
Realms of Myth

Autor: XjoyceX
Contínuo · 7.9K Modos de exibição
  • 29 Chs
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What is Realms of Myth

Leia o romance Realms of Myth escrito pelo autor XjoyceX publicado no WebNovel. In a realm shrouded in darkness, a young hero named Alex embarks on a journey to confront the looming threat of an ancient evil that threatens to engulf the land. Guided by whispers of prophecy and ar...


In a realm shrouded in darkness, a young hero named Alex embarks on a journey to confront the looming threat of an ancient evil that threatens to engulf the land. Guided by whispers of prophecy and armed with courage and determination, Alex is joined by a band of loyal companions as they traverse treacherous terrain, encounter mythical creatures, and unlock the mysteries of the past. Along the way, they face daunting challenges and fierce adversaries, but with the power of friendship and the light of hope to guide them, they press on towards their ultimate goal. As the final battle draws near, Alex and their companions must make a stand against the forces of darkness, risking everything to ensure the survival of their world. In a tale of bravery, sacrifice, and the enduring power of good over evil, 'The Chronicles of Alex' is an epic fantasy adventure that will captivate readers until the very end.

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一个原本可以造福人类的机会,因为一次意外,变成了毁灭人类的究极武器。 身体素质相当于国家一级运动员的普通丧尸,千奇百怪的变异丧尸,在地下肆虐的变异老鼠群,在空中肆无忌惮的袭击活物的变异鸟群,以及人类根本就没办法涉及的深海生物。 这些怪物们的出现给人类造成了巨大的打击,全球各大城市相续沦陷,为了反抗,人类不得不启用了核武器,但结果却是因为核辐射的原因,人类亲手造出了更加难缠的核变异丧尸。 随着丧尸不断的变异,人类节节败退,只能形成一个个的聚集地,利用手中的武器,尽力保护聚集地不会被丧尸攻破。 在末日之中苟活了十年的蔡文杰,最终还是死在了丧尸的嘴里,也许是上天并不想让这个世界就这么毁灭,已经死亡的蔡文杰重新活了过来,并且回到了末日发生前的前三天,并且还获得了一个军火系统,可以利用点数兑换各种各样的武器来对抗成出不穷的丧尸。 数十年后 面对如潮水般涌来的丧尸潮,蔡文杰只是冷酷的说了一句。 “开始进攻!” 随着蔡文杰的一声令下,由无数的坦克,装甲车,机甲组成的装甲部队开始对丧尸进行了反冲锋。 天空中也全是听命于蔡文杰的空天母舰,战斗机,轰炸机。 人类和丧尸的最终之战打响了。

蔡家长子 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
873 Chs

Dreambound: Chronicles of Desolation.

In a world teetering on the brink of annihilation, where monstrous creatures known as "Devourers" threaten the very existence of humanity, a lone protagonist emerges as the last hope. This is the tale of "Dreambound: Chronicles of Desolation." The realm of Astrarium faces an unprecedented crisis as Devourers, nightmarish beasts born from the void, overrun the land, leaving cities in ruins and civilization in chaos. People, known as "Eclipsed," possess a spectrum of extraordinary abilities that were awakened by the Devourers' arrival. However, despite these powers, humanity is losing the battle against the relentless onslaught. Amidst the chaos stands our protagonist, Asher Vaelin, a solitary figure burdened by a tragic past. His family and friends lost to the Devourers, Asher is driven by an unquenchable desire for vengeance. He's a rogue Eclipsed, distrustful of alliances and focused solely on survival. However, a revelation turns his world upside down. A hidden sanctuary, the Sanctuary of Somnia, unveils the existence of an alternate dimension – the Dreamrealm. Accessible only to Eclipsed, the Dreamrealm offers a battleground where they can harness their unique abilities to combat Devourers. In return, they reap rewards that strengthen them in the waking world. Determined to master his abilities and gain the power to avenge his loved ones, Asher reluctantly joins forces with a group of diverse Eclipsed known as "The Dawnbreakers." Each member bears their own scars and motivations, yet their shared goal unites them – to reclaim Astrarium from the clutches of darkness. As Asher delves into the Dreamrealm, he uncovers its intricate landscapes, from ethereal forests to sprawling cities of light. There, he faces not only Devourers but also reflections of his own inner struggles. Guided by Aria, a mysterious Dreamweaver who guards the realm's secrets, Asher's journey takes him through trials that test his strength, resilience, and the true nature of his vendetta. While the Dawnbreakers forge bonds in the Dreamrealm, tensions rise among them as secrets are unveiled, alliances are questioned, and sacrifices are demanded. Together, they must navigate the blurred lines between dreams and reality, battling Devourers in both realms while striving to unearth the origins of these monstrous invaders. "Dreambound: Chronicles of Desolation" weaves a tale of courage, redemption, and the inexhaustible power of dreams. As Asher and the Dawnbreakers fight not only for survival but also for the soul of their world, they discover that true strength is born not just from abilities, but from unity, compassion, and the enduring hope that even in the darkest of times, light can emerge. Will Asher and the Dawnbreakers unlock the secrets of the Dreamrealm, overcome their inner demons, and triumph against the Devourers? The fate of Astrarium rests in their hands as they journey through dimensions, forging bonds that transcend the boundaries of reality and dreams.

Drogo20 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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