
Chapter 399

Chapter 399 The Calm Before the Storm

  Out of the gate of Song Yang's North Shore Manor, Biber looked back, the gloom on his face disappeared, and he didn't seem too sad.

   "Maybe, Bruno Song and ICNC TV station will reject our proposal!"

Back in the car, Biber called the people from the Tobacco Association and told them that Song Yang did not accept a huge amount of hush money, and that he wanted Song Yang to hand over Jeffrey Wegener to them. up.

  Glancing at the hedgehog-like North Shore Manor, Biber shook his head, feeling that the Tobacco Association, which has been playing tricks for so many years, is finally about to hit a nail.

   At this point, Biber is actually not surprised. After he took over Philip Morris, Philip Morris achieved an astonishing 22 consecutive years of revenue growth, which seemed unstoppable.

But in fact, in the past few years, the entire Philip Morris has been entangled in lawsuits. The American state courts have been somewhat unable to handle the tobacco lawsuits. After all, the tobacco companies cannot always win, even if they are the strongest legal counsel in the Western Hemisphere. The so-called Disney, there are times when the old horse stumbles, not to mention the tobacco company.

Coupled with the medical industry, the opposition to tobacco is also increasing. Various medical reports and magazines about the effects of tobacco on the human body are emerging one after another. The annual public relations expenses of large companies such as Philip Morris are no more than in the past. How much less to advertise!

   This time, it seemed that Philip Morris was in trouble, but Biber fished in troubled waters and brought down the entire tobacco industry. It was definitely not Philip Morris who was unlucky.

   Every crisis, as long as the danger is overcome, is an opportunity, and the tobacco industry is no exception.

Once this wave of crisis in the tobacco industry breaks out, the big tobacco companies will definitely lose money, but the entire tobacco industry will also undergo a reshuffle. Those small and medium-sized tobacco companies will basically be wiped out. As long as Philip Morris and other big tobacco companies survive the hard times of the past few years, their future market share will usher in an epic explosion!

As for Biber, as long as he can lead Philip Morris through this crisis and complete the transformation of Philip Morris, he will be able to become a new company by changing his name and surname at that time, and he will also be touted as the leader of the Wall Street generation. Legendary managers, huge equity rewards, dividends, etc., are all at your fingertips for Biber!

   "Song, ICNC TV station, needs to start broadcasting as soon as possible, and I am also under pressure here!"

Immelt also called Song Yang, and General Electric's board of directors also began to put pressure on Immelt, but Immelt, who had made up his mind, was not ready to let go halfway. The greater the influence of ICNC TV station, For their grand merger plan, the more favorable it is naturally.

   "It will start broadcasting this week!" Song Yang replied to Immelt.

  The Tobacco Association is now throwing beauties around, putting pressure on ICNC TV from various aspects.

Not only Song Yang and Immelt, but also someone from Comcast requested that the Comcast TV network be prohibited from accessing ICNC TV programs, but was rejected by Comcast's young owner, Brian Roberts up.

  Even a congressman on Capitol Hill also criticized Huai Sang's remarks in the Washington Post, "We must not let certain media become liars, threatening or even blackmailing with lies!"

This is obviously a blowout in advance, in response to ICNC's next report, once ICNC reports on tobacco nicotine, it will directly beat back, label ICNC as fake news, and even use these news to blackmail and blackmail those tobacco companies to pay huge amounts cost…

  Anyway, it is to pour dirty water on ICNC TV station and tell the outside world that ICNC TV station reports these news, it is by no means the bounden duty of some media person to report the truth to the outside world, but has ulterior motives and so on.

Song Yang came to the headquarters of ICNC TV station. The headquarters of ICNC TV station is now "living" in the NBC TV station building. The equipment and so on are all directly transferred from NBC TV station.

When Song Yang passed by, the two-story office building belonging to ICNC was busy at the moment. In a few days, the news channel of ICNC will start broadcasting. At the same time, the Internet TV station operated by ICQ will also Broadcast online.


   Seeing Song Yang coming, Andy Lake, president of ICNC TV station, rushed out to greet him.

   Song Yang looked at the busy scene and said to Andy Lake, "ICNC should be ready?!"

  Andy Lake froze for a moment, but quickly realized, "Of course, this Saturday at 6 pm, ICNC TV station will start broadcasting throughout America on time!"

   "The interview with Jeffrey Wegener will be held at 8 o'clock on the first day of the broadcast. The interview will be hosted by Williams, editor-in-chief of ICNC News!"

  Williams is not only the editor-in-chief of ICNC TV station, but also the host. In the newly established grass-roots team of ICNC TV station, there is a shortage of programs and hosts. Williams, the news editor-in-chief, also has to personally participate.

  Of course, this may also be an opportunity to become famous. If the effect and influence of the broadcasted program explode, it will be considered a Pulitzer Prize, and maybe even Williams will be able to touch it.

Andy Lake excitedly talked to Song Yang about his plan for ICNC after its launch. In the future, the news channel will adopt a strategy of reporting half of the news in America and overseas, and the other half of broadcasting self-made programs, so that the cost may be lower. It is high, but if it can be done, it can quickly increase the popularity of the TV station and the viscosity of users.

  After the Future News Channel, if the performance is qualified, then ICNC will successively establish pay TV channels, cable movie channels, sports, entertainment, fashion and many other channels, making ICNC a real media group.

Of course, these are still under planning. Of course, Andy Lake hopes that one day he can be on an equal footing with those media giants in America. The first show is very important.

   "Song, there will be no more problems with the interview with Jeffrey Wegener?"

After passing by a small studio, Andy Lake finally couldn't help it, and asked Song Yang, how many times have Andy Lake and Williams been called on the phone in the past few days, Even the directors of the Federal Communications Commission and the American Radio and Television Association called them, threatening them to give up reporting on Jeffrey.

  Even Andy Lake himself is like this. He knows that on Song Yang's side, the people who come to him will be even more surprising and the pressure will be even greater. Andy Lake is afraid that Song Yang will suddenly change his mind.

   Song Yang looked at Andy Lake and said directly, "People from the Tobacco Association and Philip Morris have called me, and Tom Delay and others have also called me.

  However, investors cannot interfere with normal news reports! "

  Hearing this, Andy Lake's heart suddenly relaxed. With Song Yang here to block the pressure for him, then Andy Lake can let go and do a big job.

   "If the broadcasted interview program is effective, I plan to ask ICNC to release another series of tobacco series, including those tobacco giants, the improper methods used in lawsuits in the past, etc.!"

  Song Yang raised his brows, and Andy Lake was afraid that the death of those tobacco companies was not thorough enough, so he was going to give him another shot.

   After thinking about it for a while, Song Yang did not refuse. If the tobacco companies can be overwhelmed, it will be less troublesome for Song Yang.

However, when doing news, it must be Wei Guangzheng's existence, and it cannot be said to be public revenge. Song Yang said to Andy Lake, "ICNC TV station does not do tobacco programs for ratings or other things. I just hope that the truth, Tell everyone who has watched the news on ICNC TV, and in the future, every cigarette will be printed with a sentence when it leaves the factory, smoking affects health, then everything ICNC has done will not be in vain!"

Seeing Song Yang's leaving figure, Andy Lake was a little confused for a few seconds, but thinking of Song Yang's words after that, Andy Lake's eyes suddenly lit up. If ICNC TV broadcasts this interview, If this sentence can be printed on cigarettes all over the world, then ICNC TV station is definitely a **** of World War I. An interview program affects a market of hundreds of billions of dollars every year. This terrifying media influence is in the media industry. , there is no one who can go out of ICNC TV station!

   On the day of the opening of ICNC TV station, several people also rushed to New York to participate in the opening ceremony of ICNC TV station.

Immelt did not attend the meeting in person, but sent an executive from General Electric to attend on his behalf. Other major shareholders of ICNC, including Enron and Microsoft, also sent people. The future head of Comcast, Brian Roberts, He rushed to New York in person.

For ICNC TV station, Brian Roberts is also very concerned about it. After all, it is also related to the future plan of Comcast Group. If ICQ, NBC, Comcast TV Network, and American Telecom are really merged into a new company, That giant company across all industries in America will emerge, and Comcast will also be affected by this new giant company,

   "Is Comcast Network okay?"

   After seeing Brian Roberts, Song Yang asked him, Comcast's TV network is also very important to ICNC, and it even mainly relied on Comcast's support in the early stage.

  Brian Roberts knew what Song Yang was worried about. He was afraid that Comcast would suddenly betray him. "If ICNC TV dares to report, Comcast's TV network will give resources!"

Song Yang and Brian Roberts looked at each other and smiled, and walked towards the crowd, preparing to take a group photo together to officially launch the ICNC TV station. Song Yang glanced at Brian Roberts beside him, and could feel the great ambition of Brian. Obviously the picture is very big.

  (end of this chapter)