
Chapter 216

Chapter 216 Slapping a swollen face to pretend to be fat

  The final price proposed by Song Yang is actually a deception to AOL, but it sounds a bit better than the price of 1.3 billion US dollars.

  Case talked with Leon Sis and others in a low voice, then nodded to Song Yang, "Song, AOL hopes that you can fulfill the conditions you promised!"

   "I think President Case, don't need to worry about this." After selling CompuServe, Song Yang was also in a good mood.

As for Song Yang's words, Keith can still trust him. Since Song Yang came out, although he has done a lot of flirting operations, and is different from the mainstream of Silicon Valley, he is closer to the Xiangdang side, but he is still reliable. I have never heard of it. In this regard, compared to Case, it seems to be more convincing...

  Although it cost a lot of money, but it can solve the troubles, it was just a worthwhile trip for Case. Case got up and stretched out his hand to Song Yang, "Then Song, I hope we can have a happy cooperation in the future!"

  No matter what happens in the future, anyway, in the short term, Song Yang and Case are in the same camp. America Telecom and AOL will go to each other, and Double-click and ICQ will start to cooperate with AOL.

   There is no press conference to be held. AOL would like the whole world to know about this acquisition. It will certainly not publicize it with great fanfare. American Telecom is also happy to make a fortune in silence.

  After Song Yang and Case made a decision, the two sides will form a team to handle an acquisition involving more than one billion dollars, but basically an agreement has been reached.

   Wait until all the agreements are signed, and then report to the Communications Commission for a process. However, this kind of thing usually does not cause any accidents. Even if they know that there is something going on here, no one will stop it.

  Seeing that the two sides have turned from rivals to allies in the blink of an eye, the two groups who were at war just now are now talking and laughing, and can only lament that life depends on acting skills.

   "Song, I hope that the double-click company can go public smoothly. If you need help, AOL is happy to help!"

  After the negotiation was over, a group of people picked up champagne and drank a glass. It was a celebration. Case, who was holding the wine glass, had a drink with Song Yang, and suddenly said this to Song Yang without thinking.

  Song Yang was taken aback for a moment, wondering what Case meant by this, and then suddenly thought that Case must have heard something about Double-Click Company, otherwise he would not have said this.

   "Thank you, President Case, for your kindness!" Song Yang raised his wine glass as a gesture.

  Case and the AOL gang didn't stay long. After signing the agreement, he left in a low-key manner and headed for his west coast.

Song Yang was thinking about Case's words. The first thing that came to his mind was Ella Cherry. Song Yang wasn't sure if it was her, but he was sure that she was going to complete the fatal one before the double-click company went public. Otherwise, she might not have a chance when she double-clicks the listing.

   But I just thought about it for a while, and Song Yang didn't ask anyone to investigate again. The soldiers came to cover up the water and earth, and sooner or later there would be a head-on collision with Ella Cherry.

  Ella Cherry's methods are nothing more than fines, prosecution and fines, or the introduction of Internet advertising bills against double-click companies, etc., but these take time, and the big deal is to play tricks.

America is a revolving door. No one can sit on the stage all the time. The donkey party to which Ella Cherry belongs can't always occupy the Grand Commander's Palace. When the elephant party gains power, it will solve the trouble of Double-click Company. Anyway, Zuo Zuo is just a lawsuit, and he has to pay money if he admits defeat, so he might as well take the money and go to court.

  Put the wine glass on the table, and returned to the conference room, Song Yang said to Iger and the executives of American Telecom, "We won!"

  The conference room burst into applause. America Telecom definitely won this wave of operations. It acquired CompuServe and sold it for nearly 300 million dollars.

   "Call KKR Group, Goldman Sachs, and Deutsche Bank Investment Bank!"

Song Yang asked the executives of American Telecom to inform the Wall Street companies involved in this project that they were asked to share the money. American Telecom came to a live performance to tell the people on Wall Street that American Telecom can make a lot of money, not only He can pull lines, acquire and merge, and then split and sell. He is also very good at playing. If you don't rush to support America Telecom with a dollar, what are you waiting for? !

A group of executives in the conference room are still excited. They can also get a bonus this time. They have just entered America Telecom and completed such a deal. Compared with these executives, America Telecom is more expected They are much more powerful. Only when a company struggles can these executives have room to play. If there is a pool of stagnant water, they can only sit on the bench.

  Song Yang and Eiger sat aside, and Song Yang looked at Eiger who was still somewhat excited. This was the first acquisition and transaction in his hands, which was of great significance to Eiger.

"Iger, the deal with CompuServe is not the most important thing for American Telecom. American Telecom needs to have its own broadband line network. Now is the best time for the American telecom industry. If you miss this opportunity, if you want to develop Come on, for American Telecom, it is impossible!"

Song Yang explained to Iger, telling him not to put the cart before the horse. Like Ebes, he played the acquisition game. Shitong, which looks like a giant, is actually a castle in the sand. Once the market changes and the popularity of the Internet dissipates, Naturally, the telecommunications industry is going to have a fever, and the first unlucky one is WorldCom.

As for America Telecom, taking advantage of the current madness in the telecommunications industry, whether it is acquisitions or self-built, anyway, America Telecom's broadband lines will be covered in several major cities in America. Earning money, those lines are not much different from money printing machines.

   "Not only the telecommunications industry, but as long as America Telecom can operate, there will be sufficient cash flow, and America Telecom can also enter the American media industry!"

Song Yang's words made Eiger's heart skip a beat. He understood what Song Yang meant. After the new telecommunications bill, the barriers between telecommunications, media, and Internet industries have basically disappeared. Now, as long as you have a dollar, you can enter major industries.

   I don't see Microsoft is just around the corner. There is news that they want to set up their own TV channel, and they are going to let Microsoft's voice be heard by more people!

But American Telecom wants to play cross-border, it needs to have sufficient cash flow, and it has to let the outside world feel that American Telecom can make a lot of money, and the number of optical fiber and broadband lines it holds is the best proof .

   "After the CompuServe transaction is completed, I will ask America Telecom to start negotiations with WilTel Telecom!"

Iger, who had calmed down, said in a deep voice that the acquisition of CompuServe can only be regarded as a play, then the acquisition of WilTel Telecom will allow America Telecom to have a complete network service system, as well as a set of underground optical fiber network. This is what American Telecom really needs.

  Song Yang nodded. Iger is not the kind of arrogant character. If you change to a strong president, I am afraid that at this time, what you want is to continue the acquisition and earn more fame and profit!

  America Telecom sold CompuServe to AOL. Even though both parties were very low-key and did not publicize it, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, let alone such a dramatic acquisition of this scale.

A few months ago, CompuServe was just bought by American Telecom at a high price of one billion dollars. At that time, some people ridiculed Eiger for making a loss-making transaction, and the remaining users of CompuServe who were crooked were still able to Sell ​​so expensive.

But in the blink of an eye, the slap in the face appeared. There are just a few million users who were considered crooked before, and someone came to take over the offer, and it was a high price, with a purchase price of US$1.29 billion. , when the news came out, the media were a little dumbfounded.

   In less than two months, he earned nearly 300 million US dollars in blood. Which professional manager on Wall Street, when he took office, could do such a tough thing?

  AOL's takeover of CompuServe at a high price caused an uproar in the outside world. I don't know what kind of crazy AOL is, to buy such a junk thing at such an outrageous price.

  Not to mention laymen, the telecommunications and Internet industries were a little stunned when they saw the news. Case actually took so much money to exchange such a shabby business in Song Yang's hands!

"The latest news from Wall Street, AOL, America's largest Internet service provider, announced today that it has reached an agreement with American Telecom to acquire its subsidiary CompuServe. According to rumors, the overall purchase price will reach US$1.29 billion. , is another acquisition with a scale exceeding US$1 billion after UUnet.

  AOL will complete the acquisition in the form of stock plus cash. After the acquisition, AOL will completely obtain the dial-up Internet service of American Telecom, and the latter will completely withdraw from the dial-up Internet service! "

  The news of AOL's deal with American Telecom was broadcast on the TV station. When seeing this news, the Netscape trio who had been tossed and tossed during this period of time couldn't help laughing when they saw this news.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see that AOL has been brutally slaughtered. Although it was not personally revenged, seeing AOL and Case deflate still gave Anderson a sense of revenge.

   "It seems that we need to call, congratulations to that kid!" Anderson laughed and said to Jim Clark and Baxter.

  Seeing that Song Yang made nearly 300 million US dollars from AOL in the blink of an eye, Anderson couldn't help being envious for a while, but he was even more happy for Case's defeat.

"The acquisition of CompuServe is an important step for AOL. CompuServe can strengthen AOL's market position in America. More importantly, CompuServe's overseas market can allow AOL to enter overseas markets such as Canada and England, allowing AOL Become an international Internet service provider!"

  Watching Leon Heath on TV, who was interviewed by the media, obviously suffered a big loss, and was still racking his brains to find a reason for AOL to acquire Leon Heath, Jim Clark finally couldn't help but laugh.

  (end of this chapter)