
Random K-Pop System

An ex-assassin connected with a random system after death (not a dark story), get a chance to restart his life, what will he do? K-pop story, enjoy.

dexxterzxc · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Ch 30 Invasion

Even though it was rocky at the start, everything went smoothly after Jess gave the box of chocolates to Jee Eun, her eyes sparkled after seeing them, seems like she really loves chocolates.

Now the three of them are just strolling at the night market, ordering the food they wanna eat from the stalls. And of course, Jay is paying for all that.

Because of the huge crowd, the three of them held hands the whole time. In other people's eyes, they are just like three happy siblings... except none of them are blood related. Both the ladies have a huge smiles on their faces, they consider this a date with the boy they like, if only the other isn't here, it would've been more enjoyable, but there are always chances in the future.


After an hour of walking and eating, the ladies are finally satisifed and ready to go home.

"Ah... I might've ate too much, even my belly has swollen up. Ugh... I will have to do extra workout and training tomorrow. It's all your fault Jay!" < Jess

"Hey don't put the blame on me, I'm only the guy who is paying for the food, not the one forcing them down your throat." < Jay

"That's because as a trainee, I rarely get the chance to eat something nice like this, I've to always stay in shape. Ugh... I'll have to do extra workouts tomorrow. I'm so jealous of you right now Jee Eunnie." < Jess

"Actually, I'm the one who is jealous of both of you... if only I'm a little older, I would've been able to apply for the audition, and even possibly be recruited to be a trainee." < Jee Eun

"Oh? You want to become an idol too?" < Jess

"Hmm... I don't know, I just want to sing and perform, whether it's as an idol or a solo is still undecided." < Jee Eun

Jay stays quiet during the whole conversation, he is worried that if he speaks, he might change something in the future because he can't imagine Jee Eun in an idol group at all. But one thing for sure is that she will never shine as bright like she did in his past life if she is in a group. Luckily, nobody asks for his opinion on this matter.


30 minutes later, they arrive at Jay's old mansion via taxi to drop Jee Eun off. Right now, they are saying goodbye to each other at the front gate.

"Next time, let's go have fun somewhere else, and only girls are invited, I will introuduce you to my little sister, Krystal. I'm sure you two will get along so well!" < Jess

"Then I will introduce you to my best friend Eun Jee! Just like you she also wants to become an idol in the future." < Jee Eun

"Why does it have to be a girls only thing? Are you just using me as a tool to introduce you to Jee Eun? And now that you've known her you are going to toss me aside is that it?" < Jay

"Hmph, you can be the one exception because you are the bridge that connect all of us together, but no other boys are allowed!" < Jess

"Especially Yunho and the others! I still remember during my birthday, all of them got drunk and made a mess, me and grandma had to clean up the mess they made the next day. Ugh!" < Jee Eun

"That's horrible!" < Jess

"..." < Jay (rip to the four brothers)

"Anyway, it's getting late so you two should go home now. Oppa! Bring Sica unnie back safely okay?!" < Jee Eun

"Yes ma'am!" < Jay

"Annyeong Jee Eunnie, see you soon~ Check your text later okay?" < Jess

"I will Sica unnie! Bye!" < Jee Eun

Everything seems so peaceful right now, but you never know what's gonna happen in the next moment.


[World quest - Defeat or eliminate the intruder]

Reward: ???

Difficulty: ***

Penalty: Death


A portal appears in front of the three of them.

"What the f- You two! Get inside the house! Quick!" < Jay

"Huh? What's happening oppa?" < Jee Eun

"What is this? A portal? How is this even possible..." < Jess

They still don't sense the danger.

"We have no time! Just listen to me please! Get inside before it's too late! Run!" < Jay

This is the first time Jee Eun sees him looked so serious and nervous. So without questioning further, she quickly pulls Jess inside the house. However...

"Oppa! Something is blocking our way! We can't get through it!" < Jee Eun

"What?!" < Jay

He checks the surrounding and notices a square barrier has been formed with the portal at the center, and apparently no one can enter or exit this barrier. He looks around to see if there's some place safe for the girls to hide and luckily, the garage is inside the barrier.

"Get to the garage! And don't come out until I say so, promise me!" < Jay

"Oppa... what's happening? You are scaring me..." < Jee Eun

"Promise me, please." < Jay

"...nae oppa! Come on Sica unnie." < Jee Eun

"Jay..." < Jess

"Trust me Jess, I will explain everything once it's over." < Jay

"...fine. I don't know what's happening right now but please be safe, okay?" < Jess

"I will." < Jay

The girls nod heavily.


'Now, please explain what the hell is happening right now Random.' < Jay

'This is bad news oppa, I will make it quick. See the three stars difficulty? That means the intruder must be stronger than you attributes-wise, possibly even a higher being, a stage between human and demigod.. < Random

'Shit... what about the barrier?' < Jay

'Anything that's happening inside this barrier will not affect the outside world. The time outside will also be stopped. It will only be removed when one of the host is defeated.' < Random

'Fuck... that means Jee Eun and Jess might be in danger, I should get away from the garage as far as possible." < Jay

'One more thing, i will not be able to give you any help or guidance once the battle starts, it will solely be a battle between two hosts.' < Random

'Damn... it's just bad news after bad news.' < Jay

'Oppa... I don't have much else to say but good luck. If anyone can do it, it's you! I don't want this to be the last time we speak okay? I beli-' < Random

'Random? Random?!' < Jay

She got cut off before she could finish her sentence, which means...

*portal opens

They always say fate likes to play tricks on you. Jay couldn't believe his eyes when he sees the face of the person that walks out of the portal, it's a face that he will never ever forget even in death, a face that even if it turns to ash he can still recognize, a face that at times, still haunts him.

"Junior..." < Jay


P.s Yes, it's the junior from the first chapter.