
The Human, The Truck, and The God

Death a concept most people fear. I am an idiot, there are no heroes nor villains, its just human nature. Why did I have to die, I was just trying to save the child. My sight blurred as my eyes closed. This is just another bad day.

Hi, my name is Cifer. I am your average day to day stranger that you probably never remember. Today is my lucky day, I won a free ticket to the movies from an online survey. I can assure you that it is legit, I have been a fan of that site for 3 years now. I am so nervous, I haven't gone to crowded places for a very long time. I've been holed inside my house reading web novels, watching anime, and playing games. It was a never-ending cycle.

I equipped my best clothes because this was a very special occasion when I say my best clothes I meant a decent plain shirt and brown pants. When I opened the door I felt my eyes going blind, it was too bright for me, quickly I shut the door then searched for my sunglasses.

Let's fast forward a bit, after the movie, I was on my way home when it all happened, I wast sure how but all I know was that I died mysteriously. Why do you say? For one, I died from a hit and run, and how is that weird? Well, I was hit by a truck inside the freaking cinema on my way to the exit!!!

Currently, I am unsure what happened to me or how did i get here. I am trapped in this dark room, or is it really a room? I don't know, it is truly black, not dark but pitch black. I am uncertain if I am still alive based on my recent memories. Tap* Tap* Tap* I can hear footsteps from the distance. It is getting closer and closer.

Cifer: Who goes there?

???: Interesting... I wonder how did you end up here? You do not belong in this realm young soul.

I can't see him, I know its a him based on his voice but I may be mistaken. I can barely recognize a dark hazy silhouette of a humanoid figure. It was standing in front of me, staring at my soul, he was mumbling words that I can not understand.

???: Oh! Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts... Now what to do with you? Hmm..., do you want to be reincarnated~ish?

Cifer: So that means I am really dead. Nod* I hope that wherever I may be reborn is better than this place...

???: Ahahahha! You don't need to worry about that, there is no place worse than the void. Do you have any place that you want to go? I can send you wherever you want to but knowing where and when exactly will be much easier.

Cifer: When you said wherever I wanted to, does that include fictional realms? There are some places or worlds to be exact that I wanted to go...

???: Of course, I, after all, can do anything I wanted to. And you have piqued my interest. So tell me where do you want to go?

Cifer: I guess I'll go with Soul Land. I want to go to soul land, a few years before the canon of the first book begins. preferably near the forest, away from civilization...

???: If that is what you want. Before you go, do you have any wish you want? A kind of power?

Cifer: Probably a guide that can help me in my adventures. A strong body that can grow endlessly, not grow as in growing bigger, I meant a body that can evolve, improve, and adapt. A body that can accommodate different mutations and modifications.

A also want a mind that can cope with my body, a mind that can comprehend and understand fast, almost instantly. I want a mind that can keep calm in any situation fast enough to react to sudden changes.

Maybe a way to go to a different fictional realm? There is more than one place I wanted to go to. An affinity with space and time? I don't really know...

???: I see, then I hope you enjoy your next life, be sure to make good memories. Snap*

Cifer: Wait!!! Before I go, is truck-sama real?

???: Ah! So that explains everything...

Is my body? soul? mind? whatever I am is being pulled inside a vortex of energy. I can hear the person? god? or whatever he is, ranting and shouting about the chaotic bastard and paperwork with the god of death and the god of reincarnation. And so my journey begins in another world. I hope.

02-08-20: Finished Rewriting

Azellanacreators' thoughts
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