

I've just died. Unlucky, you might say. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is that I've reincarnated into the body of a minor character from a novel I had read in my previous life. A character whose only role is to be the villain of the story. I already know my fate, and I don't like it at all. So, I've decided to change things. To overturn the script. Since then, I've been working to be the hero who saves this world... Wait, why are things getting so confusing?

Shadlight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
85 Chs

A Sky of Hope

"Flow Zone."

It might not have been necessary to say it, but as a fan, how could he resist uttering that iconic phrase?

Hardly had the words escaped his lips when an overwhelming energy seemed to burst from his body, engulfing the sky like a fan unfolding across the entire firmament.

Flow Zone was the initiation spell for a mage, a way to corrupt their surroundings with their internal ether and take control of it.

Those who specialized in this spell were called summoners and also alchemist mages.

When the zone was corrupted, it became the playground of the mage who could do whatever they wished within the limits of their imagination and abilities.

Zeref extended his arms horizontally and closed his eyes for a moment.

One of the advantages of being embodied was that Zeref lacked no imagination, and his body was filled with an incredible reserve of energy.

After a brief moment, the time it takes to draw a breath, he reopened his eyes and whispered, "Release."

Another iconic phrase, always unnecessary to say.

Then, the sky behind him transformed into thousands of points of light, blending with the starry night.

Each of these points was actually a pillar of light, stretching as far as the eye could see in the sky overlooking the urban city.

Zeref could feel each pillar, their presence electrifying his being.

But his attention was not on the sky.

It was directed towards the urban city, where humanoid monsters were wreaking havoc.

"It's time to clean up," he murmured.

He raised his right hand, then lowered it slowly while whispering, "Light Rain."

That was the name he had just come up with for this spell.

At this signal, the thousands of luminous pillars began to fall on the city like a rain of divine shards.

Zeref felt powerful, freed from all the limits that had once held him back.

His mastery of ether, combined with his boundless imagination, allowed him to create a true celestial spectacle.

He felt ready to push the boundaries of this fascinating power, surpassing even the exploits of his predecessor in the novel.


As the scene unfolded, marking the deep darkness of the night, a celestial miracle occurred.

The sky of the urban city suddenly burst into a thousand fires, illuminating every corner of the metropolis with a brilliant glow.

Thousands of points of light seemed to have assaulted the celestial vault, lining the firmament like sparkling jewels.

The beauty of this sight was captivating.

The spectators, like enchanted, beheld this supernatural spectacle projected before their astonished eyes.

The shimmering colors blended, creating a luminous tableau worthy of the greatest artists.

An enchanting kaleidoscope stretched above them, inviting them to plunge into a parallel reality.

But their happiness was short-lived.

Suddenly, without warning, the points of light detached from the sky, beginning a dizzying descent towards the city.

A frightening silence fell over the crowd, annihilating any trace of previous admiration.

Terror seized everyone, freezing gazes and oppressing hearts.

All, without exception, were concerned about this macabre descent from the heavens. Monsters, mages, law enforcement, ambulances, media, ordinary civilians, all were confronted with this impending apocalypse.

Yet, amid this turmoil, three individuals remained strangely serene in the face of the unfolding horror.

A woman clad in military uniform stood outside the city, her gaze fixed on the firmament with a determined air.

In the heart of the city torn by fear, two men stood, fearless.

Their eyes gleamed with a strange fascination at this rain of light.

As the points of light finally reached the solid ground, their true nature was revealed, defying all logic.

They transformed into massive pillars of light, erected by a mysterious and powerful force.

These gigantic structures fell upon the city with striking precision.

But contrary to all expectations, they seemed to target only the monstrous humanoids infesting the city.

A symphony of destruction ensued.

The luminous pillars struck ruthlessly, reducing to ashes the evil creatures that dared to defy humanity.

Their divine splendor pulverized these monsters, purifying them in a dazzling halo.

Even those who had hidden in the darkest corners could not escape their doom.

The pillars, armed with supernatural intelligence, seemed to detect them, relentlessly pursuing them, flushing them out of their secret lairs.

This luminous rain was orchestrated with remarkable precision, a divine distribution of justice.

The vision of this paradoxical carnage left the spectators speechless.

Horror mingled with fascination, while the city was devastated by this celestial intervention with apocalyptic overtones.

In their destructive wake, a glimmer of hope emerged from the ashes.

The civilians still present in the city watched in astonishment as the luminous pillars spared the innocent. These columns of light, although bearing indescribable destruction, were in fact the saviors of mankind, the celestial protectors of humanity.

Their reassuring presence transformed into a symbol of hope, heralding a better future. Aramel, witnessing this grand scene from afar, let out a confident smile.

"So, this is hope..." she whispered to herself.

The urban city became the stage for an epic battle between the divine and the monstrous.

The luminous pillars, in their furious celestial dance, relentlessly pursued the abominable creatures that had sown terror.

Amidst the incessant destruction, the bright glow of the luminous pillars spread, defying the darkness of the night.

Like a divine judgment descending upon the city, the luminous pillars unleashed their dazzling power, staging an apocalyptic scene.

They seemed to float in the air, like celestial sentinels ready to track down any threat.

The humanoid monsters, who had sown chaos and spread terror in once peaceful streets, found themselves confronted with their own dire fate.

In dismay, they tried to flee from the overwhelming power of the pillars, realizing that their former invincibility was but an illusion in the face of this providential intervention.

The once arrogant and powerful giant monsters scattered in disarray, their eyes filled with dread and terror.

They knew, without even being touched, that these luminous pillars possessed the power to defeat them.

But there was no escape for them. Where they were once the predators, they had now become the prey.

The cries of distress from the creatures echoed throughout the city, mingling with the bursts of pure energy attacks.

It was a breathtaking spectacle, a true cosmic judgment.

The light descended from the sky had eradicated evil.

The city, once plunged into the darkness of fear, began to be reborn under the benevolent influence of the celestial light.

There remained only one thought in the hearts of all witnesses: divine, simply divine.

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