
Prologue - Reincarnated as a Goblin

I don't know what kind of stupidity came in my mind. The next thing I know, is I just save a child running down the street and ready to get hit by a car.

I'm not the type of person to care about these things. I got a lot of work to do and saving someone in replace of your life is just stupidity running inside your head, and yet, that's what I did.

I felt the heat all over my body, the pain is still there, obviously, but it still hurt. Damn. How can someone survive from these deep wounds? I'm finished, I'll never make it alive.

I never imagine dying like these. Well, fate really is ironic. I didn't even confess to Yumiko, yet! I still have loads of debt from my landowner. The game that I want to finish hasn't even reached the climax of the story yet.

I had a lot of unfinished goals, but here I am, barely breathing, and felt like my body is cold. No one even knows I'm dying because of saving a child. Not even my friend witnessed it. At least make a rumor that I'm that good of an asshole to save a child.

"Don't worry! You'll still live long and healthy!"

Suddenly, a voice came shouting inside my head. Huh? Am I imagining things now?

I am sure that I'm dead, and no one could possibly come close to my body if they aren't crazy or just my friend. But that voice wasn't familiar to me. I think it just spoke inside my head, as I thought I might've gone crazy now. But I'm dead tho.

"Ohoho, you sure are confident of that. But sadly, you are wrong! Your body might be dead, but your soul inside is still retaining you from being dead. You're still thinking in your consciousness?"

He is right, my body is already barely breathing yet my consciousness is still clear. He might be saying the truth. But what if I'm really dead and my soul is just waiting for me to give up and separate from my body? I can't be alive. Wait, am I talking to my own thoughts? Ugh, I can't even tell if he's my thoughts or the death speaking itself.

But that can't be possible. I surely felt the pain, heat, and coldness of my body. But my body feels numb now, I can't even feel my eyes or nose. Am I even breathing? Tsk, this suck.

"Well, I really want to explain further but I have many things to attend to. So, I'll say this shortly and accomplish my goal for now. Welp, it's time for you to go before your soul separate from your body. Bye!"

I was about to shout at her, but it's that impossible since I'm already dead.

He clearly sounded like a kid. Should I really believe what he declared? But I don't know him. Nevertheless, there's really nothing to lose from believing. I'm already dead so nothing would change if she didn't do it or what.

It's either I'll die or live, like what he wants to say.

Abruptly, I felt like I'm being suck. No, my soul is being sucked! For a kid like him, he surely has a power like a god. I should believe him for once, it'll be my whole life in debt with him if he'd be able to reborn me.

I don't know what's the gist of what is happening, but I could feel myself being pulled out of my own body. My thoughts are still clear, or maybe it's just my spirit thinking. Is this even possible? But now it's really happening.

『Notice: Soul's consciousness couldn't last due to the process of Soul Reincarnation. Now turning the soul to sleep mode.』

After a voice spoke inside my mind again, but it's different than the other one, is she one of that other voice's companion? This still seems like a dream, and yet I hate the fact that it really might.

More importantly, I felt like sleeping. I don't have a body yet, but I feel so sleepy. As my energy has been suck too. I just hope I'll be breathing when I wake up.


『Congratulations! You have been reincarnated successfully. Consciousness switching to on.』

I woke up and saw an unfamiliar roof inside an unfamiliar place. The place looks so old like I'm in some kind of old culture in our History. The house that I'm in was made of red logs, the roof was made out of some pieces of sticks and leaves. In fact, some of the leaves were falling on the ground where I'm in.

I looked at my hands and was really in shock to see my skin is green. It is literally green! Even my nails were dark long and pointy. I held my head when I felt a sudden pain. Woah, did I really survive—I mean, did I really got reincarnate?

"Welcome to your new body! I hope you'll enjoy your stay in my world. Surely you'll find these more pleasing than my little sis' world. I really love to talk and explain things to you more. But for now, you still have a lot to catch up with your new body. I hope you enjoy your time here! Bye for now!"

But before I could even say anything again. He suddenly disappeared, tho from the two voices that appeared inside my head. He might be the one that blessed me with this body. No, a new life.

I tried to feel my body. I even blink a lot of times. I'm really in a new body. Somehow, it feels like a whole different person. Nevertheless, it was much lighter than my original body, that's the only difference. Maybe I'm a bit younger here?

But I thought it was gonna be a rebirth. You know, like being born again from that manga that my friend reads. Well, the voice was in a hurry. I can't complain now that he did it completely. In fact, I should be really thankful for him, but that's for another day.

This body seems really young since it was very light and I feel really energetic. I tried to speak too and I really liked the voice coz it's deep. Too bad there's no mirror here to check on me. But since I got myself some memory of myself, I can already guess what kind of living I am. No, I'm sure I am a goblin and the next chief at that.

But I wonder if this body has a family somehow. I couldn't completely grasp the memory of this body. It got mixed up inside my head and I'm honestly a little dizzy from it. Though I could remember the basic info about me that the former me left.

Wait, does this body even have a family? Somehow, the memory wasn't bringing up a lot about his family, he was always with his friends and some relatives. I wonder why.

Just as I was thinking, a voice called me again. But it wasn't in my head this time. I turn to look and saw a green-skinned woman like me, her face looks so worried and her eyes were teary-eyed. Shortly, a scene came inside my mind with the past me and her with it.

It was my mother.

"Riku! My son!" 

She came close to me and suddenly pulled me for a hug. I don't really know her, but my body never tensed up. I actually feel familiarly comfortable. Well, she is the mother of this body after all.

"I'm so glad you are alright! We thought you'll die after a Saurus swallowed you. God must've loved us so much to let you live again."


That came out of nowhere. I did remember that the previous soul in this body has anger towards her mother. But I can't feel the resentment, maybe the soul carried his emotions as it separates from this body.

The mother, I mean, my mother separated from the hug and stared at me in surprise. She must've suffered the anger of her own son for a long time. She's a mother after all. Though I never felt how it feels like to have a mother. I still believe that they love their child the best.

"Are you finally giving me a second chance, Riku?"

Her eyes were watering. I feel guilty, but I don't have a choice since I already owned this body. It's really unfair that they got separated without bidding their goodbyes to each other. Nevertheless, there's nothing I could do but accept her as a gift from her son. She is my mother too since I'm in this body now.

I wiped my mother's tears and smiled at her. I never felt this at ease with someone that I don't know, seems like my soul also treats her as a mother already. I wonder if it's the compatibility of the soul and body.

But putting that aside, there's really no reason for me to carry the emotions that the past me felt. This is the new life that the kid was given to me. So there's no point in being mad to someone I'm really comfortable to be with.

"I already forgave you, mother. The god might've had wanted us to be together again and so they gave me another chance to live. Thank you for staying with me through all those times, mother. I promise to be more understanding of you and our situation."

Mother move in tears again and hugged me tightly. I hug her back because I really like the feeling of being hug as I said, I never really felt the love of a mother. Even the presence of a mother that I didn't even felt by my former mother in my former life.

I know that I was really adopted, it's just that I still long a real mother of course. I never felt that to my mother from the past. That's why I'm savoring these feelings and comfort that I'm feeling now.

"I'm glad that God gave you a second chance, my son. But being swallowed whole by a Saurus is still dangerous, you are still the next chief of our tribe. Please don't let yourself be taken from us that easy. I wasn't the only one who's worried you know."

I bowed my head and felt guilty. The fact that the past me and the original soul that came inside this body has the same goal was still a reason for me to feel that guilty.

The original soul of this body was hunting together with his comrades some wild fish from the lake because we don't have decent food from the forest anymore.

A Saurus suddenly came out of the lake and started to attack us. He might've owned the lake that's why he is mad at us taking some fish which is his only food. 

He started attacking us and the former me tried to fight it head-on to give the others some time to escape. The next that happen is me getting eaten because I was worried too much about my subordinate and didn't pay enough attention to my own enemy.

Come to think of it, I never knew how I was saved. It was really impossible for this body to be completely fine after it was swallowed by a Saurus. My mother wasn't the one who witnessed everything but she told me what the other goblin told her.

"So they found me lying on the edge of the lake with the Saurus on top of me, dead, and me breathing fine even though I've been swallowed?"

I was really confused knowing I've been already eaten but was saved. But since I was reincarnated, after all. I bet the voice that spoke inside my head was the one that saved this body. It wasn't because God loves this body, but because he was saving it for purpose. I can't help but think that he just recycled the body and changed the soul.

Mother was holding my right hand as we sat facing each other. She sometimes looks at me and then smiles when our eyes met. This really looks too awkward for me, but I have no choice because this might happen often now that I forgave her again.

"The Shaman's were right about you being a blessing from the Gods. This miracle will prove that you will be great luck and joy as you reign us, Riku my son."

I can't help but wince on that statement. I don't think that the Shaman was saying it all true, the only truth was me proving that miracle exists. The part that God loves me so much is never true. He even sounded so happy when he offered me a second life, throwing the original soul of this body and replace it with mine.

Well, there's no helping it. Now that I took control of this body to its original owner. I'll have to take responsibility for everything that he left. I don't know if the soul might be mad at me right now, but I'll do my best to protect this village as what his role suppose to be.

Mother left me inside the house. She said that it will be a big day tomorrow since it will be five days from now before I will officially be crowned as the next chief of our tribe, a goblin village.

Base on my memories when my mother tells me the story before my birth, my father died long ago before I could even meet him. My Mother suddenly announced that she was giving birth to my father's child, which is me. The Shaman predicted that I'll be the greatest blessing this village will get from God, it was a payment for taking my father to them, who Is the village chief at that time.

And so my grandfather who's still alive took the role of the village chief, at least after I was born and raised to be the next village chief.

I sigh as clearly understand everything now.

Seriously, why did God give me this problematic body? Tsk, I have no choice but to accept this. It seems that I will really be a village chief after five days, huh.

Really, seriously, how complicated this could get?

Dia's Note: Hello! I hope you liked this story. I'm not really an experienced writer so everything is still new to me, and I'm still learning along the way. So I hope you could support me! Thank you! So, how's your impression so far? Please comment on your thoughts too!

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