
First establishment

Ning Xi woke up the next morning feeling bright and strong, she looked around and realized Gu Zhen was gone.

'What a relief!'

Why did she feel like she had a really good sleep? Her whole body felt so flexible.

'Today is exams!'

Ning Xi washed up and dressed in a white dress designed with butterflies, she tied her long hair into a bun and grabbed her backpack.

She grabbed only a little of breakfast, then hopped into the bus.

Her father had given her pocket money, she would use some to gamble after school and if she was lucky she could gain some money.

Ning Xi arrived at school when everyone was seated already, luckily Ming You had left a seat for her.

Ning Xi took out the needed materials for the exams and settled down.

Soon the papers were shared and there were whispers everywhere.

"Quiet now, if I see or hear you talking your papers will be cancelled!", The invigilator warned.

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