
chapter 4

The driver looked at us then looked at me seemingly suspicious us.

I would do the same if nine armed men approached my vehicle trying to Hitch a ride.

After looking at us for a few seconds the driver nodded and said

"Sure there's nothing valuable in the back anyway"

The driver said as he pointed at the back of the truck then shouted "hey! There's people that's ganna ride with you guys at the back there!"

"Alright" another voice responded back

The driver signaled at us using he's head as he said "you get on now there's some monster corpse at the back though"

"Thanks" I said as I started walking to the back of the truck with my clones when we got there I could see a few corpses or goblins.

"Here" a man called out to us rising his hand and waving he was wearing a leather armor without any helmet on and an ordinary spear the he was holding.

There were two other people with him both were wearing leather armor as well. the two of them had a bow and a big metal shield that had a few small dents .

They were standing holding on to the to the reilings as goblin corpses were lying on the ground.

I nodded at him and climbed the back of the truck my clones also did the same.

They just stared at us while we're climbing.

When we're all inside the the truck I heard the drivers voice

" Y'all in?"

"Yes!" Answered the man with a spear.

Then the truck started moving

--- 4 hours later---

After a long quiet ride were already at our destination.

We parked in front of a building that says [ HUNTER ASSOCIATION ] it just looked like an ordinary building on the outside

"alright we're here this is my stop" the driver said to us as he sticked he's head out of the truck.

" Thank you for the ride" I said as I got of off the truck

"No problem"

The other three people that were on the truck got off as well.

"Mission completed we'll be going now" the man with a spear said to the driver the driver just nodded and started driving away.

Then the three people walked inside the building.

I started looking around. There were buildings just your average city.

"Let's go"

I then started walking with my clones inside the building

As soon as we entered I saw a lot of people walking around some looking for party members some submitting proof of completing a quest and some just talking and eating.

it's like the modernized version of the adventurer guild's in a fantasy novel.

I then walked to the counter where a middle age women stood she looked professional with a business smile plastered on her face.

She had a shoulder height black hair and blue eyes she looked above average

She then saw me walking towards her counter

"Hello sir how can I help you"

She said with the same business smile though a little strained

"I would like to register as a Hunter"

" Oh. ok so will they also register as a Hunter"

I then followed where she was looking at and was the stunned I completely forgot that I was walking with eight people following me

"Yes please "

"Alright please fill in this form and your good to go"

I was surprised that that was all I need to do.

I then looked at the form and there were two options.

One is to be anonymous and the other is a normal form that need contact number address and other important information.

The anonymous however you'll just need to give name even if it's fake they will take it a phone number as well.

Then I fill in the form I put my fake name as [author]

The staff also gave my clones forms to fill in,

of course I choose Anonymous for all of us.

After all they're all part of me

although not physically

its like how you would see your arm.

You can control it and it doesn't have a mind

just imagine having multiple limb the shape of humans that are not connected to you phisicaly.

I don't know how I can control them though,it's like my mind was built so it can process and control multiple bodies

And I can also stop controlling them and they will act and think like me so they would do what I will do in any situation.

After all of us were done I collected them and gave it to her.

After reading the forms she had a complicated look

a mix of confusion and understanding.

after all. I wrote in my form as my name was [author] and for my clones the names [reader] with number at the end from 1 to 8 is what they wrote.

The staff then recorded it in a notebook.

"That's it your recorded,

but just as you saw in the form there's a contract for anonymous users.

That says that the hunter association is not responsible for your death.

And if you all die inside the dungeon the guild will take your items If no one came looking for it in 3 days.

Bether the one looking for your items is someone you know or not is not important as long as they came looking for it we will give it to them.

But if you put a phone number we will call that phone number first before giving your items to anyone.

Do you have any questions?"

"Is there a library in this building?"

"There is, it's in the second floor"

" Thank you"

"No problem. Good luck on being a Hunter"

I just nodded in reply and then started making my way to the elevator.

When we got there there were already three people in there they were the same people on truck.

I made my way inside the alevator and they noticed that it was us I just nodded in response and got inside.

That's when I noticed that seven of my clones were still outside because the elevator is already at full capacity

"Just use the stairs"I said and they all nodded and left. the elevator then closed heading to the second floor.