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Maeva, or rather, Queen Nixpera, gave a small nod of approval in response to Izroth's request as he went on to present his poem.

Two paths cross on the stairs of the beginning,

Their new home lies in the realm of a mystical palace,

Together, they journey toward the unknown,

With the trust of family and a true love in their hearts,

How joyous these paths have united.

"I have composed this poem just for you, cousin. I hope my words find you well." Izroth said as his time ended and the guards on duty called him away. For a brief moment, Izroth witnessed a hint of shock flash through Queen Nixpera's eyes as he recited his poem.

The sound of clapping filled the room as Izroth finished. Since it was something dedicated to wishing good fortune upon their king and future queen's joining, how could they not applaud and give words of praise? 

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