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What is RabiyaAsifAmin

Leia o romance RabiyaAsifAmin escrito pelo autor rabiya_Amin publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Terrorist's innocent love

Rishabh is shock by seeing him killing his own men cruely, He doesn't react & within fraction of Seconds and too in that cruel way but he do not react & lift kavya immediately in his arms & starts moving towards the border while listening continuous gun shot from behind , Meanwhile kavya is looking at the Rayan from from rishabh's arms & see him killing his men cruelly which makes her hate & disgust him more , She feels extreme fear & hurt as well as betray by seeing this monstrous cruel form of his husband whom she started loving & started trusting , Meanwhile , Rishabh is not worried about his life but he is worried for kavya & at any cost he want's to save her sister's life as he had absolutely no faith in Ryan that he would let him go so easily, Hence, he is moving fast so that kavya can cross the border & goes to safe hands of Indian army which is present on the other side of border, Rishabh is about to cross the border of Syria along with kavya but suddenly rayan scream so loudly & risabh turn around as he fire a bullet just near his leg to stop him , "Once your sister did a favor on me by saving my life and today I am doing favor on her by sparring her life & from today I have no favor of her on me , so tell her to never show me ever in life because if she ever meet me then I will shoot her straight in the heart now go from here before I change my plan & kill you both in most cruel way " Rayan said with extremely anger & hatred , Kavya starts fainting listening his Harsh words for her , "now go from here before I change my plan & kill you both in most cruel way" Rayan starts screaming in extreme intense wrath , Listening him rishabh turn back & put his foot outside the border & cross the border along with kavya in his arms , Kavya look at rayan for the last time while loosing her consciousness & becomes unconscious.

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The legend of The crying shinobi (Naruto)

???: Are you sure you want to do this. ???: Yes, After all this time I have finally found my Resolve. . . . . . . . . . . . Inei: *sob* *sob* WHY, WHYYYYY........ Why did *Sob* You do this. ???: This is how the life is Inei. You are as weak as ever a dropout Crybaby. Inei: B...Bu...But I...I...I. ???: You are nothing but a measly child you can't do anything even if you wished to, you can't even touch me. Get out of your delusions and Get stronger, STRONGER THAN ANYONE, BECOME THE STRONGEST SHINOBI IN THE HISTORY OF THIS WORLD AND TRY TO RETURN WHAT YOU OWE ME 10 TIMES AND I WILL FREE YOU FROM YOUR DELUSIONAL LIFE. Inei: Why.... WHY. ???: Again with that same foolish question. Listen foolish little inei, I am a monster who kills for fun and I just massacred hundreds of people and children. This is a delightful game to me so and I give you a chance try and Kill me if you can. . . . . . . . . . . . . Inei: I PROMISE YOU I'LL BECOME THE STRONGEST, STRONGER THAN ANYONE, I PROMISE YOU I'LL BECOME THE STRONGEST SHINOBI IN THE HISTORY OF THIS WORLD, I WILL BECOME A GOD. . . . . . . . . . Yamato: So you've choosen your ninja way, have you. Inei: Till now My life was a forge, my nightmares were the flames and my Shinobi way is the sword which came out of it. Unlike the story we know this one is a bit different, This story isn't about the a knucklehead shinobi, it is about a cry..... a cry of the past, A vision and The virtue. As the story unfolds see what was The mysterious shinobi's resolve and How did tears of a fragile boy forged him into an indestructible sword and From that to the strongest Shinobi in the History.

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will rewrite, remove from library

A man from our(?) world finds himself in a place he knows nothing about. The "place" in question being the version of hell from the shows, "Helluva Boss" and "Hazbin Hotel", of course. Now reincarnated as a certain baby imp in a body he hates, he must find a way to survive in this brand new literal hell hole! ________________ (notes from the Author) 1. I won't be specific but I'm still pretty young and only plan to do this for fun or to relieve stress. So feel free to expect typos, inappropriate punctuation placement and so much more!! 2. I plan to keep the humor just about the same as in the source material. In the case that you're against reading about violence, gore, cursing, epic fight scenes and other stuff like that, I'd recommend you don't read this epic tale. 3. Story will have lemon scenes with not completely human characters. There'll be a warning in chaps like those. And they won't happen for a looooong time. 4. I love to hear your criticism since I am writing this to improve my writing abilities. This also happens to be the reason I'm starting by writing a FF, because I do hope to make my own novels at some point. 5. Still on the topic of criticism, if you complain abt something that i've explained in one of these disclaimers or make a shitty review just to be an ass and discourage me, I'll fucking find you. . . . jk . . . . 6. I likely won't have an update schedule for this, but bonus chapters may become a thing in the future depending on stone donations and stuff. And don't go removing it from your library after just a few weeks of no new chaps, I'll eventually come back. 7. Don't forget this is a FF so don't go complaining when I change things from the story or use my own theories to fill in blanks. This is especially important considering the fact that neither "HB" or "HH" are complete. 8. This story will more closely relate to the themes of HB than HH. Making the characters look cool and form valuable relationships will have more priority than the redemption of tainted souls. Though even with this in mind I'll try to even out the HB and HH content as much as possible.(along with a lot of my own stuff and shit) 9. Slow-pased as fuck Alright cool, with all of that out of the way hopefully the weaklings have been weeded out. For those of you still reading, get ready for the ride of an after-life time(maybe)! ( I own nothing except for my theories and original characters. Hazbin Hotel and Helluva boss are owned by Vivziepop and A24, Studios all rights reserved to them ofc. I also don't know who made the cover, if the original artist would like me to remove it, I will. Also, everyone can feel free to message me on Discord: SickPickle or bicndalls idk)

MeButBetter · TV
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[OLD LINK] My Obsession

Here is the New Novel Link! https://www.webnovel.com/book/my-obsession_18953662306860405 [This novel link will be used as announcement only Thanks!] Yang Tian-Xu is a direct descent of the Yang Family and holds the heavy burdens to the family’s name. However, in this modern world, there is no longer any war. They are at peace, and the Yang Family had to venture their footsteps into the business world. Instead of conquering the bloody battlefield in the new era they, the Yang Family had conquered the business world and became powerful and wealthy family household in the country. In city Y, where the Yang Family dominated, Yang Tian-Xu had seen a girl he had never met before across the street and had fallen in love at first sight. His obsession grew stronger and stronger, as he longed to see her again. ------------------------------------------------ Author's Note: ------------------------------------------------ Good News! I have received a non-exclusive contract with this novel, meaning I still have my rights to this novel (only I just earn a bit less compare to exclusive contract.) So this mean you will be able to unlock chapters on webnovel now! Yay! Look forward to the new novel link, The contents of this novel will be deleted (once the new novel link gets published.) Author's Website : www.d2d-dare2dream.store I will upload more chapters whenever I want to advertise for this series. So please buy a copy of the EBook on Amazon. Volume 1: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NQ23CZR Volume 2: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084TCTNVK Volume 3: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08WPXNS4W Volume 4: I'm working on it! Thank you for all who are still supporting this novel. -------------------------------------------------- For more chapters become a patreon: Visit: https://d2d-dare2dream.store For novel announcement join the author's discord channel! https://discordapp.com/invite/fT9tQgh *Also posted on RRL*

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