
realm of the gods

A group of people was taken to a new place, where they must do everything to survive. A place where questions arise and the answers only generate more doubts, not counting the threats against which they must fight.

Carl_27_28 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 0003

I am nervous. A part of me is glad to have a mission, the idea of ​​having a system is very satisfying, but fighting? I have no idea how to fight and worst of all I don't know anything about my enemies. I wonder if that woman is also fulfilling a mission.

A wolf began to approach by the only path there is, he walks very slowly, observing the place, the look he has makes it seem as if he is mocking me. I am in the small space of one meter, to get to me that wolf is going to have to jump, that is why I am using a sword right now.

-Come on, come here little wolf! I told him while waiting patiently for him to attack.


The wolf disappeared before my eyes, now I was looking at that woman and I observed how a smile formed on her face, while the other wolves began to howl with emotion. Everything happened so fast, suddenly I was in the place where the wolf had been standing. My mind told me that I had exchanged places with that wolf, at least I tried to warn the others of the danger that was looming over us.

And when I looked back I could see that a sword pierced the entire head of the wolf.

-Wolves zero, humans one! -said one of the girls, holding her sword tightly.

"They have powers, we must be careful" I said and prepared myself for the wolves' assault.

Alexandra's point of view

When I woke up my whole room had changed, I was in a cave and a young man was walking around us and then laying down next to me. I think he realized that I was awake, I could feel his breathing and I was scared, my heart raced when suddenly I heard a scream. I opened my eyes and went to the source of the screams, I stayed with the girls, hoping to be guided by them and protected.

But things were not difficult, we decided that our leader would be that young man named Sun, we introduced ourselves and left the cave, things were going well, until on the third day the howling of the wolves made me remember that I was in a place Against my will, fear returned and I automatically followed Sun's every word.

-... Whoever doesn't fight won't have tomorrow.

I heard him say and my mind went blank for a moment, and when I caught the magnitude of his words I decided to go out, I didn't know if I was going to fight or just went out to see him but when I went out I saw his back and he seemed like a giant capable of protect the world, able to protect myself. That feeling was fleeting because Sun disappeared and when he disappeared my body moved instinctively, I grabbed the sword I had with all my strength and stabbed towards the direction where he was, my decision was correct because while stabbing, a wolf appeared there.

The wolf's gaze turned to surprise when he saw me attacking with my sword, I don't think he was expecting it.

-Wolves zero, humans one! -I said when Sun looked back.

-They have powers, we must be careful. -Sun pronounced, and I felt again that I was capable of protecting myself, that I was capable of protecting the world itself.

But that feeling, as beautiful as it was, was not something I wanted to happen, I'm afraid, but I don't want to be protected, I don't want to be weak.

I jumped and fell next to Sun, I wanted to tell her something, but I couldn't think of a word to express what I felt. The howls of the wolves sounded again, and the sound of their footsteps echoed on the ground, I closed my eyes for a second as I took a deep breath and rushed into the fight.


It never crossed my mind that Alexandra would kill the first wolf, let alone that she would rush to the front of the fight.

There were almost ten wolves that came to attack us, although it was more than one, they were not even a tenth of the wolves present. Alexandra was running, when I yelled at her to stop, and come back to me.

I was surprised that he listened to me, now that there are two of us who are about to fight, as long as the wolves that attack us have no powers, we will be able to hold out until others come out to fight.

-We must not let any wolves pass. The more you kill the better.

When I finished speaking, a wolf had already reached our position, but it was quickly cut in two by Alexandra's sword.

The ten wolves were killed quickly, I only killed two and Alexandra took care of the remaining eight, my accounts weren't bad apparently.

The problem is that Alexandra is very tired, her body moved at a rate that seems a little inhuman, almost as if she had powers. But from what I see it can't take anymore.

- Go rest and tell Pandora to come. I told her, to which she only responded with a nod and returned to the shelter.

Meanwhile I saw how the corpses of the wolves disappeared. The second round would be ten wolves again, this time a warning window appeared, it even says that the attack will start in three minutes.

One more chapter. I hope you like it and I repeat, this is practice, the idea is to adapt to writing and obviously improve, thank you very much for your understanding and I accept criticism and suggestions, thank you.

Carl_27_28creators' thoughts