

Do people in this site like stories with talented geniuses mc that look super handsome and are always villans? because i've been seeing this too much in here

Like it's always reborn as obito, naruto, sasuke, or some oc that is either uzumaki or uchiha, and if they aren't they either have a System that gives the the possibility of doing quest and getting this abilities or a shop

I even see things like reincarnated as a saiyan but bro there are other races in the universe like i saw one story about a guy being a human in dbz, and when i ask people people be saying "oh it's because humans have limit this and that" first of all you have no imagination

Anyway Most of the reason why the humans don't fight almost never is because niw for saitans like Goku you just need to scream in base form or in supee saiyan to become stronger trust if they continued training they would ve stronger there is tien that still trains buy he has a dojo and he doesn't appear that much anymore

And for naruto fanfics :i have come to terms recently with chakra level that surpass hokage only being available for certain individuals and ok but why do i see the same mid harem trash stories with a loser from our world becoming naruto or sasuke or kakashi or just some extra but why havent' i seen one story where there is a way to increase chakra reserves beyon the limit or idk just something like this. I come to the naruto world i am crippled so i train my body something like that like we've seen lee and guy just train and looks at them they are strong almost no chakra just pure training and hands also power of youth like ong this site needs creativity i'm willing to give ideas but at same time i'm scared they might ruin the idea i gave like some authors just don't know what to do with they're stories and then it becomes a multiverse harem overpiwered story sith females that have no uniqueness at all

Like i want to see a story of a guy with no talent or genius that uses power with creativity like in one piece with devil fruits like i want to see cool forms and powers adventure that makes you feel super excited for the next chapter okay that might be too much but still,

I'm sorry if any of you got angry but i felt someone needed to say this

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