
In To the New World

Late at night, Tyo an indonesian male with black hair and brown eyes. His height is 175cm and weight about 65kg. He just turned 24 years old this year. When he is in his early jhs, he found a game called ragnarok online and he found a liking to this game. He keep playing the game in his year as jhs and stop when he got into shs beause the increased study time and club activities such as silat that takes most of his time.

Nine years has passed since then and he is now in looking for a job in hospital since he is passed his national medical exam and granted a permit to be a fully fledged doctor.

he start to look to for hospital when suddenly he's struck in nostalgia when he start to play the game he used to play, Ragnarok Online. he try to find the game in his pc but could not find it.

"Ah, maybe i accidentally deleted it long ago" he said.

And he try to find the web to download the game again when he found that the game he used to play so much has beed closed for two years.

"What! What the hell??! Why they closed this game.. and when i really want to play this game.."

Fuming with anger that his favorite game has been closed here in indonesia. He try to look for a private server. An unofficial game where you can costumize and change things in the game to your liking. He search it for a while and found a private one, called 'the most real and cool ragnarok online'.

"Pffft, what an exaggerate name.. well i hope this will worth it then"

After downloading the game for while. Finally he can start to play the game for real this time. He register his account in the game and listen to login music in RO, he found it really nostalgic and reminiscene about the time he used to play the game. He log to the game and start making his character, a novice with spiky black hair.

"Lets hope my name is not taken yet.." he input the name Tyo and found its not been used yet.

"Ahh, maybe because this is a private one, back then when i play this game i cant even use this name cause someone already use this.. sigh.."

He finished making his character and start to play the game, the loading screen pop out and he is now in prontera. The capital city of rune midgard. The music of theme of prontera then start playing.

"Damn.. this music hit me really hard.."

Listening the music till finised then he start to look at his status and skill.


[Name : Tyo]

[Job: Novice]

[Base Level : 1 (0/100)]

[Job Level : 1 (0/100)]

[Str : 5]

[Agi : 5]

[Vit : 5]

[Int : 5]

[Dex : 5]

[Luk : 5]

[Stat poin : 10]

"Heh.. Look at that...now the skill and inventory"


[Basic Skill lv. 1]


[10.000 zeny]

[Dagger x1]

[Shirt x1]

[Transport scroll x1]

"Hmm what is this, a transport scroll? What it do? Lets see the description then"

[transport scroll]

'This in an ancient scroll to let you experience ragnarok in a new way! It will transport you into ragnarok world with all the feature from the game. Use with caution because there will be no way back!'

"Hahahahahaha, really now? Who would believe this? Lets just use it"

He then double clicked the item when suddenly his pc shut down in an instant.

"The hell? Is this game a virus or something? Do i just got pranked? What about all my data??"

Panicking he start to try to power up and pust the power button on his pc but to no avail it doesn't work. And suddenly a magic formation start to glow in his room and he stare dumbfounded at what he's seeing. 'Is this really happening? Am i gonna go the RO world?' He thought. The formation start glow and shining more and more and he is forced to closed his eyes cause it start to get to bright and hurting his eyes.

When he open his eyes he found that he is not in his room and he is now sitting in a bench near the fountain. He is still don't know what just happened and start to look at his surrounding. He is looking at medieval house with a dirty white or light brown wall all around him, people with unusual clothing, and some of the even bring sword or bow. Some of them wearing some kind of armor. While some wearing robe and staff. He is in dazed at what he is seeing and still cant believe his eyes. He keep looking around him and found a large orange feathered bird with a toucan like beak. His brain still processing what he is seeing, and when the knowledge at what he see is sink in he shouted.

"What the fuck? Is that peco-peco for reall??!!"

His shouting grabbing some of the passerby attention and looking at him in disdain like he is looking at freak, like he is never see a peco in his life before. Knowing that his shout making he at the center of attention. He quicly collected his jumbled thoughts and chaoic heart and mumble.

"I'm a grown ass man i need to think this through"

Not sensing that he is not the only one sitting on the bench. And his mumble is still a little loud for the person to hear it. And he hear an old man voice next to him said.

"What grown ass man? You are a kid in my eyes. And why are you shouting like that? Never seen a peco-peco before hmm?"

Turning his head to right he is looking at an old man with brown clothe and dark brown jacket with a bag at his back. He is also wearing glove, a bandana and dark brown pants. He instantly recognize the outfit. It was RO merchant outfit!

"Umm, sorry sir. You see i'm not from here and i was traveling from my village. I only heard what peco-peco look like from my parents"

Tyo try find an excuse to make himself less suspicious. And make a decision to find an info as much as possible about everything. The oldman heard what he said start to laugh and say.

"Hahahahahahaha, what a funny kid, just where are you from to never see a peco-peco before? izlude? No no no even in izlude you'll definitely have seen it. So it must be some remote village heh?"

The two keep chatting for a while and Tyo start to ask the merchant about the city and the surrounding, after some 15 minutes or so the merchant bid Tyo good bye to continue his day.

Now Tyo start to look at what he is wearing, he wore a black shirt covered in iron breast plate, a dagger hanging at his side. A brown pants. A bonifide novice outfit from RO.

"Hahaha, i'm a novice now?"

In a mocking tone he said. Then Tyo stand up and start walm towards the fountain to see his reflection. He is once again surprised at what he's seeing. He is now much younger at what he looks, he is now back at when he is 17 again! No matter what he is thinking right now deep in his heart he can believe that, this is really happening. Tyo now deep in thought 'I'm really in ragnarok world now... let's put aside all the worry for later. I need to find some shelter for today'. And realizing that to keep on living he need money.

"Hmm is this a game or realife? Lets try something, status!"

Suddenly a panel appeared in front of his eyes.


[Name : Tyo]

[Job: Novice]

[Base Level : 1 (0/100)]

[Job Level : 1 (0/100)]

[Str : 5]

[Agi : 5]

[Vit : 5]

[Int : 5]

[Dex : 5]

[Luk : 5]

[Stat poin : 10]

"Whoa, just like in game.. heh, i never know that a cliche such as a scenario getting transported to another world really happening to me, then what about my inventory, lets try it"

Now Tyo know that saying status can show his. Trying to say inventory in his mind, and the panel showinb his inventory then showed up.


[10.000 zeny]

With a thought he try take one zeny to his hand when the zeny appear in his hand. The coin is bronze with a face of a man on one side and a Z on the other side.

"So this is a zeny, well better find an inn. The old man said that the best inn in prontera called cozy honey and its near the city center"

Looking around and asking some passerby Tyo finally found the inn and ask the keeper how much for a night. After spending 50z he go to his room, lay down in bed to sort all his feeling and info that he get from the old man earlier. Now that he is alone and in safe environtment he start to ponder about all of this...

Well this is my first chaper and my very first fic.

Now as you see. This is somewhat different from the original ragnarok in term of exp to level the base and job, the stat, the skill, the item. Dont expect much from me about the update..

IceReapcreators' thoughts
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