
Her Name - 2


Still feeling groggy, I woke to the sound of my phone's alarm. My eyes still hurt because I slept a little later than usual, but I tried so hard to open my eyes and saw a beautiful lass on my phone as it rung.

"What's your name? I... *yawn* I can't wait to... ugh..."

After standing up from a hard struggle from both laziness and sleepiness, I finally took a bath and wore my uniform before I went to school.

I dragged my body from the house for half an hour before I finally reached the school and went in. Getting early has its own benefits; I get to be acknowledged by the guard and personally know him as he sung the morning radio's songs.

Going up the fourth floor where my class is, I drooped on my own desk and slept once more.


The first half of the day went as usual, and finally lunch break came where I tugged my best friend's sleeve repeatedly.


It seems like he's not responding so I loudly called him before he rose from his seat.

"Looks like you have another story to tell, eh?"

We pulled our own desks and sat across each other as we pulled out our lunch boxes from our bags to eat.

"How do I start. We just met in-game."

"You still play that MMO?"

He really knows me that much, based from his expression.

"Yeah. I know mobile games are in, but I only play what I like. The mobile's graphics aren't that enticing to me anyway."

Besides, I don't own any of those high-end phones that cost almost like a PC already.

"Anyway, I had a friend in-game and we did a few quests and farmed for High Ghosts drops."

"You don't need to tell me what those are for, but you can continue." Aiden kept on munching and continued eating as he used his fork to stab at the food before he brought it to his mouth.

"Later on he was already done with his item set, but he sent me a link where I could find the remaining items."

"In short, he abandoned you. And then?"

"I checked the site and tried to gather the items... yet only found out that what I had on had was only the first 5%. Yep, he just tried to get my attention from seeing him actually acquiring those wings."


"I tried to PM him, but he doesn't respond after I retried a lot of times and thought he was a fake account. Turns out it was his sister playing, and told me that his brother was out for a ride with his girlfriend. I asked her actual account instead and then she logged in using that one.

She also asked me to help her grind for some materials, but it was quite easy as I knew the quest already, it was a breeze."

"I see what you did there."

"She got her pet after that and thanked me a lot by requesting to trade with me, but I cancelled the window and asked her instead if we could play more.

She agreed and then I just ferried her the whole time. We went through a few dungeons I could carry like a breeze before she told me that she's been playing for a while and have to rest for a bit.

So we TP'd to the main town after that and found a corner in the city where we rested."

"TP means teleport right?"

"Yeah, or warp."

I took another bite before I continued to narrate the events.

"The time wasn't that deep in the night yet, and she asked me if I didn't mind doing all of these for her. I just told her that I have other max level characters already so I'm just farming materials. After that, her brother finally came back and she logged out."

"Tch. Such a cliffhanger."

The bell also tolled and I closed my lunch box which was barely even touched from all my speaking.

Since he said it was a cliffhanger, then I'll tell him the rest for tomorrow instead.

After finishing the national anthem and flag ceremony, all the students quickly ran through the exit as if there was a line for relief goods. The school gates were only two meters wide and only three to four students were able to fit in as they went through.

Knowing I won't be able to go out right away, I stayed for a bit and checked the time. I don't think she will be logging any soon though, so I instead entertained myself and watched the other students go out as they pushed each other with vigor.

It took around fifteen minutes before the gates were starting to have light traffic, and I decided to run right away.

Dashing through the gates with fewer people around, it was easier to dodge them and quickly made my way towards home.

Upon reaching the house, I immediately ran to my room and pushed the familiar red power button on my PC as I took off my uniform and dressed myself in casual clothes.

"It's time... to game!"

I pulled my throne that was made of pure plastic. With four corners it stood balanced and prevented slipping and sudden falls. It had no arm rests nor it had a backrest. The plain and static monobloc chair---my very own throne.


The custom voice which meant 'Such a hassle' I put on the PC startup greeted me, and I opened the game and logged in without any delays.

"I hope my future queen didn't wait."

With that, I finished feeding my inner eigth-grade syndrome, which I kept doing to myself since jogging towards home.

My PC isn't the best one around, but it's good enough to run my favorite game even before the mobile apps started to become rampant. Sure it's quite old but as long as its running fast, it would do.

The loading screen finally disappeared and I was greeted by the familiar city once more, but I didn't paid no mind to it and hastily used the keyboard shortcut to open my friend list.

"The guy is here, but the lass isn't. That would do."

I sent a pm and then a conversation followed.

Me [What's up bro?]

StarQuincy09 [don't 'bro' me, I know u just want to talk to her]

StarQuincy09 [Bad News bro, she's at a wedding]

Me [what do you mean? @_@]

What the heck? Is she getting married or what?

StarQuincy09 [...]

"What's with the letup? It's been a minute. Don't keep me waiting!"

I tapped my feet while I checked the time and waited for his reply. My heart is beating faster and is getting heavier by the second.

StarQuincy09 [did that scare you?]

StarQuincy09 [woah bro, you really like her?]

StarQuincy09 [relax, she's at a cousin's wedding]

Me [ugh]

StarQuincy09 [they still eating right now]

StarQuincy09 [I got back early coz my gf also want to go home]

StarQuincy09 [and...do stuff, u know?]

Me [I almost had a heart attack there]

Me [wait, you what?]

Me [do you really mean 'that' ??!!]

After that I didn't get any replies and went to my usual grinding spot which is currently full of mobs.

"Finally, some breather."

StarQuincy09 [she'll be back by 11pm]

StarQuincy09 [even told me to save bandwidth]

StarQuincy09 [almost ran out yesterday because u two talked a lot]

StarQuincy09 [brb man, r2]

"Dude's really getting laid? Seriously, how old is he?"

Looks like this time he's really out as his name from my friend list blacked out.

More time for me then.


I should probably prepare a gift instead.

"Let's see what's on the list..."

I checked the list of quest items that could be farmed without 'donating' to the server and found some cute items that she would probably like.

"This'll do before eleven. I also hope she gets early, but at the same time... there's that thought of her coming just in time as I finish the quests."

Enough talking and start grinding.

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