
Raptured Heart

Broken by tragedy, Isla is forced to move to Texas and live with her Aunt. Will her new school’s sexy hometown football hero be able to mend her raptured heart?

Hipsy_Dipsy · Adolescente
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5 Chs




Who decided that we also have schools on Friday? Those monsters.

REECE: I wish we hadn't said no to the nicer rooms and clothes...this room is so cramped with the two of us and I have nothing nice to wear for this Texas weather...

ISLA: I guess it's just the basics then.


Second day of school and it looks like my locker is the trendiest spot to chill at. This morning who do I find there but Sawyer.

ISLA: Why are you lurking around my locker, Davenport?

SAWYER: I was waitin' for you.

ISLA: What for?

SAWYER: I wanted to talk to you before class.

ISLA: Why? did you miss me already?

SAWYER: Who wouldn't miss someone as pretty as you. I just wanted to make sure that you're re alright after last night?

ISLA: I'm okay.

SAWYER: Are you sure?

ISLA: Really I'm good. Thank you for checking though, I appreciate it.

SAWYER: It's not a problem.


I know I've literally just met Sawyer, but I somehow find myself magnetized to him. Regardless of our rocky first interaction, he was unbelievable kind-hearted. I've known him for a total of two days, and no one has ever acted this nice to me. Ever. There's something different about him. I don't know if it's his infectious personality or how he's so willing to help somebody he hardly knows. Whatever it is, I can't quite seem to put a pin in it. But I'm gonna find out.

ISLA: Alright, enough with the chit chat, Davenport. Mr. Diaz awaits.

SAWYER: After you, Woodrich.


CADENCE: I know I agreed to the whole no strings attached thing and I played it off like it was cool when he talked to me, but I just like him so much and I don't what to do.

ISLA: Why not just tell him how you actually feel?

CADENCE: Because I'm scared he won't want anything to do with me. I guess I feel like having him in this way is better than not having him at all.

ISLA: Cadence, I think you should talk to him. He might feel the same way, you never know.