
The wind converges

-Orochimaru POV-


This is what I have always been looking for!

The strong physique,

The firm muscle,

The natural affinity toward natural energy,

The amazing chakra pool!

I have to get it!

No matter what, he's going to be my next vessel!

Unconsciously, a strange grin stretched on my mouth. Fortunately, I was posed as the Kazekage, and my real expression was covered by my skin mask.

The failure of Gaara to incite chaos was thrown to the back of my mind, the priority has changed, this Akimichi boy going to be the top in my priority.

As for the attack,

All that left was to lit the fuse then take him amidst the chaos. It seems that I need to push the trigger myself...


-Third POV-

The tournament continued, as the arena was fixed by the various Chunin examiner.

[Nara Shikamaru v.s Aburame Shino]

Seeing the names shown on the screen, the referee called the fighters to get themselves ready on the arena. After both of the fighters gave respect to each other, the referee once again declared the start of the match.

"Third match, Nara Shikamaru of the Konoha versus Aburame Shino of Konoha. Get into position, get ready..."


Just as the referee shouted at the beginning of the match, both Shikamaru and Shino flickered from their position. Shikamaru was out with his new katana on his left and Shino was with his tanto on his right, they clashed in the middle of the arena, exactly in front of the referee.

The surprised referee was immediately once again went to the side to avoid disturbing the flow of the match while clicking his tongue. Both of the fighter, Shikamaru and Shino, were already familiar with each other as they often trained and spared together. They too took Kakashi's and Asuma's lesson about Bukijutsu.

Not stopping at that, they too were the genius of their clan that already surpassed their predecessor's record at their age. Each of their idle hand was forming a hand seal to invoke their clan technique.

"[Kage Surudoi ha]!" [1]

"[Mushi Kame no Jutsu]!" [2]

Shadows converge behind Shino and threatening him to pierce his body clean into two. But before that could happen, Kikaichus flew rapidly from Shino's body and fly in a dome shape at high speed, thus repelling Shikamaru's attack and forced him to step back.

As he jumped to avoid the Kikaichus, Shikamaru threw another attack at Shino, one that he knew that Shino hated it.

"[Katon: Katon: Gōka Messhitsu]!" [3]

Shikamaru kneaded chakras inside his lungs then converted them into flames, and then expelled it from his mouth in a massive stream of intense flames that set the area ablaze, engulfing Shino along with his Kikaichus in a veritable sea of flames.

Beads of sweats formed on his forehead, Shikamaru's chakra pool was not large, but he had an exceptional control. Still, this technique took a great toll on him. As Shikamaru scrutinized the place where Shino stood before, suddenly a silhouette zoomed-in rapidly toward him. He tried to dodge but a hand suddenly grabbed his ankle from below.


His solar plexus was hit followed by another impact on his cheek, Shino was seen with his fist stretched and his skin darken. His long coat and glasses were no more, as he did not have the luxury to completely avoid the whole of Shikamaru's attack.

'[Doton: Domu]' [4]

Most of his Kikaichus were burnt, and he was pretty annoyed at Shikamaru. Fortunately, he took Kakashi's advice pretty seriously, his 'just in case' sermon was what made him learn Buki Jutsu and a couple of life-saving techniques, including this one, to save his ass when his insects were rendered useless.

Shikamaru who was hit by Shino, albeit surprised since he didn't know Shino had this technique, he still smiled in spite of his bruised body. Silently, his hand rose and he clenched his fist.

'Got you, thrifty tongue.'

"[Kagezukami no Jutsu]!" [5]

The shadows under Shino suddenly materialized and latched onto all of Shino's limbs then became as hard as steel. With a smirk still hung on his lips, Shikamaru dashed with his katana was already in motion to slash diagonally from the bottom left to the upper right.


The sound of steel meets a hard surface rang, as Shikamaru's katana only able to slash Shino's clothes and inner armor, leaving his body unscathed. Unknown to Shikamaru, while using the earth spear technique, the user had his defensive increasing to become as hard as a diamond if utilized at its peak.

'Oh, shi-'

Shikamaru readily crossed his hand in front of his chest to shield him from the incoming punch from Shino.


Just as Shikamaru anticipated, Shino's fist was slammed into him. Luckily he was able to jump back to avert the damage. He clicked his tongue to express his annoyance, his eyes squinted as he threw any notion of fair and square out of the window.

'Screw it, I'll just do it my own way...'

He threw a flashbang to the ground and dissipated his flame technique earlier, and when the vision was back to normal, he was nowhere to be found.

Shino was wary, from his observation in one month, between the trio Chouji was the most direct in combat. Ino was the most annoying with her technique messing with the mind. And Shikamaru...

"Got you!"

...Was the sliest and stealthiest. With his extremely cold and ruthless mindset, extremely smart brain, and his tendency to take the most efficient route in everything mission-related.

Just as Shino heard Shikamaru's whisper from his back, it was already too late. Thin lines of shadow strings were already put him in place with no room of movement, with each of the lines was as sharp as razor and as hard as steel. Sure, his skin now was able to protect him with its toughness, but he can't free himself and can only wait for his demise.

Shikamaru moved to his front his slow and relaxed step, summoned a block of rock to act as his chair, and seated in front of him with his jaw leaned on his palm.

"You know, nothing personal from me. It's just the order to do a flashy battle kinda not suited to my style, so..." Shikamaru left his word hanging as he shrugged his shoulder.

"Let's just wait, which one last longer. Your chakra, or my patience."

Shino's back was drenched with cold sweat. His earth spear technique was just learned less than a month ago, and it took a substantial amount of chakra to maintain. And from the look of it, Shikamaru's technique did not require chakra to maintain, only to perform at the beginning.

"Take your time, I'm in no hurry. I called this technique the [Kumo no nintai], or the spider's patience for a reason..."

Shikamaru then took a book that he borrowed from Kakashi, and read it with a stoic expression while ignoring the stare of the crowds.


On the spectator area, Asuma smiled wryly. He already thought of this possibility, with Shikamaru's lazy character there's little chance that he'll act like a performer. Almost all of the techniques that he learned he took it to another level for the maximum efficiency and for him to integrate them into his style.

From all of the genins that participated in the joint training, Chouji and Shikamaru were the only ones that refused to learn more technique to his arsenal and instead, they opted to create their own techniques that suited them.

He felt Kurenai nudged him as she told him that the Hokage stared at him from his seat. Asuma turned his head and showed his old man a cheeky smile.

'Yes, he's my genin student. Do you want him, old man? Hehe, what can you offer?'

Asuma knew that with his genins' performance, his old man bound to asked for them, probably for them to join the Anbu. He had nothing against that, but for Chouji, he had another plan prepared for him. And he already asked the Akimichi clan's opinion for it.

'But still, that heir of Aburame really went beyond my expectation...'

He then looked at his student relaxed attitude on the arena and took a deep breath. 'Just what kind of monsters did I create?'


-Orochimaru POV-

"The winner is Nara Shikamaru of the Konoha!"


He's strong, yes. But nothing special, just strong.

Nothing, no special Kekkai Genkai, no special physique, and no special bloodline. Just your old lame Nara techniques with some twist, I did not come here for that.

After the match over, I gave a small box to my 'adjutant', the disguised Kabuto with several instructions. My hand already itchy to have that Akimichi boy as my own, 'Kukukukuku...'


Meanwhile, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes were already shone with incomprehensible light. His old face was not able to hide his joy, in Shikamaru's style and execution he saw his father style in it.

His father, Sarutobi Sasuke was a legendary Shinobi. A respected and feared one by all of his enemies and allies, in the warring era his presence alone was able to make the war postponed to avoid his involvement.

Not many know the fact that the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara were once respectfully called his father as their mentor. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he held it with a smile that both expressed his joy and resolute decision.

'Danzo, my old friend, if you trying to take this one from me. Then I hope you're able to forgive me in the afterlife after I'm done with you...'

In that instance, out of excitement, the Sarutobi Hiruzen took a leap of faith. Gone was the kind and amiable Hokage as he reminded by his father's teaching, and replaced by the prime Hiruzen that once shook the world and made himself known as the professor and the second coming God of Shinobi after Hashirama.


[1] Shadow sharp edge; [2] Insect Jar Technique; [3] Fire Style: Great Fire Destruction; [4] Earth Style: Earth Spear' [5] Shadow Clutch Technique;

Woah, Shikamaru was ruthless to the extreme! I've got a plan for their development, each of the Ino-Shika-Cho will take a different path on their own before they converge and back into one as an unstoppable trio.

Can you guess which route that Ino, Shikamaru, and Chouji will take?

If you got it right then I'll do a double release tomorrow!


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Don_Pawcreators' thoughts
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