
Chapter 75 - My Turn

"Is that Wishful Thinking playing? How are they there and what is this song? It gets my blood pumping!"

"I know right! Makes me want to punch somebody!"


The people who were watching the war beginning to take place couldn't hold back their excitement when they heard Wishful Thinking start playing.

Charles' voice brought out their inner emotions, and they couldn't hold themselves back. Someone actually did punch somebody, causing a small brawl to break out.

"I merely wish to test the distance between us and him!"

Mihawk said as he swung his sword down causing a wave of energy to shoot out from his sword towards Whitebeard.

Whitebeard watched the wave come to him but stood still as if he wasn't afraid.

A man ran in front of the wave and used his body to block it! He gritted his teeth and roared loudly as he pushed the energy wave up into the sky.

Bob looked at Mihawk and chuckled.

"You can't cut through diamond?"

Mihawk glared at Bob for a moment but put his sword away.

The Whitebeard pirates started to battle against the marines.

Bob felt his body itching as he watched the explosions and blood spilling. He wanted to move, but none of the other warlords made a move yet.

A moment later a bright light shined in the air. It dimmed down as Admiral Kizaru appeared.

"Sacred String of Jewels!"

Small lights of energy shot out from his hands aiming straight at Whitebeard.

A figure soared in the air and blocked the attack from reaching Whitebeard.

The impact of the attack caused a huge gust of wind to emerge.

"You just can't go straight for the King ya know."

Bob grinned as he looked at Marco.

He wanted that as well, the ability to fly. However, he couldn't get wings to emerge on his back in his human beast form.

Marco changed into a full on phoenix and flew towards Kizaru. Kizaru started to attack Marco, but it did no harm to him as Maroc's regenerating ability was far too superior.

Marco kicked Kizaru sending him flying. Kizaru crashed into the wall, but came back as if nothing happened.

The giants of the marines started to move next, with large weapons in their hands.

Diamond Jozu told everyone to stand back as he hit the ground. He managed to create a block of ice when he hit the ground. He picked the giant block of ice up with his hands and flung it backwards towards the marines.

Admiral Akainu looked at the giant block of ice falling towards him from the sky. He got up from his seat and made a fist as magma emerged from his arm.

"Great Eruption!"

He punched towards the giant block of ice.

The ice was shattered easily and melted due to the intense heat of the magma. Volcanic rocks started to fall from the sky.

"Charge straight for the plaza!"

One of the Whitebeard pirates shouted.

"I can't just sit here any longer."

Bob said as he put his hand on Worlds End.

"I can't let you be the first one to move."

Doflamgio said as he did his hideous laugh.

Bob dashed onto the battlefield. He saw a large giant with yellow-green skin and orage hair wielding a sword high above his head. He slashed down towards the warships.

Bob jumped in the air and drew Worlds End as he took on the giants sword attack.

Bob used armament haki to cover his sword and arms, but he still felt his body tremble from the impact. Bob roared loudly as he put more strength behind his blade swing, but the giant had overwhelming strength.

Worlds End had black mist coming from the blade as it took on the full force of the giant.

Bob's body was sent towards the ground.

The giant's attack didn't go through, but everyone figured that he took Bob out with that attack.

The ground was cracked under the impact of Bob landing on the ground.

As the smoke settled, they saw Bob still standing tall with black mist coming from his blade.

Bob looked up at the giant.

"Hey! My turn."

Bob said as he used Spellblade to cover his blade in a white flame.

Worlds End passive was already activated, but Bob did not know how much damage it managed to Absorb. Afterall, there wasn't a limit to it.

The white flames and black mist seemed to merge together.

Bob swung Worlds End towards the giant creating a giant grey arc. The giant roared as he swung his blade to meet the arc. As his blade touched the crescent arc his hands started to tremble, he gritted his teeth and tried to push it away. However, the force was too strong, he's never encountered anything like it.


The giant's blade was sent flying out of his hand as the Giant landed on his back.

"Little Oars!"

The Whitebeard pirates yelled.

The marines started to cheer loudly for Bob.

"So, that's what he's capable of…"

Sengoku said to himself as he observed Bob's attack.

Ace's mouth was trembling as he saw Bob.

'Even you Bob?'

With Oars down, the marines started firing at him but they weren't doing much damage.

Bob knew that his attack wasn't enough to kill the guy, but he'd be getting up again and might be looking for revenge.

Whitebeard pirates started to charge towards Bob.

Bob sheathed Worlds End and drew Winters Chill.

Worlds End was used for those Bob would be cautious against, if they could do massive damage to him he'd use this sword. It'd take all their damage and return it to them twice fold!

Winters Chill had a blue chill coming from it.

"You want me? Come get me!"

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