
Chapter 1: Salted Fish and Cat_2

Translator: 549690339

Can't afford to offend.


Qin Yu wasn't aware that her father bled heavily because of her biting, but when she fainted, her consciousness seemed to return to that pit. A lot of soil fell, but after being burned by the cigarette on her lower awareness and looking up, she vaguely heard a cat's cry.

The soil suddenly went back.

It's like the visual effect of dragging the mouse back on a video software screen on the computer.

Or the more obvious frame-by-frame fast rewind on FLASH.

The soil returned to the shovel, the shovel swung back, the person waving the shovel retreated, and went back into the car... and she was also back in the car, the car window closed, and the car started to move backward.

As she blinked, scenes flashed by outside the window, high-rise buildings began to collapse, trendy billboards were corroded by steel, the words became blurred, the soil smelled of flowers and grass, then began to rot, crawling out of the rot were insects, who retreated back to the big tree. Through the window at the top of the tree, she saw herself in the house, being pressed down by a man, from old to young, from numb to pain, from pain to despair, from despair to hope....

Even those masters who have studied for years and produced a thick stack of works can hardly imagine that she would see the unspeakable years from her youthful days like wine and song.

—Perhaps it's because they've never died.

But anyway, time rewinds, and she goes back from the bustling city to the backward countryside, seeing a husband and wife getting up early in the dark, dressing, washing, cooking, and carefully restraining their voices so as not to wake up.

Those were her parents.

They went to work together, and then she, still a young girl, sneaked out of bed, grabbed the small hoe in the corner of the wall, and left the house....

A few hoe strikes later, it seemed like something had been dug up, but before she could take a closer look, an overwhelming stench came her way.

That seemed to be...

Salty dried fish? Then she saw the terrifying ghost energy condensing into a terrible evil cat's face.

The dream shattered, she woke up suddenly, but noticed herself on a warm and broad back.

Was the dream broken, and now she was in reality, or still in the butterfly's dream?

Was she dead or alive?

The person carrying her was tall, his steps were quick, and it seemed to be evening, the wind was a bit strong, and it was cold.

She couldn't help but shrink her body, feeling so cold that she cursed in her heart—Go to hell, butterfly!

"Xiao Yu, are you cold? It's a bit smelly here, your dad will walk faster. It's strange, how did the smell from that wasteland come out...."

On the left and right was a deaf man, who couldn't hear his daughter's words, so after speaking, Qin Yuan's steps got bigger and bigger, but Qin Yu was in a daze, as the dream had a big impact on her.

It seemed both real and fake.

Until she saw something scrutinizing her in the grass in a daze, she involuntarily looked back and saw something crouching in the grass.

A cat.

A cat hiding in the stinky grass.

It stared at her with greenish and slightly amber eyes.

It's strange, even though they were far apart, and her eyesight wasn't good, plus the dim light, she could clearly see its pupils.

There was a mysterious playfulness in the cat's eyes, and it lifted its cat's paw, licked the back of its paw, looked arrogantly gorgeous, but suddenly its cheek bulged, and it made a rolling eye plus vomiting action.

The impact of the scene was a bit big, and suddenly in her mind popped out some smooth, rarely encountered words for a country girl—This dead cat is so damn cheap that it's like a punchable expression package.

Looking back, it was gone, leaving only the cold autumn night like a mist.


There was candlelight in the hut, and from afar, Qin Yu saw a slender and thin shadow at the doorway, blending with the candlelight in the night, then quickly approaching them.

Qin Yuan also picked up the pace.

But when the couple met, they were silent.

A deaf person who couldn't hear, a mute person who couldn't speak, it's hard to say whether it's God's wonderful arrangement to make them match each other, or a cruel twist of fate.

But Qin Yu lived in such a family where communication was difficult.

Just like now, she should be running over to hug her mother.

But she had an unreal timidity, and could only watch her mother approach in a daze. She seemed cautious, and also distressed, reaching out to touch Qin Yu's forehead, but hesitated at something and instead gently touched Qin Yu's somewhat messy hair.

For an ordinary girl, one might think that her mother was disgusted with her.

But Qin Yu knew that this was the way she and her mother got along — her daughter's rejection led to her mother's timidity.

She was used to it before, but today it was different, a surge of emotion deep in her heart... maybe the dream was too scary, too real.

The feeling of getting something back is not necessarily satisfaction, but it may also be a fear of losing it again.

That's why she instinctively stepped forward and hugged Mrs. Qin's slender waist.

Ahead was the faint, elegant scent of wheat, and a touch of soap and powder.

Just like that, Qin Yu dispelled those strange memories. That was a dream, just a dream.

Her parents were so real and alive in front of her eyes.

This complete, real person was not a bloody and distorted corpse after falling to the ground.

"Mom..." Only after speaking did she realize her voice was incredibly soft and tender.

Like a young girl.

But she was a young girl.

Sixteen years old!

Mr. and Mrs. Qin were also surprised, as their usual cold and taciturn daughter seemed different today....

But since the couple doesn't have good communication skills, Mrs. Qin, as the mother, plucked up the courage to reach out—fastening the top three buttons of Qin Yu's clothes.

Fearing her daughter would get cold.

Only then did Qin Yu notice that she had three buttons undone on her collar, no wonder it was a bit cold just now.

But... she hadn't undone the buttons before she fainted.

Who did it? Could it be... that weird cat?!!

— This cat seemed a bit lecherous.

As the family entered the door, Qin Yu might have been thinking about that strange cat, so she unconsciously looked around and happened to see a dark shadow behind a big tree in the dim night. It seemed to be hiding behind the tree, and when she looked over, it hid back behind the tree.

The height of that shadow... it didn't seem like a cat.

Qin Yu felt uneasy.

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