
Chapter 361

Chapter 361 Carnival

Many people participated in this conference call. Song Yang, Whitman, Ryan, KKR Group's Kravis, Deutsche Edison, etc. all participated, and Evan Spiegel was also allowed join.

The atmosphere of the conference call was quite good, especially for KKR Group and Deutsche Bank Investment Bank. The double-clicked stock price on this day was somewhat beyond their expectations. They originally expected to raise it to more than 30 dollars, and they will put more leeks into it tomorrow. In the market, let Creamer and his gang invest more, and finally pulled out the bottom line, but unexpectedly, the stock price soared to more than forty dollars on the first day of double-clicking!

  Evan Spiegel, who was sitting in the conference room, was so far away at this time that he didn't listen to a word at all. His mind was full of the double-click stock of $1 million he bought this morning.

  For Evan Spiegel, who has never been short of money since he was a child, it is not that he has never seen money. Being able to come up with a million dollars in cash is enough to prove everything.

But even Evan Spiegel's three views were also affected today. He bought about 250,000 double-click stocks with a million dollars in the morning, and now these stocks are worth more than one million dollars. Twelve million dollars!

This is almost Evan Spiegel's parents, who have saved for decades, even his old man may not be as good as Evan Spiegel, after all, when he sells the stock, he gets cash, and his old man, It is absolutely impossible to come up with more than ten million dollars in cash.

  Now Evan Spiegel really understands why so many people are flocking to Wall Street. If Creamer and his gang won today, they would probably earn more than several times.

   This thing is like betting on stones, one knife is poor and one knife is rich, one knife can live in a big villa, and one knife may also be admitted to the emergency room...

People who play double-click stocks today are basically the same. Those who bought it directly gained a lot of money. In one day, they got a beautiful knife that they would never get for half a lifetime or even a lifetime. His family fortune was wiped out in a day.

  Song Yang glanced at Evan Spiegel, who was sitting there absent-minded, showing a smirk from time to time, shook his head and asked Kravis on the phone, "That is to say, is there anyone else coming in today?"

"Although it's not clear who it is, there must be people from Wall Street entering the market, and the capital scale is huge!" Kravis said over the phone. At the close of today, it was obvious that someone was rushing to double-click the stock, and it was the kind that did not care about the price. .

  After Song Yang heard it, he paused and said, "Will the entry of these people have any impact on our plan?"


   The person who spoke was Edison, and Edison sounded in a good mood, "I saw several familiar "old friends" enter the venue, including Paulson!

  As long as the major shareholder does not transfer the equity by double-clicking, we will not sell the equity before the option is settled. No matter who enters the market, it will not affect the result! "

  The group of people on Wall Street have all fought each other. Just by looking at the trading routines, they can basically understand who is playing. Edison obviously recognized the people from Goldman Sachs.

  Goldman Sachs entered the arena at this time, and Edison could vaguely sense what Paulson wanted to play. In this kind of matter, everyone has always kept their hearts clear and cut leeks together.

  Hearing that Goldman Sachs, a big short, suddenly entered the market and double-clicked the stock price for long positions, Song Yang showed a strange expression on his face.

   "I suddenly want to see how Creamer and the Wall Street institutions will react when they can't buy stocks to close their positions before the options are settled!"

   Edison grinned and said, liquidation is not the most terrible thing now, wait until they get the stock price up completely, and when the options are about to be settled, it will be the most uncomfortable time for those institutions.

  In order to close their positions, they need to buy double-click stocks, and most of the double-click tradable shares have been locked up by Double-click, KKR Group, and Deutsche Bank Investment Bank. How could those people buy them?

In order to compete for the few tradable shares, or to let those who locked positions release their tickets, those short sellers need to keep raising the stock price. This is a short squeeze. Fighting to keep the stock price rising, even if the double-clicked stock price grows to the sky, and the stock price is dozens of times higher than the short-selling stock price, they will have to grit their teeth to take the offer!

Evan Spiegel, who was listening to the conference call, couldn't help pricking up his ears when he heard that the double-click stock price was going to skyrocket. Right now, the double-click stock price has reached a height of 47 dollars. He doesn't know that it can still rise To what extent, but listening to Edison's meaning, he is not willing to let go easily.

   At this time, Whitman couldn't help saying, "If you double-click the stock price and continue to skyrocket, and even make short-selling hedge funds unable to close their positions, I am afraid that the Federal Securities Commission will not be able to explain it!"

   "Even if the double-click let them go, the Federal Securities Regulatory Commission will not investigate the double-click?"

  Edison sneered, and had already started to do it. At this time, it was useless to stop. With the double-click stock price soaring, the Federal Securities Commission must set up an investigation team.

   "In this matter, we are fully compliant, and there is no violation. I can guarantee Double-Click with Kravis!"

Edison said, what they did was not perfect, but even if everyone knew that they had set up a trick, as long as it wasn't people like Song Yang and Whitman who lost their minds and gave away their own heads, then this matter is basically At most, it would be a fine of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Compared with the income this time, it is not as good as a drop in the bucket. Edison is already familiar with this.

   "Keep going with the plan!"

  In the end, Song Yang nailed the coffin for Creamer and his gang of hedge funds.

   Today's Nasdaq trading floor is full of media and reporters, and even media and reporters from some overseas regions come to eat melons.

  Investors throughout America, without exception, are waiting for the opening of Nasdaq, and all eyes are focused on Double Click.

  Yesterday, Double-click was the most beautiful guy in Nasdaq, none of them. And last night, there were some organizations that did not give up, and continued to publish short-selling reports on Double-click, thinking that Double-click was not worth the current price at all.

Behind this is also fueled by investment banks such as Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns. They have provided leverage for many short-selling hedge funds. Press down the double-click stock price, and then close the position to settle the option.

Anyone can see that Double-Click is not worth the price, but the performance of Double-Click yesterday was really scary. Today, countless people are watching to see if the hedge funds on Wall Street are better, or Double-Click is here. more violent.

Creamer, who hadn't slept all night, was already bearded and looking at the computer with bloodshot eyes. When the assistant walked in, he couldn't help being shocked when he saw Creamer like this. Two days ago, Creamer Mo Mo, still high-spirited, pointed out the country to Wall Street, but now it has become like this.

   "Boss, some media want to interview you..."

  Creemer stared at the screen, but replied with an extremely hoarse voice, "No see!"

   "It was jointly interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, Financial Weekly, New York Times and other media..." The assistant knew that these magazines and media were the media that Creamer wanted to be featured in before.

   Creamer raised his head and looked at the assistant with a murderous look, "I told you, no one will be seen today!"

  The assistant was taken aback, he didn't dare to speak anymore, and hurriedly backed out. He could see that Creamer had reached the edge of madness.

  Under the attention of Creamer and countless people, Nasdaq opened, almost the same as yesterday. As soon as the market opened, countless empty orders began to pour down, which was much more dynamic than yesterday.

  The double-clicked stock price instantly fell from $47 to $33, a drop of 30%, but in an instant, the stock price was pulled back to $47.

For the next few minutes, the double-clicked stock price was like a roller coaster, constantly being beaten down and pulled up again, with an astonishing rate of more than 30%. It is conceivable that the stock price repeatedly jumped from the limit down to the limit up every second. It feels like people with a bad heart have been carried away long ago.

  In less than half an hour after the opening of the Nasdaq, the trading volume of double-clicking stocks exceeded 1.1 billion dollars. Today's trading volume surpassed yesterday's, which is already a certainty.

   And in more than half an hour, when KKR and Deutsche Bank Investment Bank were fighting with the hedge funds, a large amount of money suddenly flowed in.

   Then I saw that the double-click stock price began to hit new highs, from $47 to $50, and then from $50 to $60.

Countless people watched the stock price of Double-click, heading towards the sky-high price of $70. The stock price of $70 has a special meaning for Double-click and the entire Silicon Valley. This means that America and the entire Internet industry, The first Internet company with a market value exceeding US$10 billion is about to appear!

   When the stock price was double-clicked and exceeded 68 dollars, a veteran fund manager in a Wall Street fund company, who was over 60 years old and had experienced many storms, finally returned to his seat in tears and knocked out the order.

He knew that the double-click stock price at this time was completely above the atmosphere, and it would not last long, but he couldn't wait any longer. With so many years of experience, he told him that if he didn't cut his flesh and come out at this time, he might die next time. Worse!

   "We are on Wall Street right now, double-clicking the stock price, and it is still going up. We will interview the manager of the Nasdaq market department, and the double-clicking stock price..."

A reporter from a TV station was standing in front of the Nasdaq building. He was halfway through his speech when he suddenly heard a "bang". The host looked back and couldn't help screaming. Sweeping over, I couldn't help cursing a word starting with F, and then moved away from the camera urgently, but in this flash, sharp-eyed viewers still saw that someone was jumping off the building.

   And when the news came out that the double-click short-selling rate exceeded 200%, and all tradable shares had been locked up, another carnival seemed to begin again...

  (end of this chapter)