

"When the rain comes, it brings joy." This saying goes a long way for some people. while some may find joy, some find gloom. However, for the "Rainwalker". Rain brings all sorts of emotions and memories, mostly beautiful. But that's only one of the little things they cherish, it is because of their ability to connect with the rain, causing them to be able to enter an unknown space called "The rain dimension". It is a great power to travel with ease through many realm, but it also comes with danger. The "Shamans" hunt the rainwalkers. With special weapons of their own, the hunt have been going for hundreds of year. causing rainwalkers' diversity in groups and goals. while the Shamans unite, the rainwalkers shatter. Ardon Walva, An early adult of 21 years old. A member of the "Great Orca", a group of rainwalkers acting as mercenaris. Found himself caught in the long raging war between shamans and rainwalkers because of what was an average mission for them, turns to be a great cause of phenomenon.

Ahky28 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

The girl who wanders

I wear my bag as i stand, phone off. I've read the information of the clients. Most of them are people around 30 and older. But there's a girl, 14 years old. Out of all the clients with frowning heads in the photos, she seems rather happy with bright eyes and a smile at the camera, though her hair is messy. Well, that's exceptional.

And on i go again, walking along the crowd with people bumping to my shoulder every once in a while. Boss gave me the meeting location, it's an abandoned warehouse at 71st Nye'a street.

In the middle of my walk a big thud was heard, it came from my right. A ruined house with only some of its wall still standing. Then i heard people yell out warnings, a girl come out running from them towards me.

3 men chase after her. In a glimpse, her blue eyes looks at me. A sudden breeze blows onto me out of nowhere, the breeze of rain. The girl runs past me, she wears a ragged cloth, her long loose pants has several ripped parts here and there.

I snapped after a long pause that those men are now in front of me and without a second thought i punch one in the face, the other are surprised, they gasped and attack back. I dodge and block then elbow a stomach, he grunts.

They back away a little, measuring the distance as they get ready. Hands clench, ready to swing. I put my bag down and lean it to a wall. A pause ensues, a short one. They launch attack, punches coming at me as i swiftly dodge and attack back.

I punch the gut, quickly follow it with jabs on the face and an uppercut, he falls off following the other two.

"That's enough, i win. I don't know what's the business between you and the girl earlier but she's gone now." I say as i walk away

"You think you could just walk away after all this?!" Yells one of them, they back up.

"Yeah, pretty sure i could"

But a sound of iron stroking cloth stops me, followed by another two. They've drawn their blades now. It's not rare for people to do this. But what they say next widen my eyes.

"Rainwalker, huh?" One said with a laughter, their blade buzz and when i look back, the blades glow blue with ancient rune carving on them.

This took an unexpected turn. I knew shamans run this place but i didn't plan to be found like this.

"We are good to kill this one" One of them exclaims

"Honestly, he has quite a pretty skin. Such a shame he didn't become a celebrity or something"

"You always judge people from their skin, that's disgusting. Hahahaha!"

Shoot? Don't. Their blades are different from the ones i have encountered so far. I think i should see what they are up to first before finishing them. Haha, you guys are not the only one relieved to know your opponent is good to kill.

We put stances back, another exchange of attacks happen. I dodge their blade here and there, with three simultanious swing from them, it's quite challenging. I managed to land some hit. one stabs forward but i push it away. Swiftly, one attack from my back. I dodge right but he succesfully landed a cut on my waist. Not deep, but quite wide.

Blood drips, the blade stained in it. They laugh and start to smear the blood to each other's blade. Soon after, the blades absorb the blood as it evaporizes into smoke.

"Let's see what your power is" One says as he swings and stabs the air with a much greater speed then before to the point it's almost unnoticable. I look at them cautiously. "So you're a runner. I have to say that this speed of yours is amazing."

"Nothing goes fair with any of you, huh?" I say sarcastically. "That's why i shouldn't play fair either"

I quickly whip out my pistol and aim but just as i pull the trigger, a shot hit the pistol away from my hand, it rests on the ground. I look at the shot's direction, there stands a man with an assault rifle aiming at me. My guess? He's been there this whole time.

The men laughs "out of luck, rainwalker?"

"Not really" Just as i am about to reach my Rain-pouch, the sky darkens all of a sudden, too fast to be natural. The clouds gather as the wind blows and in a matter of seconds, rain pours.

Everyone looks up surprised, their jaw dropped. But i smile. As the water covers my body, it enlightens. A burst of power flows within me.

"Out of luck?" I chuckle "not me, shamans." I launch forward with immense speed, wind buzzes to my move as they ready their blades in shock. I grab one of the blade and throw it the gunman, it launches like a bullet to his forehead, stumbling him to his death.

I triple kick the man in front of me, stomach, rib and head. They crack as he drops to the ground. The other two gaze in disbelief.

"You may have absorbed my ability. It's amazing, really" i square up "Too bad technology doesn't keep up with the real deal"

They frantically attack, i hit the gut of the one on the right and dodge the left. Take the blade from his hand and stab his throat. The last one put up a fight, we exchange some strokes until i slash his chest and catch up with stabs to his rib and neck. The two drop dead. The first dude whom i triple kicked grunts, i finish him.

I throw the blade away and take my bag and pistol then walk away, leaving the bodies behind.

That was unexpected, new technology on the shamans and the rather unnatural rain. I don't know if it's just me or not but... I felt stronger and faster than the usual rain up. Sure it was rain and not rain-pouch, but still... Hm?

A girl stands not far from me, gazing brightly at me, all drenched. She is the girl from earlier. Blood dripping from her thigh, her mouth clenches, holding back the pain.

Somehow i feel like i owe her a thanks. Either way, being a little helpful won't hurt.