to drain.

Meter increases with level.

Fight meter : 0/ 57.9


Some of her stats are in the thousands! I'm really glad both times we fought she was caught off guard.


Ja.... Emira yelled.

Shit! I forgot she was here.

"Calm down, there is no need to panic."

She had the sword picked back up, and was pointing it at my chest. Even through Flora was the one threatening her just a few minutes ago.


Shit, she's spiraling.

"Look she isn't de...."


Flora rolled her eyes.

"You just said he did chantless magic, if he was going to kill you, he wouldn't need to talk."

What the fuck Flora?! That's not what you say to someone who's armed and spiraling.

"She's right."

Wait, she's no longer screaming, maybe Flora was right on the money.

"You're too much of a danger to let live."

She threw the sword at me.

Fuck you Flora!!!

As the sword came at me it slowed down - like the matrix - and I grabbed it out of mid-air.

How the hell did I do that?

Can I control time?!

<Of course not, you just increased the status 'speed' which includes time perception and reaction time. Reading is fundamental. >

Shut up Patty.


"I'm no one's servant bitch! And if he was a demon, what is he doing in Saltwater? Infiltrating it so he can open a hell-gate right under your feet?"

"Shut up Flora!"



I interrupted myself because Emira had picked up another weapon that was

under the table and was about to throw it at me. Before she could throw it, I threw the sword she had thrown at me first - hilt first of course - and hit her in the face.

That was supposed to just knock her out, instead blood splattered out of her nose, and she fell back hitting her head - dying instantly.

"What the fuck! You killed her, we were gonna get free stuff from her!"

"That's what you're concerned about?!"

Patty, I got four slots left in my party correct?

<Well, if you had six then minus two, that leaves you?>

You know, sometimes I wish you was just an emotionless voice in my head.

Add Emira to my party.

She turned into light and got pulled into my gem.

Might as well take a peak at her stats.


Name : Emira Smith

Level : 2 points available : N/A

Species : Dalian

Strength : 200

Increases the ease to lift and damage objects and opponents

Intelligence : 210

Makes resisting mind control, solving complex problems, reading people, learning magic and skills easier

Durability : 100

Resistance of disease, sleep deprivation, injury of body and soul, temperature, starvation

Energy : 100

Increases pool of energy and energy rate

Health : 100

Increases pool of health and healing rate

Stamina : 350

Increases pool of stamina and stamina rate

Luck : 150

Odds play out in your favor

Speed : 100

Increases reaction time , sensory perception , rate of travel , time perception

Agility : 150

Allows for complex movement's

Crafting : 900

Allows one to craft objects well

Special ability : Dalian Smithing Technique

Dalian Smithing Technique: can forge items with a consciousness. Males must use a used consciousness, females must create their own.


I must say after seeing both Flora's and Jurea's stats, Emira's was a little disappointing.

On the other hand, she has an extra stat.

I wish I had that.

<Understood. Base amount of points will be automatically added.>

Wait, what?


Name : Jamal Hendricks / no name monster

Level : 16 points available : 49

Species : Akkedis/ human soul

Strength : 215

Increases the ease to lift and damage objects and opponents

Intelligence : 200

Makes resisting mind control, solving complex problems, reading people, learning magic and skills easier

Durability : 100

Resistance of disease, sleep deprivation, injury of body and soul, temperature, starvation

Energy : 135

Increases pool of energy and energy rate

Health : 107

Increases pool of health and healing rate

Stamina : 129

Increases pool of stamina and stamina rate

Luck : 120

Odds play out in your favor

Speed : 265

Increases reaction time, sensory perception, rate of travel, time perception

Agility : 200

Allows for complex movement's

Crafting: 100

Allows one to craft objects well

Special ability : adaptation

: forced conscription

Adaptation : ability to adapt to any situation to survive. Dependent on energy levels.

Forced conscription: Anyone you defeat you can force into your party. Can order them unlimited times, but each order takes energy. All previous benefits from 'party leader ' apply.

Slots : 3/6


That's awesome! I can add stats.

I wonder what I have to do to increase crafting manually?

<Did you really ask that question?>

Shut up Patty.

I was semi-joking.

I was interrupted from my inner-dialogue by Flora picking up weapons.

"What are you doing?"

"Relax, you did to them the same thing you did to me. That means you basically own them. I'm just collecting anything of value."

I do not take to people saying I own someone well - you can guess why.

"Put that down! We are not stealing anything, once we explain the situation to them they are free to go."

"Oh, what about the whole

'Go too far from me and you die' thing?"

"You and I both know I was lying about that, I don't know what would happen. The only reason you stick with me is because you got no one left to watch your back, and you know it."

She stared me down for a minute, then dropped everything she was holding to the floor.

"You're wrong about the reason."


"I don't need, nor care, if anyone watches my back. The reason I stick with you is that I have learned more in a week, than I have in years. Your world's science, mathematics, and chemistry have vast implications on magic. The longer I stay in there the more I learn. So, no, I won't leave you, but it's not because I need you to protect me. Now, let me ask you a question, when you release them, and they decide to kill you, what will you do?"

With that she left the forge.

Damn, she makes a fair point, what will I do?

<You could always command them.>

I know Patty, I know.

But that's a last resort, free will is their constitutional right.

<This world has no constitutional rights.>

Please just ...

<Shut up?>

Let me think.


An hour later we were in a sex inn - it's not what you think, well it kind of is. It's an inn that caters to lousy spouses who cheat, so it has magic in the walls to prevent prying eyes.

We are in the cheapest room they got - which still costs eight hundred silver an hour - with an unconscious Emira and Jurea on the bed.

"Why do they get the bed?"

"They're asleep."

"Exactly, they can't appreciate how soft an eight hundred silver bed is. Besides, they're probably used to sleeping on the floor."

"Well, considering we knocked out one and killed the other I think they deserve some comfort."

"Well, it's been ten minutes of our sixty, I'm tired of waiting. {Water ball}."

A water ball appeared above both of them and fell down soaking them.

Both of them shot up.

They noticed each other first, then turned towards me.

"Before either of you scream, know that we are in a room that nullifies sound leaving it. Also, I just want to talk."

Emira nodded her head, while Jurea jumped at me.

Unfortunately for her we had shackled her feet - with shackles we borrowed from Emira's forge - causing her to trip up.

Flora started laughing because she is just so helpful.

"That was just too good, really nailing the point that you're an idiot in real good aren't you?"

"Flora shut up! Now, both of you listen to what I have to say and I'll release you."



"Not like you're giving us much choice."


"Okay, here's the deal, both of you got defeated by me so with my ability I added you into my party. If both of you promise to not harm me or Flora, report us, or try to fuck us over in any way you'll be free to live your lives. If not, you'll force me to do something truly heinous."

"I will not be intimated, be it by you or a demon lord."


"Fuck you! And fuck your disease ridden, slimy mother! I am the adventurer Jurea! Killer of the Tillmith mine hobgoblins and destroyer of the Yeuth river River-beast. If you think I'm afraid of a stupid lizard - you're wrong. Do. Your. Worst."


"Don't say I didn't warn you. I command both of you to never harm or betray members of this party. If you're about to do either of those things, you will walk right up to me and tell me exactly what you were planning while Acting like a dog."

As I said that I felt my energy dropping.

Mini status.


Health:107 /107




That was a lot of energy for just one command, I got enough for at least one more.

"Further more, both of you will be useful to this party."

Mini status.


Health:107 /107

Energy: 67/168



Not as much, but still a decent amount of energy spent. I'll have to increase it by a lot if I'm gonna be doing more of this kind of stuff.

"Is that it?"


"Yup, Flora give them the keys to their binds."

She just stared at me.

"Flora, the key! Please don't tell me you lost it."

"No, I just didn't think you were seriously thinking of letting them go. I mean the only way to test if what you said has any real power is to wait until one of them tries to kill us. I'm still in favor of killing one and enslaving the other."

"Just give them the damn key!"

She threw it at Jurea's head.

Jurea unlocked herself first, then gave the key to Emira.

"I must say you truly do have a sense of honor lizard, unlike that bitch."


"Yeah, you sure do. I can't believe you're that stupid."


Jurea jumped at me - a second time - only to stop inches in front of me, drop to all fours, start panting, and shaking her butt.

"I ...bark...tried ...bark bark ....to kill.....both ....bark bark bark.....of you."

Juror confessed.

Afterwards, she got up with her face beet red.

"What was that?!

I made a fool of myself."

"Not that hard to do I'm assuming."


She grew redder either in anger or embarrassment.

"I told you it was my ability. Now, as for you Emira."

I looked over at her.

"Me? What do you want?"

She had slightly panicky face.

"Nothing, I just wanted to give you this."

I tossed her a gold coin.

"This is ..."

"Your payment from Flora, I told you I wanted to pay you back."

"But I only said seven hundred silver, this is over by a couple hundred."

"I think it's about right considering what I put you through."

She stood up and held out her hand.

"I guess I needed the work anyway. You got yourself a blacksmith. What do I call you by the way?"

"Jamal, but my friends call me Jay."

"What do your enemies call you?"


"Normally 'ouch my eyes'."

"That makes no sense."

I knuckle punched her right below her eye sockets.

"Ouch! My eyes. You asshole."

"They do call me that as well."


A few days later Jurea, Flora, and I were in the forest a couple of miles outside of Saltwater Clearing.

"Why are we out here lizard? Isn't it enough that you forced me to let both of you live in my house?"

"We are out here because we're a party now, and parties need to practice so we don't end up stepping on each other's toes.

Also, I really want to try out this gear Emira gave us."

I was wearing leather armor and had a sword strapped to my hip.

"Why? This is the garbage weapons she gave us while we wait on her to make our new gear."

After we got back to Emira's forge she said she would make us all new equipment, we just had to wait for a month - normally it would be longer, but she said she would use her ability. She then let us have this gear that was sitting around collecting dust, so we could take quests from the local adventurer's guild and make revenue.

Which reminds me, we also had Jurea sign us up under her name in the guild. Now even though I was signed up as 'a pet '

no one can just out right take me without having to worry about a warrant for their head being placed. This wouldn't stop every asshole who tried to steal me, but it would thin the herd.

"Don't be like that, I thought you'd love the chance to go all out in a duel with me."

"All out huh, fine I guess a little dueling couldn't hurt - me."

She started to pull out her loaner sword.

"Sorry, we ain't using our real weapons. Instead, we're using these."

I pulled out two wooden swords I made using my crafting stat. I might as well increase it while I can.

Patty said once it gets high enough I will be able to will stuff into existence.

I passed one of the swords to Jurea.


Instead of answering, she attacks.

She takes a downward swing, I sidestep it.

Without missing a beat she pivots the sword towards me again, this time I jump over her and land on the ground behind her.

She spins on her heel and throws her sword.

I catch it out of mid-air, I bring my attention back to Jurea just as she's almost to me - fist formed ready to punch.

I get ready to jump backwards when she punches, when she instead drops down and swipes my legs out from under me.

I leapt back to my feet as soon as my back touches the ground, but she is ready and gut punches me.

I tried to block with the wooden swords, but her fist broke right through both of them.

I slammed backwards into a ten-foot thick tree, which cracked and fell down.



Name : Jamal Hendricks / no name monster

Level : 16 points available : 49

Species : Akkedis/ human soul

Strength : 215

Increases the ease to lift and damage objects and opponents

Intelligence : 200

Makes resisting mind control, solving complex problems, reading people, learning magic and skills easier

Durability : 150

Resistance of disease, sleep deprivation, injury of body and soul, temperature, starvation

Energy : 135

Increases pool of energy and energy rate

Health : 3/150

Increases pool of health and healing rate

Stamina : 150

Increases pool of stamina and stamina rate

Luck : 120

Odds play out in your favor

Speed : 265

Increases reaction time, sensory perception, rate of travel, time perception

Agility : 200

Allows for complex movement's

Crafting: 100

Allows one to craft objects well

Special ability : adaptation

: forced conscription

Adaptation : ability to adapt to any situation to survive. Dependent on energy levels.

Forced conscription: Anyone you defeat you can force into your party. Can order them unlimited times, but each order takes energy. All previous benefits from 'party leader ' apply.

Slots : 3/6


My durability and health stat went up!

I guess I rely too heavily on dodging, and not being able to take a hit.

"{Healing palms}."

Flora started to heal me.

Mini status.






Next time I'll go full speed, and not worry about my stamina.

But first things first.

"You were right, that was fun."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, now

do it again."


"Flora you got enough energy to stop me from dying right?"

"If I continuously cast healing, without my mana running out."

"Good, Jurea you're still pissed at me right?"

"Do you even need to ask."

"Okay then, we're done sparing."

"Why? You afraid I might actually kill you? Accidentally of course."

"With how you just worded that? Yes, but no, we ain't sparring anymore because you're gonna be hitting me as hard as you can while I just stand here and take it."


"Just punch me repeatedly until Flora runs out of energy."

"Don't have to pull my leg."

She balled her fists and stepped toward me.

This is gonna hurt, but as they say

'No pain, no gain'.

Flora got some weird looks when she paid for the room with Jay behind her.

Dracolupuscreators' thoughts
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