
Rai x Frankenstein (New Adventures)

Frankestein is trying to provide peaceful and joyful life to Raizel after the Apocalypse. And he was successful for time being. But the adventures returns as an unwanted guest enters to their peaceful life on a very unlucky day. The mysteries unfold and new monsters rise, to haunt the mankind once again. Frankestein is doing his best to keep Raizel out of this fight. But will Raizel have to fight them again? Will Raizel sacrifice his remaining lifetime to save the world which he needs to live into it?

Nik_The_Wordsmith · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

They will regret it

The night was still dark, cold breeze was still blowing and his ruby eyes were looking deeply, waiting for his words. He looked calm but his mind wasn't at rest at all. He was worried for them.

'Frankestein should have reached on time', he assured himself.

He closed his eyes to focus on his senses to receive any words from Frankestein and instead he sensed someone else's presence near him. He opened his eyes and turned towards the enemy's direction. His gaze stopped on the enemy, whose face was hidden, covered by a mask.

An assassin. They had sent a mere assassin to kill Raizel.

The enemy saw Raizel's unusual deep red eyes and he felt shiver all over his body. Still he was confident to finish his mission. He mumbled some spell to cast killing magic as an additional protection and played his sword in his hands. His actions were smooth and fast but still soft and silent like a cat. He was indeed a high ranked assassin.

"I have never failed in my mission. I will continue my victory by slaying this cold, red eyed and unusually fearsome fellow. Doesn't matter how much powerful he is! My grace will give me enough strength to slay my enemies" He thought to himself.

He grabbed his sword a bit tighter and marched. And his eyes widened in surprise....

Raizel stopped his sword without lifting a finger and looked deep into his eyes. The sword slipped through his hands and he felt deep sorrow and unusual emotions in his heart. The unending love towards those ruby eyes flew through his eyes into his heart. He sunk deep into them. He knelt in the air and felt weight less. Tears flew down from his eyes.

'What is happening to me????'

He was feeling gratitude towards Raizel. The killing motives were long lost from his mind. He was feeling rage in his body. A rage to serve this unknown man. His aura was so powerful that he felt unending gratitude towards him.

"Why am I kneeling?" He talked to himself with tearful surprised eyes.

"You are no longer in darkness." Raizel looked at him with piercing eyes.


"You're awakened in your true moon clan form. You have a choice. Either come to light or be lost in the darkness".

Raizel's words drummed assassin's ears. He looked deeper in those eyes and said passionately,

"I will follow you, my liege. I will follow where you go. I am afraid, if I leave your sight, I might get stucked into darkness once more"

"You're powerful than you know." Raizel words were hard like stone.

"I never felt this light inside me. You enlightened my soul. I wish to follow you." He asked with immense respect.

Raizel looked at him and said, "I wish to enter your former liege's territory as your hostage".

The Assasin looked at Raizel with frightened eyes. "That is not wise decision, my liege. They're are untrustworthy and dangerous. I fear for your safety."

"Shall we start?" Raizel asked without hesitation.

"As your wish my liege" he bowed in front of Raizel, and showed him the way.


Frankestein had kept intense silence while walking towards Shinni's family home. They had to reach there as soon as possible if they meant to save Shei. They were not sure if he can be brought back. But they had to try. They kept walking and walking.... until they reached a gate showing familiar symbols engraved on it. Symbols of very old and honourable moon clan.

Shinni looked at the gate with hopeful eyes. She touched the gate and it opened wide for them as if moon clan was welcoming them.

"Welcome to our clan house!" She mumbled...

She really wanted to give them a warm welcome but words couldn't came out of her mouth.

"We will go to your father directly. Your brother needs him. And then we will talk." Frankestein said with firm eyes.

She nodded and walked towards the house.

Walking was difficult for him but he still managed to walk. All of his friends' situation wasn't different. Takio, M-21 & also Shinni, all were injured. He was feeling disappointed towards himself. He looked at Frankestein with eyes filled with guilt and rage.

"We will go back with stronger will and wiser plan. We will make sure of it. We could have lost too much this time. It won't happen again. We will make sure of it." Frankestein's words were filled with confidence.

Tao felt a lot better hearing those.

"You all need to rest for a bit. Your wounds won't take long to heal. But your minds certainly will take longer. I assure you, they will pay for what they have done." Frankestein's words filled the walls of old castle's empty rooms.

He closed his eyes to talk to his master. He suddenly opened eyes. He surprised as he got to know the location.

"Master, you didn't have to do this. You didn't have to sacrifice." He felt bad for not handling the situation rightly and master had to involve in this.

'They are definitely going to regret it!!'

His eyes filled with rage kept looking towards the direction of master....