
Chapter 17: Visitors

The next six weeks felt like hell to Chloé. Getting to class, performing well on tests, and turning in all of her homework was far more difficult than it had been in the first part of the semester. Every day, she worried about Kemal.

He texted and they spoke on the phone often, but she could tell he was devastated with everything that had happened recently. Sezen was given Efe's ashes, and she kept them in an urn on her fireplace mantle. Other than that bit of info, Kemal hadn't spoken with his sister. Chloé had even tried to visit, but Sezen never answered the door, no matter what time of day it was.

Chloé did her best to get through the rest of her schooling and by her finals, she felt good about the work she had done. She was going to graduate and that meant the world to her. The goal was accomplished despite a near break-in from a stalker, murders around campus, and having a fiancé with a vampire family.