
Raising An Eldritch

A person accidentally found a child Eldritch being and choose to raise it due to the fact that he no longer cared about the world. He choose to raise it several different times because the authorities would try to destroy it so he always took the core and moved once it grew too big.

Fornicia_Yadrea · Terror
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6 Chs

A Child

My job is a brutal one. I have to go out killing my targets without alerting anyone. I am a World class assassin for hire. All of my targets are dealt with extremely carefully with all the information I collect but one day I found something young and cute.

I don't enjoy my job, but I had to find those who had killed my family. To do so I worked for the Association Nightfall which I believe symbolizes the end of night. I joined them when I was ten years old to get information about those who killed my billionaire parents and the rest of my family.

While I was working, I would get jobs related to the occult and my sight had slowly opened to their being more than just humanity I was opened to the existence of hell and eternal damnation. The books the organization had given me were related to summoning's of demon exchanges.

I had looked through the book hoping to exchange for my souls and being able to eventually bring them back to life no matter what it took but none of the deals I could find would allow me to do so without sacrificing myself which I knew they would hate.

I had finally got the information about the tycoon trillionaire who had my family killed so I went to his house. I saw red candlelight shinning through the windows strangely enough. I snuck in through the top windows hearing the chanting of multiple people mixed in with His voice.

"Fuck now I have to wait till that bastards' friends leave." I think hatefully but I can't wait, can I? So, I pulled out the dagger I bought at a store that I thought would be the most painful way to kill someone. It was a twisted dagger with sharp spikes on all sides of it is made out of a black material and strange carvings on it.

I then heard Him scream "It should have worked. All the sacrifices where to summon it yet nothing happened why. You were supposed to grant my wish. You damn Demon." I smiled in delight hearing the agony in his voice not caring about his words. I crept down stairs towards him but stopped to look around the room.

I saw a huge room like a small cathedral in height with a bloodred circle filled with blood. I faintly smile thinking "So you have killed too." my heart rate picks up in excitement as I know i will be able to kill but first I have to get rid of the four others. I sneak behind Him the one who killed my family and knock him out while he's at the altar with a grimoire of flesh and blood.

I notice the four others wearing black robes still have not noticed that I knocked out their leader so I flip the moist wet page dripping with blood and a delicious semi blood like smell. The page just contained these symbols carved into the pages with them bleeding in my curiosity I took a drop of it my mouth. It tasted delicious like a liquid version of a perfect steak cooked to perfection but I decided to not waste time.

I snuck behind the first cultist on the North position cutting his throat lowering him to the ground without struggle filling the grooves with more blood. Usually, a person will move a bit after their throat is cut but he didn't move creeping me out slightly, so I continued cautiously to do the same to the rest of them. After I had killed each of them the blood and their corpses suddenly disappeared surprising me, but I had already seen stuff like this before I some of my jobs.

It was creepy at that time after all it was my tenth job but from them I have encountered many occult things which somewhat interested me but I knew they couldn't bring my family back I went back to the altar with the pedestal. I dragged his body up on the altar then I slapped him awake after I tied up his hands behind his back. He started to beg but I didn't care and immediately pulled my dagger sawing through his flesh slowly using a medicine to amplify the pain and stop bleeding.

I grinned as he kept screaming on and on for hours then I heard a small squeak beside me. looking down i saw a small cute creature made out meat with a single eye moving like a slime made of muscle. it crawled up my leg somehow pulling itself up. I pulled it of my leg bringing it closer to my eye to see it better when it stuck it's tongue out licking my face like a happy dog. I don't know how but I sensed it was happy with me I smiled a true smile but it quickly disappeared as I got back to torturing with it clinging to my shoulder now.

I subconsciously cut off his fingernails then cut off his finger and fed it to the creature which started humming and snuggling me. It felt a little weird because it has no skin and was made of muscle. I pet its head happily petting it finally having some emotion, so I said "I guess your my new family" smiling slightly.

I know it's my job to take care of this Thing but what exactly is it?