
Rai x Frankenstein (New Adventures)

Frankestein is trying to provide peaceful and joyful life to Raizel after the Apocalypse. And he was successful for time being. But the adventures returns as an unwanted guest enters to their peaceful life on a very unlucky day. The mysteries unfold and new monsters rise, to haunt the mankind once again. Frankestein is doing his best to keep Raizel out of this fight. But will Raizel have to fight them again? Will Raizel sacrifice his remaining lifetime to save the world which he needs to live into it?

Nik_The_Wordsmith · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

The Chaos

Night was dark and the moon was showing them light....in the absence of the sun. Wind was blowing and was tossing Raizel's hair, making them play on his forehead. His ruby eyes were looking determined, & were thinking deeply.

Frankestein was flying beside Raizel, keeping an eye on their surrounding. They had walked in the danger by themselves. Master was once again going  to sacrifice his dreams or even his lifetime to make the world a better place. Not for himself, but for all others.

There was intense silence in the air, except rustling of their clothes. His blue eyes were catching every movement. Suddenly his eyes widened as he saw the red light in sky accompanying a bombarding sound of red flyer he was not eager to hear.

"Master, they need us" words softly came out Frankestein's mouth as his eyes got worried sick.

"I will go ahead, you stay here. We'll handle this." Frankestein explained his intentions and started to leave. Raizel turned his head and looked at Frankestein, through his ruby eyes. He flew to him and looked him in the eyes more deeply.

"Frankestein" Raizel called his name.

"Master" Frankestein replied anxiously.

"I give you the permission to break the seal binding your powers" The words came out his mouth with great worry. "I will be there if there is a need" He finished.

"Thank you master." 

"You don't need to trouble your soul with this matter. We'll handle this". Frankestein said confidently and flew away.

Raizel looked down in the darkness; Somebody was watching them.

As he was flying towards the forest, he intentionally chose the wrong way. He was expecting an unwanted company. Maybe few of them. He wanted to trick them to avoid wasting the precious time. They needed him now. Else it could be more difficult to  save them if they hurt them first. He needed to hurry.

He safely tricked his hosts and reached down the forest and started to look for them. They were attacked at the gate. There were dead bodies & marks on the ground everywhere. The bodies belonged to the enemy. He realized that his boys fought well but got captured in the end. They should be somewhere near. He looked at the dark forest in front of him & tried to hear. First it was faint 'dhak, dhak' and then it was clear & loud, 'dhak, dhak, dhak, dhak'. His heart was beating fast and loud. The werewolf was still alive. His heart felt assured that all others should be alive too.

"They're tough, they should be alright", he talked to himself and followed the sound of heart beats.

M-21's heart was thumping hard, the werewolf inside him was furious and was trying break the ropes binding them. But the ropes were tied with some spell on them. The more he was trying to get out, the more pain he suffering. He was roaring and roaring. Tao was looking at him with the eyes filled with regret. He was lying on the ground with his hands were tied on his back. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have underestimated the enemy. We should have stayed together. We could have taken them down.... Boss and us, together. But now we're hostages and boss will risk everything to save us. It's my fault. The plan was wrong all along. We should have been more careful." He thought to himself. But he was satisfied that he was at least successful to convince the enemy soldiers to keep them alive... He revised past few minutes. They all were nearly unconscious and out of breath. The pain was unbearable. Still he managed to open his mouth and he screamed at them, "You shouldn't dare to kill us. If you touch us, our boss will rip your head apart from your body."

Hearing his screams, one soldier came to him, looked at his face pitifully and punched him.

"Shut the fu** up, you piece of sh**."

He looked at his companion and asked for a sword.

"We'll finish you all right here." He lifted his sword and striked hard. Tao screamed, Takio broke his binding rope using all the energy left and M-21 roared with pain and grief. Takio ran towards Tao and pushed the soldier away.

"Get him away" the soldier shouted.

Takio was grabbed by few hands and was dragged away.

Tao was still struggling to get breath and he again shouted, "You don't understand, we won't let him down." He used all the energy left and tackled the standing soldier with his legs. The soldier was surprised. He had hit him with sword of dark grace and yet he was still breathing.

Tao's breathing was getting heavy. His wounds were in agony. His heart and lungs was giving up. "No. We won't let him down." He thought to himself and tried to hit the soldier again. But this time getting hit, the soldier attacked him with sword and shoved it into his heart. Tao tried to mumble but instead of words, blood came out of his mouth.

Looking the sword piercing Tao's heart, M-21 broke his binds. His whole body got injured in the process but he wasn't in the state of mind to feel the pain. He jupmed high, grabbed the soldier with sword and pierced his body with his claws and he roared. He looked at the soldiers holding Takio, jumped towards them and threw one of them away. He was ready to grab another one, but he got hit by something which sting his body all over. He was shot by one of the soldiers with high electricity stun gun, the human toy. He fought with pain and fell on the ground.

Takio was looking at the scene with wide eyes. "Are we going die? Is this it?" And he heard somebody's voice.

"You don't have to do this. What are you fighting for? We're not your enemies. Come with us to the light and we'll help you through the way. There is still time." Shinni cried, from bottom of her heart.

"Oh! Princess. You're still alive. Major has asked to kill you too. Why don't we start with you? This skinny man is taking too much time to die", The soldier walked towards Shinni.

M-21 feared to death for Shinni and tried to get up, but his body was still in shock. He just roared mildly with tears flowing down his eyes.

"She is the Princess. If you kill her now, you will lose your biggest weapon. You can win this war without fight if you use her." Tao was still talking in spite of being half dead.

"You're dying, but your brain is still making sense, skinny man."

"We won't kill her. We will keep her". He gave some instructions to his companion secretly and went towards M-21.

"You need to be put down roaring dog" and he lifted his sword to slice him.

"They're are not ordinary people. You can use such technology to make your soldiers stronger." Neil screamed at the soldier, still holding Shei close to him.

"We can't use them if they're fighting against us. We need the scientist who made them."

"That dying man said their boss is coming to save them, right? Let's catch him and then finish these irritating boys." The soldier instructed his companion and went inside his shelter.

Tao smiled to himself. They had managed to bargain for their lives. Still he was worried for Boss.

"Boss, be careful. You maybe strong but there are lot of these dogs waiting for you to capture." He thought to himself.

It had been an hour, and still there was no sign of their boss. The soldier were getting impatient.

He went to Half died Tao lying on the ground and kicked him in his guts.

"Where the hell is he? You were talking big words about him and yet he abandoned you, didn't he? Ran way, I think. Ran away for his life or major have killed him already." He laughed hard.

"And you don't want to die, do you?" He kicked him again. "How much life still left in you anyway? What a piece of sh**."


"He is extraordinary human being. He can't be killed by a mere soldier like you. He is meant to be your death."

"You can't kill him. You just lack the ability." The roaring sound of Frankestein broke the silence in the air.

"So, you're the Boss. Boys, grab him and take him to the Major." The soldier instructed.

Frankestein looked at him & smirked from corner of his lips. His blue eyes were sparkling with anger.

"So captain is running away to save his life. Impressive." Frankestein teased him.

"Very well. I will take you to the major by myself. Boys, stay back." The soldier said with anger.

He grabbed his sword, closed his eyes, cast a spell to withdraw dark energy from the moon. His sword started emitting dark-red energy unlike Shinni's white-blue energy.

He looked at Frankestein and marched roaring.

Frankestein stood his ground and stopped his sword with his right hand. The captain felt Frankenstein's dark aura gathering around him.

Frankestein held his neck with another hand threw him away. The captain was thrown few feet away breaking some trees, never to wake up again.

"Friends, get up. We need to go." Frankestein ordered Tao, Takio, M-21, Shinni & Neil.