
Book knows voodoo

January 6 3039

The world had almost no changes, no one discovered something worth being amazed about anymore

The electric car was already invented a century ago

Math, science, all the known fields have nothing else to discover as everything was already revealed, that's how they see things at least

Earth's evolution was hindered by humans themselves, trying to reach perfection we try to uncover everything but are unable to do so,

But there's still hope, we could still progress, we would invent something similar to 'friction' or maybe a rocket that could withstand the speed of light...well maybe that would be hard

I speak as 'we' but I'm just a student dreaming to be part of the big project, wanting not to be forgotten and be praised by others even if already passed away

Like all successful people, even when they're already gone, they are still being talked about by the young ones myself included

Even adults compare those geniuses to us, thinking we could do the same if we study hard enough

Old foggers with their old all-knowing mind, I thought they don't know that with the rise of machinery...available jobs decrease, and the only field you can take is something a machine can't handle

Like being a scientist, philosopher, cause that's the thing they can't do it's to think, with our technology in mind at least

maybe they would be able to act more like a human when a hundred year has passed, I don't know?, talking to myself alone in a chair that's what loners do, or maybe that's just me

'I really am a loser' I pondered having a bite of the sandwich, it only have nothing but mayonnaise but I'm still grateful cause I'm the only one who could eat such food

I looked around chewing, all students were eating sweet boiled potatoes or foods with similar Ingredient,

it cost more than a PC,....the sandwich, that's how hard it is to grow food anymore

Plants exposed to light will die of dehydration even cactus, and a camel that could withstand heat for a long time, I read it in a book

Is dead minutes after bathing in the sunlight

Adults blame the 'global warming' or something similar, well I blame the sun, can't we control how much intensity it has, can't we?

If we can't how about we invent something that could withstand heat? oh forgot we already did

Forgot the name of the project itself, cause it's scientific and long but I do know the group who made it, and that same group inspires the adult that there's still hope for development

Not that development is needed anymore, my opinion at least

The name of the group is 'Brain' yes its name is brain, there's even a weird ad I saw on the giant billboard whenever I walk to school

'what's that on your head!?, iiits BRAIN' what a catchy a line they have

The bell rang and I still haven't finished the sandwich, like hell, I would!!

It cost a lot of money so I would savor it, I pack the sandwich wrapped it plastic wrapper three times and put it in a paper bag then hid it in the pocket of my bag....for protection purposes

I entered the classroom, it was large and it could fit hundreds of students. and is not exaggerating, I walk to the back and boy! did I see a lot of chairs ahead of me twenty perhaps?

'How would you see the one teaching when you're that far?' That was what I thought when reading a thousand-year-old book

They're teaching face to face in a small room where the one teaching needs to yell just so everyone could hear her or students need to have a fast hand to write down what's written on the thing called 'black board'

'What a hard time it was back there' can't believe that they discover that they could have a class online cause of a pandemic, humans are dumb in some area, or maybe there's something written in the book that I haven't know that's why I could say all this and not like anyone could hear my thoughts

Insulting my predecessors, what would they do? raise from their grave?

"Sar12!, you have to listen" The teacher yelled at me

"Yes ma'am" I responded to the hologram on the table, who's teaching us right now is Miss 13 our teacher who is a hundred mile away from us, residing in a different room

Our last name is numbers its reason, is to tell each other apart, the country or on a bigger scale the world is overpopulated cause of how horny humans are, and cause of that resources needed to create an item for identity is...wasted

Yes I'm insulting my own, right now by calling them horny, I mean it's true, and not like they could hear my thoughts

I looked to my side and saw my classmate focusing on class nodding at our teacher's hologram

See he couldn't hear my thought there's no tech invented to do that, if they did it would be confiscated

The class ended and to tell the truth, I didn't listen to it, unlike the others, cause I could study the topic deeper with

"I'll read please," I said to the glitching hologram of an old man guarding the door

"Number?" It asked


It stop for a minute and I could see its eye moving left to right, after a minute or so the hologram looked at me and said

"You may go in"

A room painted in brown and old rusty tablets are displayed in a line of shelf

"The library" I mumbled to myself, a place where I could see how the technology evolved though out the century

But who would come here for something like that? I came for only one thing

And its novels, old idea which is good to read, shows that start slow but have a heart-melting ending, classics fantasy thrilling romance, and modern mostly stories about a 'harem' having multiple wives or love interest?, maybe it's also called erotica?

With a smug face knowing that I'm the only one who read at the library not because of knowledge but entrainment I'm proud of myself for that

Hours passed and I reach the climax of the story I was reading, my eyes rolled faster, and my fingers sweat as I slowly scroll down the page

I could imagine the scene even with my poor knowledge of the old times

Like a train perhaps I just imagine it as a tunnel that is moving

After finishing the chapter I took a deep breath and put the tablet back on the shelf

"Hahaha, fuckin villain, who told you to make my waifu cry!!, huh, who's crying now, you're already dead"

"imaewo shindero" ( trying to imitate a certain line he found)

I clench my heart and yelled with a smile "Nani!!"


Hearing the noise I immediately looked behind me and saw someone who looks my age she had a white hair, probably colored,

an eye-catching chest probably got from an operation

She grabbed the tablet from the ground and said to me "Sorry"

"Please continue" She then awkwardly left with the tablet in her right hand swinging it every time she take a step

Seeing her leave I look around and when I found no one, did I continue hyping about the chapter I just read

After that, I continue searching for another novel to read

I reached the most nerve-racking part of the novel, so why don't I reward myself and finish it? I will continue reading it, tomorrow that is when all the pressure of study is burdening me

I looked around and reached the last shelf as it was embedded on the wall, it's really hard to pick on what you'll read

I searched and search and found something that could only be possible if I was inside a novel

A plot where some novel started, in a room where only tablets could be seen I saw something reflect my soul but isn't a screen,

Yes, this is it!!

A book with a red cover reflecting all the deepest secrets I was hiding

"And I grab the book with my racing heart, is it the start of a newborn, a baby dragon that will break through its cage, a hero that will change the world, A True living God, the creator of all universe...Hahahhaha"

I burst out laughing the moment I end my cool dialogue

In all seriousness, how did a book get here? it's not like it was accidentally put here, hell books cost an entire nation as it was more like an heirloom

Property of the school perhaps? if it is, reading it should be safe, I only read through tablets how does it feel to flip the page once you're done...ahhh I can't wait to find out

With eyes burning with curiosity I stare at the red cover, it doesn't have any title nor does it have any design it's just a cover painted in red and I wasn't joking when I thought It could reflect my soul cause I feel my heart about to burst at this moment, cause of excitement perhaps, yes cause of that

I grabbed the book and what I imagined came true

The book glowed bright red while I was staring at it blankly, do books glow when pick up? a notification saying that it is still working perhaps

I gulped my saliva and opened the first page as I felt the cover against my finger I feel like scraping it out, a weird feeling yes,

"Give me blood" The first paragraph

"Give me blood" The second

"Give me blood" The entire page

"The hell is this?, I wasted a minute reading this page carefully thinking there's something hidden or some Easter, but....this is stupid" I furiously shouted before slowly turning the page

Just as I did, I felt a pain on my finger a paper cut perhaps, a paper cut is self-explanatory, but the teacher still told us that a paper cut is when you got cut by a paper, wow I never knew that

I quickly let go of the book and look at my finger it's a small cut and there's no blood coming out but its stings with instinct I put it inside my mouth

And my decision was correct the pain slowly leave, while sucking on my finger like a baby I carefully grabbed the book,

I carefully do so, I wouldn't want another 'paper cut' after all

Gently grabbing the cover I lift the book ready to put it back on the shelf, having a paper cut ruined my mood

As I put it on the shelf, I felt like vomiting my vision got blurry and so did my hands I couldn't see what my body is doing

Even with a blurry vision, I could see the book

"Fuck, did paper cut contains poison" I wonder before grabbing the book as it was the only thing I could see,

Touching it wouldn't do anything but it was the only thing I could see so like an idiot I thought It could make the other things near it visible for this shitty eyes of mine

I could feel my energy leaving out of my body but as soon as I touch the book did I feel surprisingly refreshed

I let go of the book thinking that I already regained my vision, fuuuck the dizziness came back

My vision become hazy and immediately grabbed the book I felt that everything I had just experienced was an illusion

I think the book has something to do with the sudden change in my body, this feels like I was being cursed by a witch

I let go of the book and felt the illness about to come back so I immediately touch its red cover and nothing happened no hazy vision, no tiredness, I'm back to health

I stared at the book and pondered

"Is this book perhaps cursed, it has a red cover...don't tell me"

The book is created by letting it fall on a boiling pot filled with blood of unmarried ladies

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