
Rebirth in Konoha: The Leaf Surgeon

"In this tale of rebirth and redemption, a surgeon exhausted by overwork is given the opportunity by a divine entity to be reborn into a world of ninjas and supernatural abilities. In his new life in Konoha, he not only has the power to continue saving lives, but also the chance to experience the camaraderie, adventure and happiness he had lost. Through his challenges and relationships in this mysterious world, he discovers what it really means to live and protect those around him, finding a new purpose and a chance to heal his own heart."

AraXiel_21 · Anime e quadrinhos
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39 Chs

Ch35: Ninja Graduation Test

The tension in the forest was palpable as Yasuke and the albino leopard prepared to face the imposing bear that stood before them. With its imposing size and strength, the bear posed a formidable challenge to the friendly duo. Yasuke, aware of the difference in strength, quickly assessed his options while the leopard stood alertly at his side, ready for any eventuality.

Amidst the silence of the forest, the bear advanced with a thunderous roar, its powerful claws extended and its fangs bared. Yasuke and the leopard prepared for combat, their senses sharpened and their reflexes ready to respond to any movement of the bear.

Faced with the imminent threat, Yasuke drew on his training and experience. He searched his ninja bag for weapons that could aid in the fight. With determination in his eyes, Yasuke prepared for the confrontation, with the leopard at his side as his faithful partner in battle.

As the bear lunged towards them with ferocity, the leopard moved with grace and agility around the animal, looking for an opening in its defense. With fluid and precise movements, the feline attempted to distract the bear and divert its attention away from Yasuke, demonstrating impressive coordination between the two friends.

With one swift movement, the bear launched a powerful paw towards Yasuke, who managed to narrowly dodge it thanks to his agility. Meanwhile, the leopard lunged toward the bear's side, looking for an opportunity to attack. However, the bear proved to be quick and powerful, striking the leopard with devastating force and sending it staggering backwards.

Faced with imminent danger, Yasuke knew he had to act quickly to help his companion and prevent the bear from defeating them. With determination in his eyes, he lunged forward, seeking to distract the bear and buy time for the leopard to recover from its wounds.

The battle continued fiercely, with Yasuke and the leopard fighting valiantly against the bear. Despite the disadvantage in size and strength, their determination and cunning allowed them to stand their ground against their formidable foe.

With a defiant roar, the bear launched an attack, attempting to strike Yasuke with its powerful claws. With quick reflexes, Yasuke bent nimbly, dodging the bear's blow by inches. In response, he launched a flurry of shurikens at the bear, but the animal deflected them with a nimble movement, showing its ability to defend itself.

As the confrontation intensified, Yasuke was constantly looking for an opportunity to counterattack, searching for weaknesses in the bear's defense and waiting for an opening to launch a decisive attack. The leopard, recovering from its wounds, joined the fight once again, showing incredible courage and determination despite the odds.

The battle raged for what seemed like an eternity, with each side fighting with all their might for victory. Yasuke and the leopard demonstrated their bravery and skill in combat, defying the odds and facing their enemy with courage and determination.

As the combat continued, every move, every blow and every strategy became crucial in the fight for survival. Yasuke and the leopard pulled out all the stops, using all their cunning and skill to stay one step ahead of the ferocious bear.

In the midst of the frantic combat, Yasuke found himself in a critical situation. Unlike the beasts of the forest, his body was human and his young age left him vulnerable to the bear's strength. When he stumbled while trying to dodge one of the animal's fierce blows, his heart stopped for an instant. Luckily, he managed to avoid being torn apart by the bear's sharp claws thanks to the sudden thrust of his leopard companion, who bravely stepped in his place.

Spilled blood painted the ground, causing Yasuke's eyes to dilate in horror and determination. The leopard, who had just received a powerful blow, was incapacitated and unprotected in front of the imposing bear, whose figure stood menacingly before them. With a swift and precise movement, the bear raised one of its paws, ready to deliver the final blow to the wounded feline.

In that moment of desperation, time seemed to slow down for Yasuke. The flood of information and emotions overwhelmed him, but in the midst of the confusion, an idea popped into his mind. With a quick, decisive gesture, he held out his hand and uttered one word with determination

- "ROOM."

A translucent hemisphere unfolded from Yasuke's center, covering the entire clearing where the battle was being fought. He felt his chakra depleting rapidly, but he didn't have time to worry. Before he could process what was happening, he recited another technique.

- "SHAMBLE"- Performing the gesture of the technique.

The exchange took place. Yasuke suddenly found himself where his leopard companion was before, while the injured feline appeared right where Yasuke was before.

In the blink of an eye, Yasuke found himself in the same situation again, with the bear stalking him with its sharp claws.

He noticed how the bear's claw cut through the wind with ferocity as it lunged towards him. Yasuke, with unwavering determination, lunged forward, relying on his agility and reflexes to dodge the bear's deadly attack.

The animal hesitated for an instant as it saw its prey suddenly shift, but did not hesitate to continue its attack. Yasuke felt a slight hot sting on his cheek as he narrowly dodged the blow, which grazed his skin leaving a large bloody gash. However, instead of backing away, Yasuke stood his ground, ready to counterattack.

With his fists clenched and his thumb extended over the bear's body, Yasuke shouted the name of his next technique with determination

- "COUNTER SHOCK"- The remaining chakra in his body diminished further as he performed an additional technique, but Yasuke did not hold back from the challenge.

The bear, feeling the electric shock, trembled slightly, but showed no signs of weakening. Instead, it extended its arms with the intention of trapping Yasuke in a deadly embrace, crushing him with its enormous strength.

However, Yasuke, with a defiant smile on his face, bared his teeth, a chakra pill from his pouch had suddenly appeared in his mouth, he crushed it between his teeth. The chakra seized him once again, revitalizing his exhausted body and giving him the strength to continue the battle.




Yasuke had depleted much of his chakra by using the pill that granted him additional energy. Despite being aware of the possible consequences of misusing the pill, he ignored the dangers and decided to push his body beyond its limits. Without hesitation, he took another pill and bit into it with determination, seeking to get an extra boost.




Again and again, Yasuke shouted the name of his technique as he unleashed powerful discharges of electricity against the bear, illuminating the forest clearing with dazzling flashes. The ferocity of his attacks was impressive, but the bear though dazed and disoriented, was still standing.

After a few moments in the forest clearing, the albino leopard opened its piercing eyes again and was immersed in a spectacle of flashes and gleams. At the epicenter of this luminescence, lay the bear, with an obvious scar marking his imposing chest. His eyes, now glassy, seemed to be lost in the distance, while his mouth let out a subtle but disturbing smoke. In front of this formidable presence, stood the only human who had gained the leopard's trust: Yasuke.

The feline watched the scene closely, noting the blood in Yasuke's mouth, a clear indication of discomfort and concern. The tension in the air was palpable, as if the forest itself was holding its breath at the situation unfolding. With its instincts sharpened by the urgency of the moment, the leopard quickly understood the gravity of the situation. Yasuke was injured, and not just physically.

The dilemma weighed on his feline shoulders, like a dark shadow in the midst of the light. On the one hand, he knew he had the ability to attack the bear in its moment of weakness, inflicting more damage and increasing the chances of defeating it. However, he also understood the risks associated with that course of action. A violent reaction from the bear could endanger both Yasuke and himself.

On the other hand, the need to protect his human friend resonated deep within his being. Although his speed had been sapped by the injuries sustained in the battle, he was aware that even with his current physical limitations, he would have a chance to escape if the situation called for it. But for Yasuke, the options were limited and the danger imminent.

With these thoughts swirling in his feline mind, the leopard surveyed the scene with a mixture of doubt and concern.

The leopard could not ignore the seriousness of Yasuke's condition. Although he didn't speak human language, his animal instincts told him that his friend was in danger. The bond they had forged over the past few days was stronger than any words, deeper than any verbal understanding.

The albino leopard was immersed in an internal conflict, a struggle between his survival instinct rooted deep within him and his loyalty to Yasuke, his human friend. On the one hand, his predatory instinct drove him to seize the opportunity to defeat a powerful enemy like the bear. From birth, he had grown up in the forest, developing hunting and combat skills that had made him a formidable hunter. The idea of defeating such an imposing opponent awakened an ancient and powerful desire within him, fueled by years of dominance and success in the forest.

On the other hand, however, an even more powerful force tugged at his heart: the desire to protect Yasuke, his friend and fellow adventurer. Although he had lived most of his life as a solitary hunter, Yasuke's presence had brought a new dimension to his existence. They had shared moments of joy and danger together, forging a bond that transcended species barriers.

Now, faced with the decision to act on his own and pursue the glory of victory or sacrifice his desire for greatness in favor of Yasuke's safety, the leopard was at a crossroads. The tension between his primal instincts and his loyalty to his friend left him undecided, with the weight of responsibility resting on his powerful feline shoulders.

The albino leopard had made a decision: with fierce determination in his eyes, he lunged towards the bear, pushing it with all his might and knocking it to the ground. The crash of the bear's large body against the ground echoed in the forest clearing, but the leopard decided to ignore it and prepared for its next move.

Once the bear was momentarily incapacitated, the leopard acted quickly. Carefully, he lifted Yasuke, who lay unconscious on the ground, and gently placed him on his back. Yasuke's trademark cap slipped off his head and fell to the ground, but the leopard gently picked it up.

With Yasuke securely on its back, the leopard began to move away from the forest clearing, moving with impressive speed as it struggled to keep its balance and keep Yasuke from slipping. Each step was a delicate dance between speed and stability, but the leopard was determined to get his friend to safety, away from the danger posed by the bear.

As they moved forward, Yasuke, still unconscious, murmured words of thanks and appreciation to his feline friend.

- Friend, your fur always gives me security - he whispered, instinctively clinging to the leopard's fur.

The feline smiled, feeling the warm embrace of his human friend, and continued on his way with determination, determined to protect Yasuke and take him to a shelter where they could recover together.

He continued...

"I don't have much experience in narrating and developing battle and fight scenes, but I'm determined to get better. I hope you enjoy the chapter and I'll be happy to receive any recommendations you have for me."