
Chapter 67

When Song Yang and Jenny came out of the New York airport, they were immediately enveloped by flashing lights.

Jenny, who appeared in front of the camera for the first time, vowed to Song Yang on the plane that when she and Song Yang appeared on the media camera, it must be better than the previous photo of the bright scene in America at the celebration banquet. Those **** on the Internet are much stronger.

As a result, as soon as she got out of the airport, a bunch of reporters and the media, when the flashlight of the camera shone on the two of them, Jenny's body began to become a little stiff, and she firmly grasped Song Yang's hand. She never thought that there would be danger here. With so many reporters and media coming out, this kind of situation has never happened before in Xiucun.

  There were a lot of reporters and media at the New York airport today, and there were even interview vans of several TV stations parked outside.

Most of the media who come here are technology, Internet, finance, finance and other industries. Netscape is undoubtedly the focus of the past few days. Today, these media are actually squatting to see how many people ring the bell for Netscape Come, of course, how many of these media received Netscape's public relations fee, so it is unknown.

  The media who recognized Song Yang took the lead to surround Song Yang and Jenny, "Excuse me, Bruno Song, are you here to participate in Netscape's IPO?"

A specially tailored suit, coupled with years of exercise, and an appearance no worse than that of a Hollywood star, made Song Yang the focus near the airport exit. With a valuable watch specially worn by Song Yang, Song Yang, who is holding Jenny in his arms, shows the demeanor of the upstart American.

I don't know how many shots and films have been attracted and obliterated in this scene. The beautiful women in fresh clothes, angry horses and fragrant cars are vividly reflected at this moment. Seeing today's interview, I'm afraid I don't know how many people will fall into the big pit of the Internet. , just to be like Song Yang overnight...

Glancing at the interviewed media, it was a technology newspaper in Silicon Valley, Song Yang nodded, and said with a smile to the camera, "Yes, I received invitations from Anderson and Jim, tomorrow will be a day that will be recorded in history, no People want to miss out."

   "Song, you predict how Netscape's stock price will perform tomorrow. Some Wall Street experts believe that Netscape is worth the current valuation!"

A reporter from a small local TV station in New York secretly thrust the microphone in front of Song Yang, and asked Song Yang obviously malicious questions. This is bullying Song Yang's youth and trying to dig out some serious information from Song Yang. , The people interviewed today are all touting Netscape. How can it be said that they are not optimistic about Netscape to attract attention? The TV station in front of them is obviously trying to make trouble.

Song Yang glanced at the logo of the TV station that asked this question first, and blacklisted it in his heart, so he should never ask Song Yang again, "No one can recognize what will happen tomorrow, but I think the global Investors will love the Internet!"

  As soon as the words came out, a reporter from the authentic media "San Francisco Chronicle" immediately asked Song Yang, "Song, do you think Netscape's stock price is undervalued?"

This is obviously a routine. If you say you didn't underestimate the Wall Street gang that offended Anderson, Jim Clark, and invested in Netscape, but if you say you underestimated them, those people who bought Netscape stock tomorrow will see today's report. I'm afraid I have to scold Song Yang hard.

  But hearing this question, Song Yang's face became serious, as if he was asked about a taboo.

"Of course, not only Netscape, especially DoubleClick, is completely underestimated. I think the real valuation of DoubleClick should be increased by more than ten times. DoubleClick will be the first profitable Internet company. It is undervalued. !"

  Song Yang used an expression of "no one knows the Internet better than me", "complained" to the media and the Wall Street analysts, and then pulled Jenny away.

Jenny, who was dragged away by Song Yang, looked at the silent media who was hated by Song Yang, and her eyes were full of Song Yang's figure. She has seen so many celebrities, and she was embarrassed by the media interviews. How could she have seen them? This caught the media offended.

The media who had been slammed by Song Yang couldn't get angry. Song Yang's words just now were astonishing, and it was obviously a slip of the tongue under "anger". Song Yang is optimistic about Netscape, but Song Yang will double-click the company. Putting it together with Netscape, it is believed that the valuation should be increased by ten times, and it is reasonable to reach a valuation of one billion U.S. dollars. If this report goes out, it is estimated that dogs will not be fooled.

  In a top hotel in New York, Jim Clark, Mark Anderson and others who were negotiating with a group of Netscape investors, Wall Street investment banks, banks, etc., also found time to see this interview with Song Yang.

   "This kid has a really big appetite!"

  Jim couldn't help laughing at the crowd when he saw this, and the room burst into laughter.

   "If Double-Click's valuation reaches one billion dollars, then Netscape's market value should be tens of billions of dollars." A Wall Street investment banker couldn't help but complain while watching TV.

"He's using Netscape to raise the valuation of Double-Click!" Anderson was quite on guard against people like Song Yang and Yang Zhiyuan who might steal his status as a "Silicon Valley Digital Hero". Intentions for today.

  Song Yang is trying to play the chicken and lay eggs, tying Netscape and Double-click together, relying on Netscape's reputation to increase the valuation of Double-click.

  Jim waved his hand indifferently, "If the valuation of Double-Click increases, it will be a good thing for Netscape, which shows that the concept of Netscape has enough potential!"

Hearing this, all the big bosses of investment banks and institutions in the room couldn't help but nodded. Jim Clark, who has not yet listed Netscape, has already begun to prepare for the "Netscape Concept" stock. The leader of the global Internet.

  As for DoubleClick, even Yahoo and other companies, they all naturally belong to the younger brother of the "Netscape family", and the valuation of the younger brother is about high. Doesn't this mean that Netscape, the big brother, has great potential? !

   This time Netscape went public with great momentum. It not only invited a lot of media, but also provided extremely high treatment for the invited guests like Song Yang. They were all the best hotels in New York.

  After entering the hotel, Jenny began to tidy up again. Jenny was a little dissatisfied with today's performance and began to prepare for tomorrow.

  Choosing the clothes and jewelry for tomorrow, Jenny said to Song Yang with anticipation, "I heard that Netscape will hold a big party after it goes public tomorrow, should we attend?"

   Song Yang, who was looking at the newspapers he wanted from the hotel, recalled the crazy parties in Silicon Valley and Wall Street that he had heard about in his previous life, and said to Jenny, "I don't think you would want to go to that kind of party!"

  Song Yang looked at the several newspapers in his hand, Netscape has made a huge impact, and the companies that are now famous on the Internet have all sent people this time.

According to today's media reports, apart from Song Yang, who represents Double-Click, there are also Altavista, the leader in the search industry, and Artisdirect, the world's largest online digital entertainment company, as well as other major Internet companies such as Lycos and Infoseek I mentioned it, and I came early to wave the flag for Netscape.

   Even Double-click's rivals, digital advertising companies such as L90 and VCLK, were also invited by Netscape. Seeing this report, Song Yang felt that Jim and Anderson were a little out of touch.

Yahoo also sent people here, but Yang Zhiyuan didn't come in person. Song Yang didn't know if there was a problem between the two sides, or if Yang Zhiyuan and Fei Luo were really too busy, or because Yang Zhiyuan didn't want Yahoo to be willing to be behind Netscape. up.

This made Song Yang couldn't help thinking, if Yahoo and Netscape had a falling out, which side would the double-click be on? Song Yang shook his head and threw the newspaper aside. Now, it must be the "winner" side, at least Microsoft is shameless enough to use any tricks to win!

   On August 16, 1995, today's New York seemed to be full of restlessness. On the big screens in Times Square, Netscape's LOGO appeared, and the chubby figure of Mark Anderson also appeared on it from time to time.

It was only when Song Yang and Jenny came to Nasdaq that Jenny realized that yesterday's battle was just Xiaohe's sharp edge, and today at least hundreds of people with long guns and short cannons gathered outside Nasdaq Reporters and TV stations have one vehicle after another.

   Today's protagonist is undoubtedly Mark Anderson, who was created by Netscape. When Song Yang and Jenny entered Nasdaq, they saw a large group of reporters surrounding Anderson for interviews.


  Song Yang stood there, glanced at Anderson a few times, and heard a voice, and saw Jim Clark waving at him.

   "Yesterday's interview was good!"

  Seeing Song Yang coming over, Jim embraced Song Yang like a big boss, the smile on his face could not be restrained, this should be one of the pinnacles of his life, far better than the SGI company that was kicked out last time.

   "This is AltaVista founder Flaherty, Lycos founder Bob Weiss..."

Jim, who claims to be the leader, introduced a group of founders of Internet princes to Song Yang. Some digital advertising companies such as L90 did not like Song Yang. Double-click is now the only one. Other digital advertising companies such as L90 and VCLK, Even the northwest wind can't get enough of the Northwest Wind following Double-click.

Of course, there are also those who expressed goodwill towards Song Yang. For example, Bob Weiss's wooing of Song Yang is almost beyond words. Lycos is ready to fight Yahoo. Diaphragm should be a Yahoo.

   At this moment, Anderson, who had finished the interview, walked over in high spirits. Today, the media responsible for filming the documentary of Netscape's listing immediately suggested that all the Internet upstarts at the scene take a photo together.

Jim Clark and Anderson were naturally extremely happy about this. Jim and Anderson undoubtedly stood at the C position, Bob Weiss, Flaherty and others stood around them, and Song Yang acted as Xiao Transparent, standing on the C position. The most corner position.

  A moment later, after the flash of the camera went off, another famous scene that became famous in the global technology industry was born.

  (end of this chapter)