
Re: As My Heart Grows Cold

How long would it take for one's heart to grow cold due to familiarity? Is it really love if it doesn't last? If a moment lasted for eternity, would people really remain still so?

Houteki · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Heart's Desire - 4

Friday, last day of masteries.

Woke up with my PC turned on once more, which was probably some kind of bug.

"Weird. I'm sure I clicked the Shutdown button and not the Restart. Should I just turn it off the hard way?"

For the hard way, or rather, the unsafe way of turning off my PC, there are two methods.

One is to press on the reset button, and immediately press the power button. This would destroy most computers so it's not recommended.

Second way is to hold the power button, which also serves as a fail-safe power button. It's only used when the reset doesn't work, and it can also destroy a computer when used frequently.

Once more, I got earlier than usual and went towards the bakery immediately. I somehow met the guy behind me last time, and I'm on his back right now. Not sure if he still knows me, but it's interesting how everyone here gets up just to have a piece of that gourmet bread.

"Ah, you're back." This time, the girl was the one on the counter, and the lady last time was nowhere inside.

"You know me?" I asked as I pointed towards a different bread on the shelf.

"Students rarely come here, and I also see you on the way home....."

What's with the pause? I took a few coins on my pocket and handed it over her as she gave me the bread which was covered in the same manner as the last time.

"See you around then?" I put the bread on my bag as I casually parted with those words.

I heard her voice stumble for a bit before it got covered with a deep sounding voice from the man behind me in line.

"Miss, miss... I want this."

"Oh, sorry. This one, right?"


"Today's the day man. Let your heart be a rock so that it wouldn't be destroyed."

"Dude, it's not like I haven't been rejected by other girls before."

"I know man, but... Believe me, a heartbreak from breaking up is different from being rejected by someone you hadn't been with. Trust me, I've been there."

"I know man... hope you're faring well, too."

"Sure bro, sure."

Aiden also had a break up with his girlfriend a few weeks ago. That was probably why he lended his ring to Brett. Sure he let go of the ring for quite a while and probably even almost forgot about it, but I know that this guy never forgets.

"I've sent the poem last night, and there was no replies."

"Just wait, if they both don't reply it could only mean that they tricked you."

"Is that really the only explanation? What if their house got bombed or got caught in a large fire or something?"

"That's the worse case scenario! Think about it, though. It's not yet even a week yet that shit happened? It really looks like you've been scammed."

"So they'll even use another person's feelings just to get items in-game, is what you mean?"

"And I hope that that's not the case. Because you might just become one of them, or worse, stop believing in other people."

"I don't believe it man... anyway..."

We talked about the last of the exams, and since the last day only had fewer subjects, we'll be able to leave much earlier.


"Finally. Freedom."

"...Eh?" The one beside me got startled as I propped up my papers and submitted them to our advisor at the front.

On the way back I saw the same guy looking at his other seatmate's paper. Talk about blatantly cheating.

"Sir, could I go now?"

"If I was the principal, I would let you go. But since I'm not you could only sit there bored. You could fetch your phone, though. Watch YT or something."

"Okay, sir. Thanks."

But I didn't have a good smartphone so I always leave it at home.

I decided to take a quick nap instead before the time was over.


Time was getting slower as I waited. Every second felt like a minute, and every minute felt like an hour. Looking at the time on my monitor screen only helped me to stress further.

"I should be happy instead that we left early, that I could play and grind more as I could...yet here I am, waiting."

Soon enough, noon passed, and finally a name appeared on my friend list window.


Me [Esyllt?]

I sent a private message and the wait became more arduous as if I was going through a snail's pace anticipating a reply.

Me [are you there?]

It wasn't even a minute yet but I couldn't help the urge to let out all of my thoughts yet she still hasn't sent anything.

LittleHunter [Ezzie?]

Me [yep!!]

LittleHunter [wait, I'm changing clothes]

Oh, so that was the case.

"Fuck this, I'm getting so agitated just for a single word."

If this is what being crazed feels like, it's somewhat of a bitter-sweet feeling then. The feeling of panic that gets to be relieved after a long wait was quite the delayed gratification.

Just a mention of my name and my chest felt fuzzy once more made me realize how deep I am hooked to her very existence.

LittleHunter [I'm back]

Me [have u received it?]

Me [I sent you an email]

LittleHunter [do you know?]

LittleHunter [I'm not wearing bra right now]

Me [I sent you another poem]

LittleHunter [email? let me check]

Me [what?...]

Me [@__@]

Me [won't the mods be seeing this chat?]

She probably checked her email as soon as I mentioned it before she could read my following messages.

Those last words she typed out though, made my hairs stood in nervousness for some reason.

Me [why are you telling me this?]

I added on the chat.

LittleHunter [don't you like it?]

LittleHunter [I also sent you an email...]

LittleHunter [let me know what you feel.....]

I have my browser ready and hastily accessed my email before seeing a newly received message.

My hands were so fast that I almost pushed away my milk carton on the desk before getting a massive shock from her email as the loading finally finished. My already fast hands violently shivered and I actually spat out saliva to the side as my fingers repeatedly spammed the close button.
