

The camera clippings led me to keep all my luggages back in the room and again get ready for today's night. But this time I decided something else. The thing which I saw in my camera I haven't shared it with anyone because I want to be confirmed at first from my side entirely then let others know about that. Therefore, I thought that I will go alone in the jungle tonight but at different time. I had my dinner at night when others were having a peaceful sleep at that time I went to Amravalli for the search of the truth. I again set up the cameras at different places and then waiting for some supernatural event to occur with me. I keep on waiting since one long hour and the time came. The thermal scanner could scan some figures around. But there were many figures all around and suddenly I could find that it stopped taking any images. There was an unpredictable silence all around and suddenly all my equipments started scattering all around I some how managed to take my camera and ran from there. The next morning I disclosed this incident to all of my team members because I was sure from my side that something wrong is going on. At that time I noticed a mark on my hand . The mark was like some body may scratched my hand. I was sure that it might led to a big trouble .

I went through villages to villages for the search of the truth. The reason behind such activity. I walked miles to miles and finally got my answer. Tonight I will take a very big step along with my team members. I informed police force for their support , medical facilities if anyone gets injured and all the Fathers of the well known Churches.

At 3 a.m we all begin to pray and chant holy prayers in that "CURSED AMRAVALLI JUNGLE" . At 3 a.m according to the father it was time when all the negative energies are having their highest power and its the devils hour . In this hour only we can see the devil in its original human form. Just after few seconds of the holy prayer had started a very strong wind was blowing and in few minutes we could hear a sound. We could now see a small little girl was running all around. Before starting this the father warned us that it was the devils trap to haunt us but we will give our best. I started recording with my camera and suddenly the little girl flew in the air and in its demonic voice asked me," HUHH...whom you have called?...remember no one can do anything to SARAH....I came here for any intention and I will do it by this night before the sunrise."" I beg to you Sarah ...please don't ...I know what happened with you really a matter of shame but the law will give you justice ,I promise you ...." The Father threw a holy water in middle of our conversation which made her angry and she threw the Farther and he was injured. She threw all my equipments and injured my team members. All the medical team and the police force was frightened by seeing all that and suddenly I saw the hotel manager coming towards us. I repeated shouted to not come here but the noise of the wind prevented my sound to reach to the manager and suddenly Sarah saw him . The manager was annoyed after seeing Sarah. " HELLO JOHN....WELCOME...WAITING FOR YOU FOR SOO MANY YEARS...remember? that incident...?" And here discloses the truth. Actually the camera has captured Sarah's whom I met first in the hotel. I went to village for enquiry where I heard that her many lived there in that place where the hotel stands. But the manager intentionally killed her old grandfather in order to get that land for their hotel. Sarah was the only one who saw every event which the manager did with her grandfather. She went to police for help and informed others too. Some how the manager came to know that she was the only evidence so he buried Sarah alive deep inside the ground as her punishment. Till her last breathe she requested them to leave her but no body took that into consideration.

"TODAY YOU WILL SHOUT , HOWL , PRAY AND BEG TO ME AND I WILL TAKE THE ADVANTAGE WHICH YOU TOOK 5 YEARS AGO IN THE SAME PLACE". The manager was trying to run but Sarah prevented him from running away. I put my step forward to help the manager and suddenly some one held my hand back. It was Ramdas! " You? what you are doing here? its harmful go back...." " Madamji , leave him he is paying his debts ...that day he also didn't hear our prayers..." In just blink of an eye Sarah killed the manager and buried deep in the earth. There was a quite atmosphere all around and only I could see Sarah and Ramdas holding each others hands and smiling at me. They disappered in the wind and I could see the sunrise. The medical team approached us and we were soon admitted to the hospital. We were all save.

After 1 month I published this article in my daily newspaper which gained much popularity. All greeted me for my success and wished me with bouquets of flowers. When I was going through the names with the flowers I found a which again send me to dilemma. IT WAS FROM SARAH...


Rajnandini_Kunducreators' thoughts
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